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Business Activity Statement (BAS) Report and Box Reports are two similar reports in SAP Business One. In this article, I want to describe how BAS Reports differ from Box Reports.

BAS (Business Activity Statement) Reports are a feature that you can find in almost all localizations of SAP Business One that support VAT groups (e.g. in Poland, France, UK, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia but not in Germany).

If you cannot find BAS Reports in SAP Business One, check that you have activated the functionality in Company Details Accounting Data by selecting the Extended Tax Reporting check box:


Please note that enabling Extended Tax Reporting changes how tax functionality works. So, we recommend that you learn more about the functionality by using your demonstration database first.

You will need to define the Period Type in which you send your VAT reports to the tax authorities:

The first three options correspond to the calendar year; the last option Period corresponds to the posting periods that are set up in your SAP Business One database. I will provide more details later in this article.

After you have enabled BAS reporting, you need continue with BAS Code Definitions:

Although the BAS Code Definitions – Setup window looks similar to Tax Declaration Boxes – Setup window, there are differences in both forms and the later reports.

The first difference is that you can define the file format for the report:

You can choose a relevant option for the period frame file from the List of Legal List Formats (you need to first upload the file in the Electronic File Manager under Administration Setup General).

The second difference is that you can define boxes with type Account, Manual Input and Single Choice that are not available in Tax Declaration Box – Setup:

If you choose Account type, the Summary Field is not taken into the consideration and SAP Business One takes the default value as Base Amount, which cannot be changed.  By double-clicking on the row or using the BAS Code Definitions - Rows button, you can define one or several accounts for the box. You can narrow your selection by selecting the Display Only Accts With Postings checkbox:

There are no limitations to account selection in this form; you can choose a Control account, a Cash account or an account used for VAT postings.

For a box with Manual Input type, you do not need to define a Summary Field, Debit/Credit or anything else. You can type a value into the report when generating it.

For a box with Single Choice, the Summary Field and Debit/Credit are not relevant. The difference between Manual Input and Single Choice is that the administrator can set valid values for the box. It can be very convenient if you need to provide specific codes for some business operations in your file. You can define the codes in the same way as for other boxes by double-clicking on the or by selecting the BAS Code Definitions – Rows option.

In the Formula type box, you can define operations for the already defined boxes almost in the same way as in the Box type code for Tax Declaration Boxes – Setup. The difference here (difference number 3) is that you must type the formula by yourself. You must use [] for Box codes. Also, you can use operations like multiply (*) or divide (/) in your formula (the fourth difference).

So, you can see both BAS and Box definitions for comparison:


Can you now describe the 4 differences between BAS Code Definitions – Setup and Tax Declaration Boxes – Setup? – You can use the picture below for inspiration, 😉:

Both settings are stored in the same table Box Set Definition OBOS. The specific type can be recognized by the value in the Report Type ReportType field. The additional tables are Box Definition – OBOX, Box Definition – Rows – BOX1, Box Definition – Accounts – BOX2, and Box Definition – Choice – BOX3.

As we finished the set up, let’s continue to report generation.

If you have enabled BAS Reporting (remember? – Extended Tax Reporting in Company Details), you generate and save a BAS Report as the first step. Only after the BAS Report is saved, you can run the other reports connected to VAT, like the Tax Report, EU Sales Report, and Tax Reconciliation Report for the specific period.

Let’s take a closer look at report generation:

There are 3 types of Tax Declaration. The first is Original; it can be saved only once for the specific period time frame. The next types are Replacement and Adjusted. Replacement means a new report instead of the original. Adjusted means the difference between the Original and Replacement. Let me explain these difference in an example. Here is the Original report: for Box 1 we have Journal Entries (JE) 12148 and 12149:

Now, I am duplicating transaction 12148 and running an Adjustment type of report:

Only one additional transaction, after saving the report, is now displayed.

If I duplicate transaction 12148 to 12151 and run a Replacement type of report:


I see the original report with posted, and previously not saved transactions, after the saving report.

Please note, once you have saved the Original report, you cannot run it again for the same period. You cannot run a Replacement or Adjustment if you have not saved the Original report.

Your choice of report type should depend mainly on how the forgotten transactions/amounts should be reported, as a new report or as a difference only.

The next question is about the period selection. Do you still remember? I mentioned period selection  in the part about enabling BAS Reports. Compare these pairs of pictures:


If your reporting period does not fit to the calendar, you can use your Posting Periods for report saving:

Have you noticed that SAP Business One automatically defines the dates for the selected period? 😉


Let’s go further to the generated report:

In this picture, I highlighted the columns that you will not find in the Tax Declaration Box Report.

The first two columns hold information about saved and to-be-saved transactions for the report. Please note that we are saving the whole transaction, not separate lines like in Box Reports.

You can see a formula for the box, so you do not need to check the definition to find out how the amount is calculated. Also, you can see the line Remarks for more confidence in the report lines.

We see both debit and credit values in the Amount column, where the sign “-“ represents credits. In this column, you can enter the value for the box with a definition of Manual Input.

In the Specific Code Value column, you can select a value for the box with a definition of Single Choice.

The report name is important for the further tax reports: you need to choose the name in Selection Criteria:

You can find saved reports in the database tables Tax Report Saving Object – OTRS, Tax Report Saving Objects – saved transactions - TRS1, Tax Report Saving Objects – Manual Entry and Single Choice Values.

I would like to invite you to provide feedback or ask clarifying questions regarding the topic in the comments section. It is also possible to submit the improvement requests for this feature (and others as well!) on the Customer Influence site: https://influence.sap.com/SAPBusinessOne