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Dear All,

Please note: this blog describes the first release of the scenario SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM, covering the capabilities Implementation and Operations. You may also refer to the updates in this blog with SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM now also covering the capabilities Service and Administration.

After a successful pilot phase, including positive feedback from customers and partners, we are excited to announce the general availability of the SAP Readiness Check tool for SAP Cloud ALM.

With SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM, SAP provides a self-service tool to analyze an existing SAP Solution Manager system in preparation for a transition to SAP Cloud ALM. SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM provides visibility to the application lifecycle management capabilities used in an SAP Solution Manager system. This new SAP Readiness Check scenario also offers details regarding the availability and information on equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM or other SAP products to be considered when planning the move from SAP Solution Manager to SAP Cloud ALM.

SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM helps customers to better understand the usage of their SAP Solution Manager system, and to plan and scope the transition of application lifecycle management capabilities to SAP Cloud ALM. This transition can be performed either completely or by taking a capability-by-capability approach. The new tool provides a mapping of equivalent capabilities between SAP Solution Manager and SAP Cloud ALM, while also showing the availability status of capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM. It also helps customers to engage with partners and SAP to discuss options for the most appropriate transition plan.

SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM can help answer the following questions:

    • Which capabilities are used in an existing SAP Solution Manager system?
    • Are there equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM?
    • What is the planning and/or delivery status of these equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM?
    • Where to find more information about capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM?
    • Are there any relevant capabilities that are only available in SAP Cloud ALM?

Based on the analysis of the SAP Solution Manager source system, the tool provides an overview of various topics, which are grouped in the following checks:

    • Usage in SAP Solution Manager: This check provides an overview of the application lifecycle management capabilities that are used in the analyzed SAP Solution Manager system and scopes these capabilities based on their relevance for the transition.
    • Availability of Relevant Capabilities: This check displays all SAP Solution Manager capabilities set to relevant in the Usage in SAP Solution Manager check, their mapping to equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM, and the availability status of these capabilities.
    • SAP Cloud ALM Capabilities: This check contains a complete list of currently available capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM per functional area (implementation and operations). In addition, the check shows which of these capabilities have an equivalent capability that is used in the analyzed SAP Solution Manager system, and which capabilities are only available in SAP Cloud ALM.



More Information About the Checks

Usage in SAP Solution Manager
This check provides an overview of the used capabilities in the analyzed SAP Solution Manager system by using the analysis results from the collector output file.

Additionally, relevant SAP Solution Manager capabilities can be selected in the check to scope the transition project.
With the usage analysis results, the user can do the following:

    • Find a certain capability or reduce the number of displayed scenarios by using the filter function.
    • Choose a scenario to see the usage status of a capability.
    • See all capabilities that have been identified as used.
    • Include or exclude capabilities for further consideration using the Relevant toggle. By default, the value YES is active for all used capabilities. However, this setting can be changed by choosing the Relevant toggle button. All capabilities with the Relevant toggle button set to YES will be included in the analysis of the Availability of Relevant Capabilities check.
    • Reset the Relevant toggle buttons to the default values based on the usage of capabilities identified by SAP Readiness Check by choosing the Reset icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

Availability of Relevant Capabilities

For the defined scope, based on the SAP Solution Manager capabilities marked as relevant in the Usage in SAP Solution Manager check, the user can assess the impact for the transition of these capabilities to SAP Cloud ALM. Additionally, the user can find out which application lifecycle management capabilities are offered in related SAP solutions beyond SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Solution Manager.

The following categories are assigned to each capability, depending on their current availability in SAP Cloud ALM or other SAP solutions beyond SAP Solution Manager:

    • Available in SAP Cloud ALM: These capabilities in SAP Solution Manager have corresponding capabilities that are currently available for productive use in SAP Cloud ALM.
    • Available in Another SAP Solution: These SAP Solution Manager capabilities have equivalent capabilities that are not available in SAP Cloud ALM but are offered in other SAP solutions.
    • On SAP Cloud ALM Road Map: For these SAP Solution Manager capabilities, equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM are planned to be available in a future release.
    • On SAP Cloud ALM Vision: For these SAP Solution Manager capabilities, equivalent capabilities in SAP Cloud ALM are expected but not yet planned in a future release.
    • Only Available in SAP Solution Manager: These capabilities are only available in SAP Solution Manager, and they are not planned to be made available in SAP Cloud ALM or any other SAP solution.

The availability information of capabilities guides the user to understand the impact and, therefore, to plan the transition of these capabilities from SAP Solution Manager to SAP Cloud ALM or another available SAP solution. This information helps to determine whether the transition can be planned as either a single event, or whether it needs to be planned as a phased project.

In addition, this check also provides information about the scope and resources for SAP Cloud ALM for each SAP Solution Manager capability. For each mapped SAP Solution Manager capability, the following information can be accessed (if available):

    • Description of the capability scope provided in SAP Cloud ALM
    • Additional resources available for the planning and execution of the transition of the specific capability to SAP Cloud ALM
    • Available SAP solutions offered to support this capability outside of SAP Solution Manager
    • Insight into third-party extensions available in SAP Store
    • Supported SAP-managed solutions
    • Available SAP Services and Support offerings

SAP Cloud ALM Capabilities

This check provides more information about all SAP Cloud ALM capabilities. by an overview of capabilities by area and usage. By choosing  a capability in the table, the following information is displayed (if available):

    • Description of the provided capability scope in SAP Cloud ALM
    • SAP solutions that are supported, or whether solution-specific content is available
    • Identification of equivalent SAP Solution Manager capabilities that are used in the SAP Solution Manager system
    • Access to the SAP Cloud ALM road map

In this check, the user can review the list of SAP Cloud ALM capabilities and define the scope of the implementation, which helps the user start the planning of the transition to SAP Cloud ALM. In addition, the user can get an overview of capabilities that are only available in SAP Cloud ALM and information about the latest innovations delivered by SAP for the application lifecycle management of a hybrid landscape.


Learn More Side Panel

The Learn More side panel provides more information about each check, possible next steps, and links to tools and documentation, which helps the user plan and organize the transition project.


How to start?

To set up and run SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM, the user needs to perform the subsequent steps:

    1. Follow the instructions in SAP Note 3236443 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM to install the check framework and transport the changes into the target system, such as the productive client of the production system.
      For useful transactional data and history, we recommend running SAP Readiness Check for SAP Cloud ALM on the production system and client. The SAP Note provides detailed and technical information about how to set up and run the analysis.
    2. Run program /SDF/ RC_ALM_COLLECT_DATA via transaction SA38 or SE38 to initialize the data collectors.
      The analysis is scheduled as a background job to avoid timeout issues. The runtime of the data collectors depends on many factors, like server size and setup, data volumes, and component usage. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the runtime.
    3. Once the analysis has finished, the results can be downloaded to the user’s local file system. The data collectors provide their results in XML format, which are grouped into several XML files and compressed in a ZIP archive. All collected data is human-readable and can be easily inspected with appropriate XML viewers.
    4. Launch the SAP Readiness Check cloud application landing page and choose Start New Analysis to upload the ZIP archive.
    5. After a few seconds, the collected data is ready to be explored in the newly created SAP Readiness Check analysis.

As always, we look forward to receiving your feedback!

Your SAP Readiness Check Team