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Note Assistant tool is now further enhanced to offer features that enable users to schedule jobs to identify, implement, and view the activity summary of SAP Notes. This blog explains about the batch implementation of SAP Notes in Note Assistant tool.

Launch transaction SNOTE -> Batch Processing

Batch Identification

This option allows you to search and identify all SAP Notes based on SAP Notes type and its released date. Using this option, you can either schedule a job immediately or select later dates for scheduled identification.

Access this option by choosing the Batch Processing > Batch Identification from the menu bar of the Note Assistant tool. Use appropriate Search Criteria for Notes Identification

The first search criteria are based on SAP Note type. You can search for SAP Notes that are specific to security type or different group of SAP Notes.

The other group of SAP Notes require additional search criteria such as Search Term, Search Pattern, Search Range, Application Component

The last option is to select the job schedule details. You schedule this job for SAP Note identification. Once the identification is successful, you can either download or implement the SAP Notes from the Batch Dashboard screen.

Once you choose Confirm Schedule, you are prompted with information about the job schedule details. This pop-up provides you with job details which can be viewed from the Batch Dashboard.

You can also choose the Batch Dashboard tab from this screen to get an overall summary of the jobs or filter the summary results as per your requirement.

Click on Confirm Pre-requisite.

You can either use the option Download Only or Download And Implement depending on the requirement.





Batch Implementation

You can access this option by choosing the Batch Processing > Batch Implementation from the menu bar of the Note Assistant tool.

This option enables you to provide many SAP Notes or a range of SAP Notes, for which you want to either schedule an implementation or download. You can select multiple SAP Notes and choose Add SAP Notes option to add the selected SAP Notes.

Select Identify Prerequisites option, which redirects you to the screen that displays list of input SAP Notes and its prerequisite SAP Notes. All input SAP Notes are selected by default. You can deselect one or more input SAP Notes. Next, you can choose to Download Only or Download and Implement corresponding prerequisite SAP Notes.

You can also unselect Notes that you don't want to download/implement.




Go to Batch Dashboard and check the Implementation Results



Limitations of Batch Implementation

In batch implementation process, the following SAP Note types and its prerequisites cannot be implemented as background implementation process:

    • SAP Notes that have manual activity.


    • SAP Notes that contain any of these object types – SFBF, SFBS, SFSW, SPRX


    • SAP Notes to be implemented and its relevant objects are already locked in another transport request that is not released yet.


    • SAP Notes during implementation process runs a simulation. If the simulation results in any error, then such SAP Notes are not implemented. Other conditions that affect the implementation of SAP Notes:

        • If the simulation result is marked as red, then the SAP Note is not applied.

        • If the simulation result is successful and has no error or warnings for any of its objects, then all the SAP Notes are implemented.

        • If the simulation result has warnings for any of its relevant object, then depending on the warning the SAP Notes can either be implemented or not. If the warning displays that the object is already existing and can be overwritten, then such SAP Notes are implemented. If you have modified the object, in such cases overwriting is not possible and the SAP Notes is not implemented.

Additional Information to enable the functionality in the system

Refer SAP Note:

3339895 - SNOTE: Automation of SAP Notes: Background Identification/Implementation with support of S...

This Note, if valid, enables the functionality in the system. The Note is valid from SAP_BASIS 750 SP02 onwards and for all higher SAP_BASIS releases. This Note also contains detail documentations which explains all these functionalities. Please refer to the Note’s attachments.

By default, the improvements are available in the below SAP_BASIS releases

750: SP27 onwards

751: SP17 onwards

752: SP13 onwards

753: SP11 onwards

754: SP08 onwards

755: SP06 onwards

756: SP05 onwards

757: SP02 onwards

758: SP0 onwards.