There is in each company a group of small, monotonous, time-consuming and administrative tasks which make the user's lives more complicated. Just take a look in your SAP Business One ERP: Purchase/Sales Orders, Purchase Invoices, Deliveries, etc. - these days the business documents are approaching your company via user email inbox as PDFs and pictures or in paper format. Until now the user must have opened them, check and analyze them, and decide what to do with each specific document. Usually there was a need to manually introduce the most of these data into ERP.
But what if I tell you that all this is history if you are using SAP Business One?
Now via the
Best Practices for Intelligent Automation for SAP Business One we are providing you new and simple ways to automate these business processes and simplify your SAP Business One user’s life. We are delivering now for you the first wave of SAP Process Automation bot templates which can be used out of box, customize them to your business needs or just use them as inspiration templates for your own business process automations.
The SAP Process Automation is an AI-powered, intuitive, and no-code solution for Workflow Management and Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, aiming to simplify the user’s life, automate the repetitive and time-consuming tasks and let user focus on the more important and valuable activities.
The questions like “is it really worth for SME companies? How to start? Could we do it?” can all be answered with “Yes”. We recommend the approach to check the full process, e.g. order to cash and identify areas and tasks which are candidates for simplification and automation. The aim is not to have one big, complicated bot but rather to have a set of smaller bots which can follow one another.
If the steps are identified, it is possible to use as a starting point the set of the bots we provide as a best practice templates and examples of business scenarios which can be automated.
With the first release of Best Practices for Intelligent Automation for SAP Business One, we are providing you in
SAP Process Automation Store the first 6 best practices bot templates available out of box and ready to be used within the minutes:
- Business Document Extraction from E-Mail (2X1)
- Proof of Delivery Note Upload in the Outbound Delivery and the Invoice (2S1)
- Supplier Invoice Upload for Intelligent Invoice Scanning (2R1)
- Sales Order Creation from a Local Purchase Order (2C1)
- Master Data Enrichment for Business Partner Identification (3C1)
- Activity Creation for Business Partners (2B1)
These may seam relatively small tasks from the overall complex processes, but let’s try to add up the saved manual data processing time with one example: let's assume user spend 1-2 min to identify, download and classify each received invoice and then another 5-7 min to type the invoice field by field into the system. If it is then multiplied by the total number of invoices all relevant users need to process in a week, month and year and then extrapolate it to all the documents you need to process in your company and you will be amazed of the resulting time savings.
Another advantage and positive impact is that not only the job is completed, but thanks to implemented rules and logic, the task is completed more accurate with less manual mistakes as it is done by the bot in the background while you focus on really important tasks like your customers.
What is worth mentioning is also that a part of the provided scenarios are taking advantage of the incorporated Document Information Extraction feature, which is a ML service part of SAP Artificial Intelligence Business Services used for the extraction of relevant data from the unstructured business documents. Document Information Extraction service is included at no extra cost in the license of SAP Process Automation and provides you a set of pretrained ML models like invoices, purchase orders and payment advices, but also gives you access to the template functionality which allows you to extend the use of the service to your own custom business documents. The following bots use the service:
- Proof of Delivery Note Upload in the Outbound Delivery and the Invoice (2S1)
- Supplier Invoice Upload for Intelligent Invoice Scanning (2R1)
- Sales Order Creation from a Local Purchase Order (2C1)
- Master Data Enrichment for Business Partner Identification (3C1)

For more information about the Document Information Extraction service visit the following link:
Service Guide for Document Information Extraction.
How to start?
1. Please refer to our guide available at:
Working with Best Practices for Intelligent Automation for SAP Business One
In order to setup the SAP Process Automation please follow the instructions on the above mentioned link in section:
How to Set Up the Best Practices for Process Automation for SAP Business One.
For the Application Development for SAP Process Automation you can find more information, see
Subscribing to SAP Process Automation in the application help for SAP Process Automation on SAP Help Portal (EN only).
2. Consider the following OpenSAP courses:
Intelligent Automation for SAP Business ByDesign and SAP Business One
Enter Next-Level Bot Building with SAP Intelligent RPA 2.0
What’s New with Bot Building in SAP Intelligent RPA 2.0
Bot Building with SAP Intelligent RPA 2.0 Track (2022 Edition)
3. In order to run the bots there is a need to download a Desktop Agent from Download Center and install it on the machine where you will be running bots and then register the Desktop Tenant as explained in the relevant documentation. For more information, see
Install Desktop Agent to Run Automations in the application help for SAP Process Automation on SAP Help Portal (EN only).
In a nutshell: Desktop Agent is an application which resides on your Windows machine and allows to execute bots. The bots are automatically assigned to a specific agent via the SAP Process Automation Development
4. Login to your SAP Process Automation Development environment
5. Enter the
SAP Process Automation Store to acquire SAP Best Practices bot templates for SAP Business One. Please note that each bot available in the store is equipped with three documents (additional documentation and will be
enabled with videos for each bot which will visualize the key technical information for each bot.)
- Business case – describing the business purpose of the bot.
- Technical specification – describing the setup of the bot and the technical process behind.
- Configuration file example – using as a template for defining the rules for the particular bot run.
Please note that the bots are available as templates so they require configuration for particular customer and its needs. On top of that they are provided as free of charge and as a starting point based on which the bot can be enhanced for some additional needs or process steps.
6. Execute bots.
The bots might be executed in two ways:
- Triggered manually from the SAP Process Automation Application Development
- Scheduled for automatic execution based on the predefined timetable also in the SAP Process Automation Application Development
What’s next?
This is a short summary of our delivery for SAP Business One. It should help you to understand the purpose and aims of the delivery within the SME segment. In principle it doesn’t matter what is your industry it’s undeniable that with the help of SAP Process Automation can help you streamline and simplify the processes within your company.
I would like to ask you to share your feedback, thoughts or ask questions in a comment section.