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Dando sequência ao nosso blog inicial Código QR e ATCUD para Portugal: Fique sintonizado com as últimas atualizações da Portaria 195/2020, gostaríamos de resumir algumas atualizações importantes para você nesta publicação.

Desejos de Natal se tornam realidade? O código QR é agora opcional em 2021... (É oficial!)

As autoridades fiscais portuguesas confirmaram que o código QR é opcional em 2021 e só se tornará obrigatório em janeiro de 2022.

Essa decisão agora se encontra no artigo 404 da Lei n.º 75-B/2020 (Apoio extraordinário à implementação do ficheiro SAF -T (PT) e código QR). Para mais informações, veja https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/152639825.

Você também pode verificar o documento publicado no site do Parlamento Português (https://www.parlamento.pt/OrcamentoEstado/Paginas/DetalheIniciativa.aspx?BID=50188), conforme a seguir: 

“b) A aposição em todas as faturas e outros documentos fiscalmente relevantes do código de barras bidimensional (código QR) e do código único de documento (ATCUD) a que se referem o n.º 3 do artigo 7.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 28/2019, de 15 de fevereiro, e os artigos 4.º e 5.º da Portaria 195/2020, de 13 de agosto, é facultativa durante o ano de 2021, tornando-se obrigatória a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2022.”  

SAP ERP & SAP S/4HANA: SAP Notes e Cookbook disponíveis 

Agora você pode implementar as seguintes SAP Notes liberadas recentemente na sequência abaixo. Não deixe de conferir o cookbook na SAP Note principal 2981450!   

Sequência  SAP Note  
2    2981450  

Se você utiliza a conta corrente contratual (FI-CA), veja a SAP Note 3006727.

SAP Notes lançadas e atualizadas em julho de 2021

Para obter informações sobre o mapeamento RDSV para códigos QR, consulte as seguintes SAP Notes:

  • Mapeamento RDSV para código QR - Central Service - 3050902

  • Mapeamento RDSV para código QR - Implementação Portugal - 3050903

Verifique também o cookbook atualizado na SAP Note 2981450.

Código QR para logística – Novas notas SAP

Agora você pode consultar as seguintes notas SAP para logística:

  • Nota coletiva: solução de código QR para entregas - 3008107

  • Nota coletiva: solução de código QR para administração de liquidações - 3008371

Perguntas frequentes sobre código QR

Seguem abaixo algumas perguntas frequentes sobre o código QR em Portugal:  

  • Quais são os tipos de documentos que requerem um código QR?
    As empresas são obrigadas a imprimir um código QR em documentos relevantes para o imposto, como por exemplo, faturas SD, notas de débito e crédito e notas de remessa. O código é impresso na primeira ou na última página do documento. 

  • Para quais tipos de origem e layouts a solução de código QR está disponível? 
    A solução de código QR está sendo fornecida somente para os layouts que a SAP já suporta, por exemplo, os tipos de fonte BILLING_DOCUMENT e FI_ACCDOC com o layout SIPT_INV. Você pode verificar os tipos de fonte fornecidos pela SAP na tabela QR Code Source Types Maintenance (RDSVV_QRC_SRC_R) (transação SM30).

  • Como o código QR se relaciona com SAF-T?
    Algumas informações no código QR também são listadas no relatório SAF-T e, por isso, precisam ser consistentes. Para mais informações sobre SAF-T, veja https://help.sap.com/viewer/s4h-op_portugal > Financial Accounting (FI) > Accounting and Financial Close > Financial Accounting -> General Topics > Taxes (FI-AP/AR) -> SAF-T.  

  • Como posso implementar o código QR para Smart Forms e SAPscript?
    Você pode encontrar dicas úteis sobre a utilização do código QR com Smart Forms no SAP Knowledge Base Article 3003734. Essas informações também podem ser aplicadas a formulários baseados em SAPscript.
    Tenha em mente que a SAP fornece suporte somente para formulários Adobe.

Por agora é tudo! Esperamos que as perguntas frequentes e a visão geral das notas SAP o ajudem a avançar com as suas tarefas de implementação nas próximas semanas e meses.

Como sempre, fique à vontade para deixar seus comentários abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestões para uma publicação futura. E não se esqueça de seguir a tag SAP S/4HANA aqui na SAP Community para ficar atento às notícias mais recentes.

Boas Festas e votos de um excelente 2021!

Fiona Paton 

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization 



QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Latest News and FAQ

Hi everyone, 

Following on from our initial blog post QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Stay Tuned to the Latest Updates on Portaria 195/2020we’d like to summarize a few important updates for you in this post.

Christmas wishes do come true? The QR code is now optional in 2021... (it's official!)

The Portuguese tax authorities have confirmed that the QR code is optional in 2021 and will only become mandatory in January 2022.

This decision has now been set down in law in Legal Decree 75-B/2020, Article 4 (Extraordinary Support for Implementing the SAF-T File and QR Code). For more information, see https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/152639825.

You can also refer to the following document published by the Portuguese Parliament on their official website (https://www.parlamento.pt/OrcamentoEstado/Paginas/DetalheIniciativa.aspx?BID=50188), as follows: 

“b) A aposição em todas as faturas e outros documentos fiscalmente relevantes do código de barras bidimensional (código QR) e do código único de documento (ATCUD) a que se referem o n.º 3 do artigo 7.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 28/2019, de 15 de fevereiro, e os artigos 4.º e 5.º da Portaria 195/2020, de 13 de agosto, é facultativa durante o ano de 2021, tornando-se obrigatória a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2022.” 

SAP ERP & SAP S/4HANA: Recently Released SAP Notes and Cookbook

You can now implement the following SAP Notes in the sequence shown. Make sure you check out the cookbook in the main SAP Note 2981450.

Sequence  SAP Note  
2    2981450  

If you use Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA), please have a look at SAP Note 3006727.

New and Updated SAP Notes Released in July 2021

For information about RDSV mapping for QR codes, see the following SAP Notes:

  • RDSV Mapping for QRCode - Central Service - 3050902

  • RDSV Mapping for QRCode - Implementation Portugal - 3050903 

Make sure you also check out the updated cookbook in SAP Note 2981450.


QR Code for Logistics – New SAP Notes

You can now refer to the following SAP Notes for logistics:

  • Collective Note: QR Code Solution for Deliveries - 3008107

  • Collective Note: QR Code Solution for Settlement Management - 3008371


We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about QR code for Portugal: 

  • Which type of documents require a QR code?
    Companies are required to print a QR code in fiscally relevant documents, for example, SD billing invoices, debit and credit memos, and delivery notes. The code is printed either on the first or last page of the document. 

  • For which source types and layouts is the QR code solution available?
    The QR code solution is being delivered only for the layouts that SAP already supports, for example, source types BILLING_DOCUMENT and FI_ACCDOC with layout SIPT_INV. You can check the source types delivered by SAP in the view QR Code Source Types Maintenance (RDSVV_QRC_SRC_R) (transaction SM30).

  • How does the QR code relate to SAF-T?
    Some information in the QR code is also listed in the SAF-T report and it therefore needs to be consistent. For more information about SAF-T, see https://help.sap.com/viewer/s4h-op_portugal > Financial Accounting (FI) > Accounting and Financial Close > Financial Accounting -> General Topics > Taxes (FI-AP/AR) -> SAF-T.  

  • How can I implement the QR code for Smart Forms and SAPscript?
    You can find helpful hints about using the QR code with Smart Forms in SAP Knowledge Base Article 3003734. The information can also be applied to forms based on SAPscript.
    Keep in mind that SAP provides support only for Adobe Forms.

That's all for now! We hope that the FAQ and the overview of SAP Notes will help you to make progress with your implementation tasks in the coming weeks and months.

As always, feel free to leave your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for an upcoming post. And don’t forget to follow the SAP S/4HANA tag here on SAP Community to stay tuned to the latest news. 

Happy holidays and all the best for 2021! 

Fiona Paton

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization 
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks for the update, obrigado!!

This brings definitely relief!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks, Fiona. Definitely good news.
0 Kudos
You're welcome - glad to be able to pass on some good news!
0 Kudos

I see that note 3008107 cannot be implemented in our system.

I also saw that other notes are connected:

2973144 1 Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Configuration
3001700 1 Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal : DDIC Objects for Deliveries
3003940 1 Logistics Localization for Portugal : GLO-LOG-PT Package Creation
3007679 1 Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal : Control Structure to Print QR Code
3008057 1 Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Data Provisioning Interface
3008058 1 Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Delivery: Data Provider/ Form Layout

Could you please suggest? Should I implement the first 6 notes and then the 3008107?

Best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Giorgio,

we´ll follow up internally - that said, please open an incident under XX-CSC-PT-LO, it is very well possible that this is a customer specific issue.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Giorgio,

This is Matheus.

3008107 is a KBA (Knowledge-based article) that is different from an SAP Note, as it does not contain any changes in code but only instructions on how to proceed.. So, if you try to implement it in SNOTE you will face an issue.

The solution proposed on it is to apply the collective of notes, you mentioned in your post, to have the implementation of QR Code for deliveries in your system.

So, you can go ahead and apply the notes you mentioned following the sequence described in 3008107, as below:





Logistics Localization for Portugal : GLO-LOG-PT Package Creation



Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal : DDIC objects for Deliveries



Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal : Control Structure to Print QR code



Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Data Provisioning Interface



Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Delivery: Data provider/ Form layout



Digital Signature QR Code for Portugal: Configuration

Also, before proceeding with the notes above, ensure that the prerequisites notes below were implemented in the appropriate sequence.



Digital Signature QR Code - Central Tool: Prerequisite Objects for SAP Note 2981450



Digital Signature QR Code - Central Tool



Digital Signature QRCode - Central Tool – Configuration

Hope this solves your query. However, in case of any further issue or question, kindly suggest you to open an incident under XX-CSC-PT-LO.

So, we will be able to provide you a more detailed analysis.

Kind regards






0 Kudos
Hi Matheus,

I implemented the all notes apart from the last one 2973144.

It seems that it is missing something in the manual activities, because it asks me to execute report NOTE_2973144 but it does not exist.

Could you please advice?

Best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Giorgio,

To have the report “NOTE_2973144" in your system, you need to copy the UDO for the report relevant to your Release.

You can find the correct instruction by following the steps below:

A) Open the SAP Note 2973144 (Click here to open).

B) Click on the tab “Corrections Instructions” or scroll down the page until the “Corrections Instructions” section in the SAP Note.

C) Here you will found a sheet with the appropriate instruction for each system version. You need to click on the option inside column “number” for the line that refers to your system version.

D) Through that, SAP Logon will open to you and you will be able to run the mentioned report through SNOTE.

If you still face issues, I would be glad to proceed to assist you via incident.

In this case, kindly suggest you open an incident under XX-CSC-PT-LO, so I will be able to proceed with a deeper analysis of your system.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Mattheus,

Thanks for your instructions!

It seems I still cannot run the report.


I open the incident 121555/2021 in SAP.


Could you please support?


Best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Giorgio,

I have already taken the incident and will proceed to assist you through it.


0 Kudos
Our environment is on ECC 7.5 SP01 and the solution for QR Code is in SP16. When we tried to implement the notes manually, we got list of 136 OSS note, each note has own prerequisite and prerequisite has own dependency and prerequisites. Implementing such a large number of OSS note is complicated, we do not have bandwidth to implement Support Pack upgrade as we have plan to move to S/4 release and there is no bandwidth to invest in SP upgrade. Could you please recommend is there any plan to provide a single bundle with all required recommendation to implement Portugal QR Code.
Appreciate guidance and support.
0 Kudos
Hello All ,


As SAP Provided class and method to get details about OBD

( cl_qrcode_pt_obd_utill->get_qrcode_obd_data )


Do we have some class or information available for how to extract data for Invoices (source_type='BILLING_DOCUMENT'.)


Or any one already implemented workable logic ,It will help every one out here.



0 Kudos

Can anyone tell me which notes should we implement to allow the creation of the ATCUD code?


I searched about that and I found no information,


Best regards,

0 Kudos

Can you please provide a complete list of all the SAP notes available for the QR Code and ATCUD implementation?

Thanks in advance.


Kind regards,

0 Kudos
Hello all, hope you are well and safe.

Any news about the ATCUD implementation? When the implementation steps are going to be released?

Thank you in advance.


Luis Mendes
0 Kudos
Hi Giorgio

We still did not release the notes for ATCUD.

You can follow all the information on the BLOG ATCUD para Portugal: Prepare-se para o novo requisito legal da Portaria 195/2020

Best Regards, Marta

0 Kudos
Hi Helena

For ATCUD we still don´t have any note release. You can follow all the information of ATCUD in the specific Blog ATCUD para Portugal: Prepare-se para o novo requisito legal da Portaria 195/2020

For QR Code, you have the following collective note:

3008107 - For deliveries

About QR Code notes, it you have several notes and depending if you are using ADOBE or SmartForms the notes can be different.

So please find the notes using the tool with the keys: QR Code, and component XX-CSC-PT-LO and XX-CSC-PT-BIL

Best Regards, Marta



0 Kudos
Hi Luis

Still not release the solution for ATCUD, but you can follow all the information in the BLOG ATCUD para Portugal: Prepare-se para o novo requisito legal da Portaria 195/2020

Best Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi all.

We have implemented the plant abroad company solution and we detected that when we print the QR CODE in invoices from this company we get incorrect company NIF.



A: is invalid.. apparently because is getting the Company NIF like in the SD standard invoices... from T001- STCEG and for plant abroad solution we think it should be reading T001N- STCEG.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Luis Silva

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Luis,

probably the best in this case is to open an incident -


0 Kudos
Good afternoon everyone.

I wanted to ask a question regarding the implementation of the QR code ATCUD sap notes.
I am trying to implement note 2981453 and in the second step it asks to modify the SIPT_S_INVH_NOOV structure to add the ATCUD field

My surprise is to see that there is no such structure in the system,

I cannot find the SAP note associated with the creation of the SIPT_S_INVH_NOOV structure to implement it and continue with the implementation of the QR code.

Thank you very much everyone for the help.
0 Kudos
Hi Luis,

did you get a solution for this?

We are not using plant abroad solution. Nevertheless, we have invoices that should use our foreign VAT registration number. The current solution only shows the PT VAT registration number.

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Elisabeth Janson
0 Kudos
Hi Elisabeth.

Unfortunately we do not have solution, we have raise a ticket to SAP but we still wait for a answer to know if this is already fixed and how or is something that they are working on. If i have some news I let you know.

Best regards
Luis Silva
0 Kudos
Good afternoon,

is there a general solution coming for invoices which should use our foreign VAT registration number (T001N)? The current solution only shows the PT VAT registration number.

We would appreciate any support.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Elisabeth Janson


0 Kudos

I just finished implementing the 8 notes in this blog and integrating the QR Code in my invoice form but it turned that there are still some corrective notes to implement for example the note 3005733 (Correction main class - VAT without prefix as NIF).

Does anyone have the complete updated list of SAP Notes to implement regarding the QR Code for Invoice?

Thanks before,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Tom,

Please make sure that you have installed all pre-requisites in terms of SP and Notes. If you are still unable to proceed I would recommend to create an incident for further help.


Daniela Schobert
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Luis,

The solution is not prepared for the Plant Abroad Solution, which means that such sort of adjustments must be done by the customer.

Best regards,

Daniela Schobert
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Luis,

I just replied to your previous comment. Can you please give me the incident number?

Daniela Schobert
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Samantha,

in the case of new solutions there is always some likeliness for fixes, even after being productive. Therefore, the process may not be closed yet and it's hard to foresee what may come along.


0 Kudos

Can I please get a feedback on my question as well?

Thanks in advance,

0 Kudos
Hi Daniela,

Thank you for your response. For information, the QR code will be obligatory starting from Jan 1, 2022 (in 10 days). I think it will be very helpful for everyone to have an updated list of OSS Notes to implement in order to have a functionning QR Code in January.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hello together,

we have enabled the QR code functionality for the delivery and SD invoice documents on a SF. If we use the single transactions, espacially VF01 to create the invoice everything works fine the the SIPT tables are updated as expected.

However when we use VF04 for mass processing of invoices only the first one gets created and for the following invoices the update processing runs into an error because some of the SIPT checks are not working yet because the corresponding SIPT_ tables are not updated yet. To me it seems that the online part of VF04 is faster then the update part of it.

Do you also face such problems and how could this be solved?

Best regards,

0 Kudos

Please, could you please tell me if SAP is going to release a solution for QR code for selfbilling invoices  (autofacturas)?

We have seen that there is a solution for FI and SD that we have already implemented but not for MM.

These invoices are created, posted and digitally signed in MRRL transaction  (standard functionality).

Thanks a lot and regards.
0 Kudos
Hi Fiona,

many thanks for the information which is very helpful.

Does SAP plan to provide a table to store the ATCUD codes assigned to the SD invoice number ranges which will be provided by the legal authority? Or is the customer supposed to find an individual solution like a Z-table or parameters in the coding?

Many thanks in advance and best regards,

0 Kudos

How should we get ATCUD codes (manual way) for testes (in lower machines)?
0 Kudos

In SIPT_NUMBR_SD table now we have a new field INVOICE TYPE with these possible values:

FS           Simplified invoice

FT           Invoice

NC          Credit memo

ND         Debit memo

PF           Pro forma


Until now we have here in our solution in the same range several document types with a unique LEAD_DOCTYPE and with different document types (Invoice, Debit memo, Pro forma, etc).


Question 1:

Since we have now this new field INVOICE TYPE in table SIPT_NUMBR_SD is mandatory to have in the same range only document types from the same INVOICE TYPE?


Question 2:

There is any field on the VBRK where we can get without any Doubs the INVOICE TYPE?
0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

where do you suggest to add the information of the ATCUD in EDI invoice idoc?

In which segment, field do you suggest to insert it as ValidationCode-NumeroSequencial?

0 Kudos

For SD Invoices, on FIEU_SAFT (EU:SAFT Reporting) / Define Settings / Generic Settings / Specify Generic Settings (For PT) - what is the configuration used to define the Invoice Type in Customer Service (SD):

Map Document Type to Invoice Type (FI Invoice)?


Map Sales Category to Invoice Type?

We suppose that is the second option and the first is only for FI, not for SD.. can you confirm this?

Luis Silva
Nestlé PT


0 Kudos
Hi Laura,

Did you find an answer to this question please - I also have the same query, I.e., modifying the INVOIC02. Presumably within E1EDK01 but does SAP provide a standard field...?

Kind regards,

0 Kudos
Dear Customers,

SAP Globalization Services will be holding two Q&A sessions around the ATCUD topic for Portugal, where customers can submit their questions to the Development teams for quick clarification. To participate, please register per email to @Pereira, Marta, submit your questions and indicate in which phase you are with the implementation of the ATCUD solution.

The registered contacts will receive the link to join the sessions before the sessions start.

Please use the following template for your registration e-mail.


EMAIL information:

To: marta.pereira@sap.com (@Pereira, Marta)

Subject: Q&A ATCUD


  • Please indicate in which session you want to participate (delete the non-applicable):

Session 1: Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management:

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 10am (Lisbon/London time)

Session 2: Billing (SD & FI) :

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 13:30pm (Lisbon/London time)


  • Please indicate your current implementation status:

  • Implementation not started

  • Implementation and Customizing started

  • Implementation finished but not productive yet

  • Finished and productive


  • Please list your questions to each of the teams:


Questions for Session 1 - Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management


Questions for Session 2 - Billing (SD & FI)
0 Kudos

We are testing the ATCUD at SD billing smartforms and we have a 0 value.

The class CL_SIPT_SD_BIL_PRINT01 returns a 0 at method


ms_header-atcud = mo_print_util->get_atcud( ).

METHOD get_atcud.

"temporary solution definat by tax authority
atcud = '0'.


Do you know how to change to the real value?

Thank you
0 Kudos


We need to know how to proceed with the LR and LG invoice types.

Is it correct to assign it to the SAF-T document type 'OU' (Other)?

Thank you in advance.

0 Kudos
Hi Steve,

Did you find an answer finally? It's necessary create a new custom segment?


Many thanks in advance