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A mudança legal Portaria 195/2020 é um tema importante para todos que fazem negócios em Portugal e está definitivamente tornando o final de 2020 um momento desafiador para muitos de nossos clientes.   

Para ajudá-lo a navegar nessa mudança legal e permanecer informado sobre as atualizações mais recentes, publicaremos atualizações regulares aqui na SAP Community.

Veja o novo blog post com as últimas notícias: Código QR e ATCUD para Portugal: Últimas notícias e perguntas frequentes

O que é a Portaria 195/2020?  

O governo português publicou a Portaria 195/2020 com os seguintes dois requisitos legais:  

  • Código QR:

As empresas são obrigadas a imprimir um código QR em documentos fiscais relevantes, na primeira ou na última página do documento. O código QR contém informações específicas solicitadas pelas autoridades fiscais.
Este requisito é válido a partir de janeiro de 2021.

  • ATCUD:

As empresas devem obter um novo código de validação de série e depois utilizá-lo para gerar o ATCUD, que é um código único atribuído a cada documento. O ATCUD é notificado no arquivo SAF-T. 
Este requisito foi agora adiado para janeiro de 2022 (Despacho 412/2020).  

Para mais informações sobre a mudança legal, consulte a publicação no site do governohttps://dre.pt/application/conteudo/140210523 

O que está por vir 

Estaremos monitorando atentamente as mudanças legais e informaremos se houver notícias e impacto no sistema via blog post e publicações no Announcement of Legal Change app via SAP ONE Support Launchpad. Você pode filtrar por Country/Region Portugal Portaria para ver todos os anúncios relacionados à essa mudança legal.  

Para o código QR, fornecemos até o momento o seguinte:  

  • SAP ERP e SAP S/4HANA: Uma solução genérica está disponível para uso com seus próprios layouts de impressão (SAP Note 2981449, 2981450, and 2981451).

É importante ressaltar que a solução genérica não depende de país ou região e pode ser utilizada com o seu próprio código. Se você decidir reutilizar alguns objetos da solução de código QR para Portugal, conforme descrito no anexo da SAP Note 2981450, você precisará implementar também as SAP Notes subsequentes que serão entregues a partir de 9 de dezembro. Essas SAP Notes estão listadas na SAP Note 2981450.

Uma das SAP Notes que estão por vir entregará a solução para os tipos de fonte de documentos de faturamento SD (BILLING_DOCUMENT) e faturas (FI_ACCDOC).

  • Para dicas em como implementar código QR em Smart Forms, veja SAP Knowledge Base Article 3003734.

Você pode esperar saber mais sobre as seguintes funcionalidades de código QR em breve:

  • SAP ERP e SAP S/4HANA: Os layouts de impressão fornecidos pela SAP estão sendo atualizados (entrega prevista a partir de 9 de dezembro). 

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud: Os layouts de impressão atualizados estão planejados como parte da entrega do SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011 (entrega prevista a partir de 15 de dezembro).

Fiquem em contato...  

Enquanto isso, fique à vontade para deixar seus comentários abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestões para uma publicação futura. E não se esqueça de seguir a tag do SAP S/4HANA aqui na SAP Community para ficar atento às notícias mais recentes.  

Fiquem bem 

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization 



QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Stay Tuned to the Latest Updates on Portaria 195/2020


Hi everyone, 

Portaria 195/2020 is a hot topic for everyone doing business in Portugal and is definitely making the end of 2020 and beyond a challenging time for many of our customers.  

To help you navigate this legal change and stay informed about the latest updates, we’ll be publishing regular updates here on SAP Community.

Check out the following blog post with the latest news: QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Latest News and FAQ.

What is Portaria 195/2020?

The Portuguese government published Portaria 195/2020 with the following two legal requirements: 

  • QR code: Companies are required to print a QR code in fiscally relevant documents, either on the first or last page of the document. The QR code contains specific information requested by the tax authorities.
    This requirement is valid as of January 2021.

  • ATCUD: Companies must obtain a new series validation code and then use it to generate the ATCUD, which is a unique code assigned to each document. The ATCUD is reported in the SAF-T file.
    This requirement has now been postponed to January 2022 (Despacho 412 for 2020). 

For more information about the legal change, see the publication on thegovernment website: https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/140210523. 

What’s coming up? 

We’re monitoring the legal changes closely and will let you know if there’s any news and impact on the system through blog posts and publications in the Announcement of Legal Change app via SAP ONE Support Launchpad. You can filter by Portugal and Portaria to see all legal change announcements related to the legal change. 

For the QR code, we have delivered the following features so far:

  • SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA: A generic solution is available to use with your own print layouts  (SAP Note 2981449, 2981450, and 2981451).

Note that the generic solution is country/region-independent and can be used with your own code. If you decide to reuse some objects from the QR code solution for Portugal, as explained in the cookbook attached to SAP Note 2981450, you also need to implement subsequent SAP Notes that will be released no earlier than December 9. These SAP Notes are listed in SAP Note 2981450.

One of these subsequent SAP Notes will deliver the QR code solution for the source types SD billing documents (BILLING_DOCUMENT) and FI invoices (FI_ACCDOC).

  • For helpful hints on implementing the QR code in Smart Forms, see SAP Knowledge Base Article 3003734.

You can expect to hear more about the following QR code features soon:

  • SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA: Print layouts provided by SAP are being updated (no earlier than December 9).

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud: Updated print layouts are planned as part of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011 (no earlier than December 15).

Stay in touch... 

In the meantime, feel free to leave your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for an upcoming post. And don’t forget to follow the SAP S/4HANA tag here on SAP Community to stay tuned to the latest news. 

Take care, 

Ailane Kuhn 

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization 
0 Kudos


We are trying to install the new OSS notes that allows to add QRCODE in our SMART FORMS Documents. We have installed but the data is not being populated into the QRCODE, we have tried to populated manual (hardcode) to see if works, and is working. But now we are tiring to identify how to trigger the automatic load of the data.. we are sending and testing with parameters "PT" and "BILLING_DOCUMENT"

Who can help us?

Luis Silva

0 Kudos
Hi Luis

Please open one incident, so that you can get some support.

Regards, Marta
Hello !

Take a look at OSS Notes:

3050902 - RDSV Mapping for QRCode - Central Service
3050903 - RDSV Mapping for QRCode - Implementation Portugal

They create utility classes to populate data for SD Invoices.

0 Kudos
is ATCUD solution from SAP is released for the invoices ?
0 Kudos


We are identifying errors in the VAT fields in the Qrcode of the delivery notes and we are opening an incident in SAP with these situations.

However, we have doubts about whether the value fields in case of the delivery notes must be filled. We don´t find the Portuguese legislation which requires that the value fields must be filled in, for the deliveries, since, for example, in the XML that is used for the prior communication of delivery notes to the AT, these fields do not have values and in SAP the deliveries notes does do not have values only sales order and invoices do.

Additionally, the example that is in the "technical specifications" is of an unvalued delivery and thus I think that it was assumed that the structure of the fields is the same as that of the invoice in other cases?

Can you please help us with this.

Thank you

Catarina Alves


Hi Marta,

I saw in the new document "Especificacoes_Tecnicas_Codigo_QR_V1.1" the following information about delivery notes values (page 17.):

"(*) Ainda que este registo se encontre valorizado na base de dados do programa, se o documento não exibir os valores, estes também não poderão constar do código QR. Igual procedimento deverá ser adotado nos documentos que sejam suscetíveis de apresentação ao cliente e que possibilitem a conferência de mercadorias ou de prestação de serviços que se encontrem valorizados na base de dados, quando os valores não constem dos documentos."

But the values are always populate.

Can you please help us,

Best regards




0 Kudos
Thanks Jean-Marc.

We have read these 2 OOS Notes and try to generate the QR CODE in our Smart forms,. but we are doing something wrong because we can get the QR CODE but without any values to populate him.

We have raised a Ticket (765871 / 2021) but until now we only have answers about the QR CODE  generation but not any clarification about the method to get the data into the QR CODE.
0 Kudos
Thanks Marta.

We have raised a Ticket (765871 / 2021) but until now we only have answers about the QR CODE  generation but not any clarification about the method to get the data into the QR CODE.

We will update the ticket with more details about what is happening (or not happening).
Hello Luis,

Part of the information used in the methods to generate QR code data comes from table SIPT_LIKP.

This table is filled only if you have activated Digital Signature for Outbound Deliveries documents.

For this go to SPRO, Cross-Application Components / General Application Functions / Digital Signature / Country-specific Settings / Portugal. There you should find customizing for Outbound Delivery Documents (with also custo for FI, SD and MM documents).

We just managed to generate a QR Code for a newly created OD (PGI must be done), but we have a problem to understand how to handle the "Reference Document Number" behaviour after activating this.

0 Kudos
Thanks again Jean-Marc.

Yes, we have activated  activated Digital Signature for Outbound Deliveries and all Billing documents for some years.. Tables SIPT_LIKP, SIPT_VBRK are populated and we have tested in lower machines with documents that we have confirm that were activated for Digital Signature.

We will check the the mentioned Notes to see if we are doing something wrong.


Luis Silva
Sorry just realized I was talking about QR on Outbound Deliveries but your problem is on SD Invoices.

Here is my code for SD Invoices to retrieve data for QR code :
DATA: lo_map              TYPE REF TO cl_sipt_map_qrc_pt_sd,
lo_source_object_pt TYPE cl_sipt_qrcode_pt=>source_object_pt,
lo_exc_map TYPE REF TO cx_rdsv_map,
lo_source_object TYPE cl_rdsv_map_util_sd=>source_object_sd,
ls_key TYPE cl_rdsv_map_util_sd=>keys_sd.

DATA: lo_exc_qrc TYPE REF TO cx_rdsv_qrcode,
ls_qrc_get_param TYPE cl_rdsv_qrcode=>qrcode_get_param.

* First get invoice data in RDSV format
ls_key-vbeln = is_bil_invoice-hd_gen-bil_number.
EXPORTING key = ls_key
IMPORTING source_object = lo_source_object ).
EXPORTING source_object = lo_source_object
IMPORTING target_object = lo_source_object_pt ).
CATCH cx_rdsv_map INTO lo_exc_map.

* Then call QR code generation
ls_qrc_get_param-intca = 'PT'.
ls_qrc_get_param-source_type = 'BILLING_DOCUMENT'.
EXPORTING get_param = ls_qrc_get_param source_object = lo_source_object_pt
IMPORTING qrcode = DATA(ls_qrc_result) ).
" ls_qrc_result-qrstring contains QR code data
gv_str1 = ls_qrc_result-qrstring.
CATCH cx_rdsv_qrcode INTO lo_exc_qrc.

(Check note 3050903)

Thanks again Jean-Mark.


I will send this to our ABAP Experts to see if helps.


Will give you feedback.


Luis Silva
0 Kudos
Hi All,

how is to be settled the QR code parameters  for invoice?

In SE73  I have 3 paramters:

  • Mode (note 2030263)   ( I suppose "B");

  • Module Size

  • ErrCorrLev (L,M,Q,H)   ( I suppose "M").



On a offical document of Autoritade tributaria , I see:

2. Código de barras bidimensional (código QR)
A elaboração do código de barras bidimensional (código QR) deve obedecer às seguintes especificações:
a) Taxa de Recuperação de Erro (ECC): “M”;
b) Tipo: Byte;
c) Pontos por módulo (Size): 2;
d) Versão: v=9 (valor mínimo);
e) Dimensões de imagem: mínimo 30x30 milímetros;
f) Margem de Segurança (Margin): 0,25 cm.
Hi again Jean-Mark.

I would like to thank you very much for all the information sent by you,
this information has been precious to us to include the QR CODE properly
in one of our Smart forms.

We are just checking some issue related to TAX but we think this is
related to incorrect data form the test SAP system where we are
developing this.

co-worker from MH team has ask if is possible to send us the same
information related to the Deliveries :-).

Once again, thank you so much.

Luis Silva

Hi Luis,

You're welcome, my pleasure to help !

For implementation in deliveries, the main OSS note is:


I had several problems while implementing it, because other notes were missing so let me know if you have a problem, I could have the answer...

The implemented code in smartforms:
DATA: lcl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill TYPE REF TO cl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill,
lcl_rdsv_qrcode TYPE REF TO cl_rdsv_qrcode.
DATA: ls_qrcode_obd_data TYPE lcl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill->ty_obd_pt_s,
ls_qrcode_get_param TYPE lcl_rdsv_qrcode->qrcode_get_param.

" Build QR code data using SAP utility tools
CREATE OBJECT lcl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill.
CALL METHOD lcl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill->get_qrcode_obd_data
iv_delivery = is_dlv_delnote-hd_gen-deliv_numb
qrcode_obd_data = ls_qrcode_obd_data.

ls_qrcode_get_param-intca = 'PT'.
ls_qrcode_get_param-source_type = 'OUTBOUND_DELIVERY'.
CALL METHOD cl_rdsv_qrcode=>get_qrcode
get_param = ls_qrcode_get_param
source_object = ls_qrcode_obd_data
qrcode = DATA(ls_qrc_result).
gv_str1 = ls_qrc_result-qrstring.

We faced an issue while testing this, and we had to implement a correction note:


Hope this will help you !

Hello Nicola,

Check note 3003734

You will find there a PDF document explaining how to set the QR Code in SE73.

0 Kudos
I used this solution.

But there is still another hint: The table saft_pt_tax_data

The key-field taxexpirationdate is empty. That is the state that was delivered by the notes/Service pack. If you look at it via SM30, you wil get this as warning as well and and in the method get_tax_settings(cl_sipt_pr_util) you get a sy-subr <> 0. No QR-code will be generated.

I've set the taxexpirationdate to date in the future for all items and it works.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi all

I am actually testing the creation of the QRCODE for PT.

The field HEADER-BUYER-TAX_ID is obligatory. (Error message SIPT 451)

This field shall be filled from KNA1-STCEG - the VAT-Id of the client. but this VAT-Id exists only with european clients.

The QRCODE is it only nessessary for FI-documents within the CE? In this case: How to suppress the error-message?


How can I obtain the QRCODE as well?

Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Jean,

Thanks much for all the relevant notes you have given for Portugal QR code. We also need to implement this QR code in SAFT report as well, Do we need to do anything additional to achieve this requirement.

0 Kudos
Hi Arun,

I did not have to manage the SAFT report, so unfortunately I have no more information concerning this...

Hi Jean-Marc.

I would like to thank you again now on behalf of my colleague Carlos from MH team.

It was ,again, a big big help for us, with this we are finally moving on with this Topic.

About the implementation of the code in the SD billing now is working properly and we are now implementing this in all out SD smart forms.

Once again, many thank for your grate help.


Best regards

Luis Silva
0 Kudos
Hi Jorg.

I will check with my collogue from FICO if he can help, and will give you after some feed-back.

Best regards

Hello Jean-Marc.

I'm the MH colleague of Luis Silva and I would like to thank your great help/sharing on this topic.

It was a Crucial Help that assist us on Moving Forward in the implementation of the QR Code in the delivery note.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Carlos Silva
0 Kudos
Hi Jorg,

You should check OSS note:

3054111 - RDSV QRCode - Implementation Portugal: Correction fields B, L, N, and O

Seems to cover your problem:

  • Field B (NIF of the buyer), if initial for foreign countries, triggers an error

Hi Jean-Marc,


That was it. Thanks a lot.

0 Kudos
Bom dia,

Com a implementação do Qrcode nas guias de remessa e após implementação da nota SAP Nº

3030009 PT Digital Signature QR Code for delivery form: Movement type issue

Verificámos que o campo  a tabela SIPT_NUMBR_OBD_V coluna " Delivery Types" é obrigatório estar preenchido.

O que está a acontecer é que este campo consoante a máquina SAP (cliente) onde estamos a trabalhar tem entradas diferentes:

Em alguns casos aparecem apenas estas opções:

GT Global Deliveries
GC Consignment Deliveries
GR Normal Deliveries

e outros aparecem estas opções:

GT Remessas globais
GC Remessas à consignação

GR Remessas normais

GA Documento de transporte para imobilizados próprios
GD Retornar nota

GZ Transportar guia


Verificámos também que as entradas desta tabela/campo não correspondem às entradas da tabela WSPT_MOV_TYPE, campo tipo de movimento e as opções deste campo também variam com mais ou menos entradas consoante o cliente.

Alguém já teve esta situação?





Hi Jean-Marc,

I'd like to thank you for your posts (the example code and the OSS notes regarding RDSV Mapping for QRCode). They solved my problem in implementing this QR Code.

I spent almost 2 days trying to populate the parameter SOURCE_OBJECT manually! 🙂

I can't believe SAP didn't put this information in the Cookbook for custumers.

For all fellow ABAPers in charge of implementing this requirement, you can do it!

Merci beaucoup, obrigado,

0 Kudos
Hi Samantha,

De rien, super si ça a pu aider ! 😉


0 Kudos

Regarding QR code for billing documents we found issues regarding “espaços fiscais “. The tax information is not going to the right “espaços fiscais” as stated in OSS 2981453 - Digital Signature QR Code - Implementation Portugal: Classes for SD Billing/FI Invoices, regarding the specification document provided


For what we could analyze, the problem maybe in class CL_SIPT_QRCODE_PT_SD and method  FILL_CONTENT_AMOUNTS. The field region_block is always field with 1.

ADD 1 TO region_block.
CASE region_block.
region_prefix = 'TAX_PT_I'.
region_prefix = 'TAX_PT_J'.
region_prefix = 'TAX_PT_K'.

And for cases where VAT rate is “0” “espaço fiscal” should be filled like I1:0 which do not occur.

The VAT information is only going to "espaços fiscais" started with I. The examples below do not occur.

For invoices from Azores – Espaço fiscal J1 should be filled with  PT-AC

For invoices from Madeira 589001389  - Espaço fiscal K1 should be filled with  PT-MA

For invoices without VAT - Espaço fiscal I1: should be filled with  0

Does anyone had the same issue?



0 Kudos
Hi Jean,

I am trying to compute QR code string for Outbound delivery documents. I am getting error(SIPT 451) as the delivery type(LFART - char4) value is not moved to header-document_type(Char 2), as the move-corresponding fails due to difference in data type.

Did you face any kind of error like this.


Thanks in advance,


Hi Arun,

Yes we faced the same problem.

In fact Document Type SIPT Header is totally different from LFART.

You have to correctly set your Customizing :

Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Digital Signature -> Country-Specific Settings -> Portugal -> Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Outbound Delivery Documents

Here you will see the last field: DelivryTy. This is the field the class is gonna retrieve.

You can chek customiszing table : SIPT_NUMBR_OBD, field LEAD_DOC_TYPE is the LFART, and DELIVERY_TYP is the SIPT one. Link is done with this table in the GET_QRCODE_OBD_DATA method.


PS: You must have OSS note 3030009 implemented !

0 Kudos
Hi Jean,

Thanks a lot for your prompt response. Yes, I debugged and saw this table fetch SIPT_NUMBR_OBD which is 2 character delivery type field. I will ask my functional team to check on this.

Also, I have doubt regarding QR code setup in SE73, How module size is identified. I have maintained QR as QR code 2005 |Normal Alignment |Mode A |Module 17 | Err corr level - M.

Size of QR code in sapscript output is varying depends upon the number of characters in QR code string. Is this normal behavior or can we try to fix the size of QR code?

Thanks in advance,

0 Kudos
Hi Arun,

For me QR code size is always 5cms x 5cms.

Here is my SE73 setting, as recommended by SAP:

QR code 2005 |Normal Alignment |Mode U |Module 00025 | Err corr level - M

0 Kudos

ATCUD SAP Notes was scheduled to be released on Novenber and December.

Do you know when ATCUD Notes will be released?
0 Kudos
Hello SAP ,

for which documents the QR code is mandatory?  Only for invoices or also for transport documents etc?


Kind regards

0 Kudos
Hi Patrick

QR Code is mandatory for all documents digitally signed (invoices, debit  and credit memos, deliveries, pro-formas), receipts and others that you digitally sign today.

Regards, Marta


0 Kudos
Hi Luis

Now that ATCUD was postponed, we will deliver the solution in Q1.
I will post the new dates in a couple of days.

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hello Marta,

thank you for your response. Which documents must have the digital signature? Must every transport document have a digital signature?

Kind regards

0 Kudos

We have the same situation, region prefix is always  'TAX_PT_I'.
Do we miss a note ?



0 Kudos
Hi Patrick

Yes, all the deliveries issued must be digitally signed.

For the Communication to get the transport authorization, only the ones issued for Portugal are mandatory to get that authorization code.

The ones for other countries are not mandatory to be communicated to transport authorization, but are mandatory to be digitally signed.

But this are 2 different solutions: Digital Signature of Deliveries and Transport Communication of Deliveries.

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi João

We talked with TA, and according to them the rules for Espaços fiscais is the following:

When the invoice have only one Espaço Fiscal, independent if it is PT, PT-AC or PT-MA it should always populate tag I1

If the invoice have 2 Espaços Fiscais, it should populate I with PT and J with PT-AC or PT-MA

If the invoice have 3 Espaços Fiscais then should follow the rule I:PT; J: PT-AC and K:PT-MA

If the invoice only have one Exemption VAT it should be populated field I:PT

If the invoice don´t have any VAT (any vat code associated) then is the only moment were the field I must be 0.

This is mentioned in FAQ 10-4127

Regards, Marta

0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

Thanks for the reply,  however the FAQ you mention is not 100% clear regarding espaços fiscais,and does not say that in case you have only one tax region (e.g.PT-AC) it should populate tag I1 (Outras Obrigações > Certif Softw > Código QR (portaldasfinancas.gov.pt)  fo what we could understand it indicates that each specific region should go to a specific espaço fiscal (Especificações Técnicas (portaldasfinancas.gov.pt). Can you give us some more detail regarding what TA said?

Regarding Exemption VAT, thanks for the explanation.


0 Kudos
Hi João

This was the answer received from TA:

"A Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT) agradece o seu contacto.
Informamos que, conforme a FAQ 10-4127, o Código QR deve conter, pelo menos, um espaço fiscal, podendo ser incluídos até três espaços fiscais em simultâneo, nacionais ou estrangeiros, não estando definida uma ordem específica para reportar cada um deles. Desta forma, o campo I1 será preenchido com PT-AC, visto ser o único espaço fiscal constante da fatura que exemplificam. O campo é obrigatório, no sentido em que deve existir sempre um espaço fiscal para representação do código QR, acrescendo que no caso de um documento sem indicação da taxa de IVA, o campo I1 deve ser preenchido com «0»"

Regards, Marta

0 Kudos
Hello Marta,

In my client we have a problem in an Invoice for FI, where we have a item line for a discount.

In the QR Code the tag "O" is filled adding the value of the discount instead of subtracting. There is an example for the discount in the Financial document?

Another Question:
Is it possible to output some QR Code tags with negative values, or it should be all absolute values?

I can share more details and the document with the QR document to be more illustrative.

Best Regards,

Diogo Pimenta
0 Kudos
Hi Diogo

Related with the issue reported in tag O you should open one incident, were you should put the information about the document.

Regarding negative values this is not possible. QR Code only allows absolute values and this is the reason why the discount is being added and not subtracted.

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Patrick,


We have used to have the AT (Authority Transportation Code) printed on the delivery but starting from 06 Dec 2021 it is not.

problems with printing AT numbers in Portugal delivery notes, that at the end led to a discovery that web service communication with Portugal tax authorities is not working. This AT number is received from tax authorities and since 06.12.2021 communication is not successful.


Using transaction WSPT_MONI one can see that there are lots of errors in web service communication with Portuguese tax administration


If there is any change in the IP address that we need to take care of?

BEst Regards,

0 Kudos


There's any class/method we can use to generate QR code for self-billing documents?

For the signed documents saved in SIPT_RBKP.


Best regards,

Bruno Valente.
0 Kudos
Hello SAP Team,

I would like to validate if you already have a date defined to have new OSS Notes for the ATCUD part?

Thank you!
Cátia Ribeiro

Hi Catia

The dates are in the blog that only talks about ATCUD


Regards, Marta

0 Kudos
Bom dia, SAP.


Existe alguma novidade para gerarmos o QR code para self billing?


0 Kudos
Boa tarde

A SAP não irá entregar nenhuma solução específica de QR Code para self Billing.

A string que entregamos terá de ser ajustada pelos clientes que tenham este processo.

