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Como já deve saber, o governo português publicou a Portaria 195/2020 e, juntamente com o código QR, introduziu o Código de Documento Único (ATCUD) como um novo requisito legal.
Com o Despacho 351/2021.XXII publicado dia 11 de novembro de 2021, ATCUD será opcional em 2022 e obrigatório a partir de janeiro de 2023.

As empresas precisam obter um novo código de validação de série e usá-lo para gerar o ATCUD, sendo este um código único atribuído a documentos fiscais relevantes, como faturas e notas de crédito.

O ATCUD é reportado no ficheiro (SAF-T) e incluido no código QR. Ele deverá também ser incluido nos documentos impressos e eletrônicos.

Para mais informações sobre a solução de código QR, veja o blog post Código QR e ATCUD para Portugal: Fique por dentro das últimas atualizações da Portaria 195/2020.


A solução SAP

Um framework centralizado para gerir as séries e os códigos de validação AT por módulo será disponibilizado, suportando a comunicação manual e eletrônica.

Essa solução está planejada para estar disponível em duas fases:

  • Fase 1: Âmbito reduzido (serviços web não incluídos). Está planejado para ser disponibilizado em meados de novembro de 2021.

  • Fase 2: Funcionalidade relacionada aos serviços web. Está prevista para ser disponibilizada em meados de dezembro de 2021.


Os pré-requisitos

Existem algumas atividades de preparação que podem ajudar a acelerar as etapas de implementação assim que a solução estiver disponível:

Implementação de SAP Notes

Certifique-se de que implementou as SAP Notes relacionadas ao Despacho 8632/2014:

Comunicação com as autoridades fiscais

Pode utilizar os serviços da Web para comunicar automaticamente com as autoridades fiscais. Para esta comunicação, é necessário integrar o seu sistema com SAP Cloud Integration.

Para mais informações, consulte a SAP Note 2903776 ou entre em contato com seu gestor de conta SAP.

Atividades de configuração

Certifique-se de atualizar as configurações necessárias:

    • Crie novos intervalos de numeração e defina as respectivas séries únicas para assinatura digital. A nova nomenclatura deve seguir os requisitos legais (não são permitidos caracteres especiais). Para mais informações sobre as atividades de customizing, veja Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Aguarde também as novas instruções que serão publicadas em breve.

    • Atribua os novos intervalos de numeração aos respectivos tipos de documento SAF-T.

    • Adapte os seus layouts de impressão para incluir o ATCUD nos formulários.

Poderá utilizar os intervalos de numeração e séries atuais enquanto prepara os novos intervalos de numeração. Após 1 de janeiro de 2022, deverá utilizar os novos intervalos de numeração.


SAP Notes lançadas e atualizadas em 2022

Agora você já pode consultar a nota coletiva 3154599 que lhe dará toda a informação relevante para a implementação da solução, inclusive nos diversos módulos (SD, FI, FI-CA, Settlement Management, etc.). Veja também a documentação incluída. Esta nota será atualizada sempre que for liberada a solução de um novo módulo.


Guia de solução de problemas e perguntas frequentes

Consulte o SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 para um guia de solução de problemas e respostas a perguntas frequentes para ajudar você no processo de implementação da solução.


Fique atento às notícias mais recentes

Fique atento! Pretendemos atualizar este blog regularmente.

Também pode verificar mais informações no grupo SAP Jam SAP Portugal Collaboration Forum. Se ainda não for membro deste grupo, envie sua solicitação de convite para o seguinte e-mail: marta.pereira@sap.com.

Fique à vontade para deixar seus comentários abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestões para uma publicação futura. E não se esqueça de seguir a tag do SAP S/4HANA aqui na SAP Community para ficar atento às notícias mais recentes.

Até à próxima,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization






ATCUD for Portugal: Get ready for the new legal requirement on Portaria 195/2020


Hi everyone,

As you might be aware, the Portuguese government published Portaria 195/2020 and, together with the QR code, introduced AT-Validation Code (ATCUD) as a new legal requirement.
With Despacho 351/2021.XXII published on November 11, 2021, ATCUD will be optional in 2022 and mandatory as of January 2023.

Companies need to obtain a validation code for their series and then use it to generate the ATCUD, which is a unique document code assigned to relevant documents, such as invoices and credit memos.

You must include the ATCUD on printed documents and in electronic invoices and also report the ATCUD via the Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T). It must also be included in the QR code.

For more information about the QR code solution, see QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Stay Tuned to the Latest Updates on Portaria 195/2020.


The SAP solution

A centralized framework to manage the Series and AT-Validation Codes across modules will be provided, supporting both the manual and the automatic communication.

This solution is planned to be available in two phases:

  • Phase 1: Reduced scope (web services not included), planned to be available not earlier than mid November 2021.

  • Phase 2: Web service-related functionality, planned to be available not earlier than mid December 2021.


The prerequisites

There are some preparation activities that could help you to speed up the implementation steps once the solution is available:

SAP Notes implementation

Make sure you have the SAP Notes related to Despacho 8632/2014 implemented:

Communication with the tax authorities

You can use webservices to communicate with the tax authorities automatically. For this communication, you need to integrate your system with SAP Cloud Integration.

For more information, see SAP Note 2903776 or contact your account executive.

Configuration activities

Make sure you maintain the required configuration settings:

    • Create new number ranges and define their unique series for Digital Signature. The new nomenclature should follow the legal requirements (special characters aren’t allowed). For more information about the Customizing activities, see Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Further instructions will be published soon.

    • Assign the new number ranges to the respective SAF-T document types.

    • Adapt your print layouts to include the ATCUD in the forms.

Note that you can use the current number ranges and series while defining the new number ranges. After January 1, 2022, you must use the new number ranges.


New and Updated SAP Notes Released in 2022

The Collective Note 3154599 has been released with all the information you need to know about the solution implementation for ATCUD in different modules. You can also check the product documentation for more information.
This SAP Note will be updated every time there's a new solution release for the different modules. Stay tuned!


Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ

Check the SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 for a troubleshooting guide and answers to frequently asked questions to help you in the implementation process.


Stay tuned to the latest news

Stay tuned! We plan to update this blog post regularly.

You can also check out the SAP Jam group Portugal SAP Collaboration Forum. If you are not a member of this SAP Jam group yet, please send your invitation request to the following email: marta.pereira@sap.com           .

Feel free to leave your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for an upcoming post. And don’t forget to follow the SAP S/4HANA tag here on SAP Community to stay tuned to the latest news.


See you next time,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization
0 Kudos
Ola Marta,

do we need to signed cancellation types of SD documents (S1) and DownPayement requests (FAZ)?

Actually these documents types are signed in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V .

Thank you.

Marie-Line JORGE
0 Kudos
Hello João,

I have opened a ticket for SAP in regards of this question and the answer is that VA documents are not mandatory and SAP has not developed anything in regards of that. From my point of view, if you have all information from the sales order in the billing and delivery which are communicated, why would you have to send the Sales Documents too?It would be duplicated.

Maybe Marta can confirm that.


0 Kudos
Hi Marie-Line

Cancelation documents in SD are digitally signed, but they are not ATCUD relevant - Please don´t communicate them to TA to get the validation code.

Downpayments request are not digitally signed, because they are not really accounted. And not reported in SAF-T. So no ATCUD needed.

Only Downpayment Invoice will have digital signature and ATCUD communication.


0 Kudos

Bom dia Marta,

Ao atualizar as séries na transação GLO_PT_SVC, os campos Series Start Date e Series Registration Date são preenchidos automáticamente.

No exemplo em baixo, registamos a serie no dia 19.12.2022 e o sistema coloca essa data no campo data de inicio da serie quando pela descrição deveria ser preenchido no campo data reisto da série.


Estive a verificar outros clientes e têm o mesmo comportamento.


Verifico um comportamento diferente quando série é registada na tabela SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V com o ano 9999 para que fique independente de ano. Dessa forma ambos os campos assumem a data de registo.


Agradeço explicação para o preenchimento automático destes campos.



Tiago Baptista

0 Kudos
Thank you !!
0 Kudos

When trying to maintain SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2, we are getting no values to select for SAF-T Document Type:


We have also checked in SE11 that SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 view is active, GLO_PT_SERIES_DT is also active and GLO_PT_SERIES_DT Domain is also Active with values on its Value Range:


We have checked Notes once and again but all are implemented including manual steps if any. Any possible solution?

Thank you.
0 Kudos
Hi Alberto

You need to follow the steps:

Record Number Ranges for Digital Signature of Billing Documents (SD) – SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V

Assign SAF-T Document Types to Number Ranges (SD) – SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2

GLO_PT_SVC: Manage Series Validation Code for Portugal

It should appear




0 Kudos

Implementing ATCUD SBI MM solution and trying to add all the entries on table SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V, I am getting the following error:

We are using RO - Self Billing GR posted via MRER. Why the entries with Series identifier "V" are not being accepted?
Do we need to do additional configuration beyond NRIV/SNRO?

The same is happening with Series Identifier "N".
We use KO and KN doc type for SBI in consignment and we are not able to add such entries on SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V.

The only entries that we are able to add are the ones that have Series Identifier started by "S".

Could you please help to understand what is missing to not be able to add "V" and "N" Series Identifiers?

Thank you in advance!
Cátia Ribeiro

0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

Thank you ,

the issue was resolved by activating the lock object E_GLO_PT_SVC

0 Kudos
Hi Cátia

In the work zone for SAP Portugal Collaboration Forum we added a demo step by step of selfbilling configuration.

Please check that information and use it as a guide.

If you still don´t have access to work zone, please send me one email requesting it (marta.pereira@sap.com)

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi João,


Did you get a reply on this?

We have the same question and cannot find an answer anywhere.



0 Kudos
Hi Marta

We need to exclude billing type (used for internal process) from SAF-T reporting.

We have created new Billing type and assigned new number range.

We have maintained SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V for digital signature, but we have not assigned any SAF-T document type in table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 and we have not maintained  ATCUD code in GLO_PT_SVC.

However when running SAF-T report, the new billing type create is included in the report.

How to exclude it?


Thank you in advance and best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

Thanks for the answer. But this is what I am doing precisely (following Customizing Digital Signature and ATCUD for SD Billing Documents | SAP Help Portal). I first mantained SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V with a couple of records, and such records are the ones appearing now in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 which I cannot maintain.

PD: I am trying maintaining the view SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 directly via tcode SM30 instead of the SPRO "Assign SAF-T Document Types to Number Ranges (SD)" point because this one is not appearing in Customizing, but it should not be the issue (and in case it is, any suggestion to make it appear in SPRO?)

Thank you

Hi Marta

Question about Self- billing.

When I want to include another one Vendor with the number range and serie in the SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V but  the system said to me that I can´t duplicate the serie.

The system indicate "Number range 02 for subobject 000003 has already been used" 

This is mean that I must create a different serie/range for each vendor/doc. with the same suboject 000003?

I think that it is so crazy to create different ranges for each vendor

Thank you



0 Kudos

We are facing the same issue.


0 Kudos
Hi Blas

This means that for vendor/ SAF-T document type you only can have one NR.

Are you trying to create 2 types of invoices with the same Number range 02 for subobject 000003?

has already been used.


0 Kudos
Please also check the video with the customization of selfbilling, that is in work zone
0 Kudos
Hello Marta,

We have followed the useful video posted in work zone, however the video has only one vendor entry. The main issue is if we need to have a different number range per vendor, if we need to have a different "subobject" per vendor, or shouldn't SAP check only when the combination: Vendor / Subobject / Number range are the same?

Thanks for your assistance.


Hello Marta

I created the new series in SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V and SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V2 for 2023.

my question is, can we register these series for 2023 at GLO_PT_SVC today? or will we only be able to register in 2023?
0 Kudos

Hi Marta:


I am implementing the paymenyt receipts with ATCUD in the SAFT (RG type). I have an issue, because de ATCUD is always zero in the SAFT XML brand payments.


I have done all the customizing and I printed the form (filling the table FIPT_PRI_RECEIPT) but the issue remains. I also have implemented  the OSS Note 3231465 (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/3231465) which describes the same symptom, but the issue remains.


I need urgent help because we have only 4 days before the Go-live and we need to solve this issue previously.


Thank for your attention.


0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

No, I want to use for 1 types invoices with a specific range and subobject with all different vendor and the system doesn´t let me.

For exemple:

1000000007 RD 000003 02 S1-000003-02
1000000007 RS 000003 03 S2-000003-03
1000000021 RD 000003 02 S1-000003-02
1000000021 RS 000003 03 S2-000003-03
0 Kudos
Hi Marta, the last week I sent you an email for access to  SAP Portugal Collaboration Forum.

I would like to access. Thank you.
0 Kudos

Hi Marta,


SD-SAF-T document types are not showing in series validation code for Portugal (GLO_PT_SVC)

  • Number ranges are maintained company code 5XXX & 5XXX in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V.
  • Company code 5XXX & 5XXX Number ranges mapped to document types SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2

But SD-SAF-T document types are not showing in GLO_PT_SVC series validation code for Portugal





0 Kudos
Hi Vasmi

Looking for this screens I can´t see why this is hapenning.

If you have done a similar configuration for all the documents in the different companies (SIPT_NUMST_SD_V and V_2) and even so they are not appearing in GLO, please create one incident)




Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Blas

Can you please send me one email to marta.pereira@sap.com, because I did not received the request

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos

Have you already introduced the validation code in the series of doc type reported in SAF-T file?

If you follow all the customization steps you should be able to see the ATCUD in SAF-T file tab 4.4 Payments.

If even so you don´t see the correct ATCUD code please open one incident in FI-LOC-SAF-PT


0 Kudos
Hi Hugo

You can register them now with 2023 date



0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

Thank you for your quick answer.

I did it but the issue remains in the development environment. Then, I imported all the transport orders to test environment and the result have been OK. So maybe the cause of the issue would be for the data I am used or some inconsistency in the document type I have been used.

I have another issue in the “payment” brand, because all the data seems are fine in the XML, excepto the label <PaymentMechanism>, which is always filled with the value "OU". Even when I have customized the table FIEUD_PAYM with the mapping with the different payment methods (although I see that this table is only for sales invoices).

This field is mandatory according Portaria n.º 274/2013, so I need to know how configurate the mapping of this label in the branch "payments".


Thank you in advance. Regards.
0 Kudos

I tried posting a FI invoice in Dev/Qas system with a 2023 date and it was not registered in table SIPT_BKPF. Is this normal? I tried using program SIPT_INTERVAL_SIGN_FI but it checks the invoice date is not greater than today's date. It worries me to not be able to test this in Dev/Qas system.


0 Kudos
Hi Marta,


Thanks for reply and I have raised SAP Incident - 956710


0 Kudos

Hi Marta,

We have maintained SIPT_NUMBR_OBD table and GLO_PT_SVC with corresponding validation codes...

  1. SIPT_NUMST_OBD table does not have the series or validation code. Should the NUMST_OBD table contain relevant values or is this table not relevant?



2. GLO_PT_SVC contains only partial entries from NUMBR_OBD table... Could there be a reason for missing entries?






0 Kudos
Hello Marta

Thanks for the answer.

I have one more question related to MM number ranges (self-billing).

as the interval starts every year and the series has to be constituted by, for example, S1+Subobject value+Number interval numbering. in my case it would be something like S1-Z00001-H5 the question is, as I am going to start a new year, I will necessarily have to create a new numbering range to also change the series, correct?


another issue is, if the series does not accept special characters, the probability of running out of number range with letters and numbers only, will be spent very quickly. What is the solution when I no longer have intervals with numbers and letters or letters and numbers, if I cannot use the same series in different years?

0 Kudos
Hello Marta,


We are facing an issue while we post delivery and send for edelivery to get the digital signature we are getting an error "

simple-type 1: element ReturnMessage is not a valid instance of the element type. Value is 'Warning: The document communicated does not have a valid ATCUD. You should check the reason for this anomaly with your software provider. Until the resolution of this".

But I didn;t came across any note or any solutiuon speaking of this ATCUD code mapping to the websevice we use to connect and get digital signature with Portugal government. could you please check and get back to me asap as we have a planned golive of this application in next week Tuesday probably and this is the final step we halted.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Anil,

First of all I would like to explain that the situation was failing on the Tax Authorities side but the previous situation was restored, so now you should be able to make correct communication of deliveries, even without the ATCUD in the webservice message.

Let me explain what is happening:
The Tax Authorities published the technical instructions on the changes to the WS-message structure on December 12, where the inclusion of the ATCUD fields was described as optional. Internally we triggered the change to be done in our solution, to be delivered during January 2023.

Yesterday however, the Tax Authorities made a change on their portal, changing the reception of the WS-files to the new XSD, where the inclusion of the ATCUD was, however, mandatory.

This is inconsistent with the description of the legal requirement and the XSD should also be changed to optional. This inconsistency is what caused all the problem yesterday. 

We expect this problem not to ocurr anymore. In the meantime we keep on working on our solution to include the ATCUD.


Daniela Schobert
0 Kudos
Hi Daniela,

I work with Anil (initial poster) and wanted to know if there is any action needed from our side to resolve the error? We continue to receive the error message.



0 Kudos
Hi Daniela,


Still it seems the ATCUD is mandatory on the tax portal, as we are unable to get the digital signature and aproval id updated in our system when we sent the documents for govt approval. Is there any temporary solution or note to add ATCUD field to proxy structure WSPTSTOCK_MOVEMENT_REQUEST which is the structure used to map the data to the tax authority. When I checked with the document issued by PT tax authority with the name "MANUAL DE INTEGRAÇÃO DE SOFTWARE - Comunicação dos Documentos de Transporte à AT " in section 4.2 it outlined all the data fields to be passed while communicating with the tax authority.

This structure WSPTSTOCK_MOVEMENT_REQUEST has all fields except ATCUD field. Even i see this structure is required to communicate as per ordinance No. 160/2013 Arpil 23.


0 Kudos
Hi Francisco,

1981139 - SAF-T (PT): Collective note for RPFIEU_SAFT has been implemented with all advised notes, but we still have the same problem, do you advise any other SAP Notes?



<DocumentNumber>LF DP89/0971000016</DocumentNumber>



0 Kudos
Hi and happy new year to you all. Quick question, should working documents be included in the saft file? our file has two sections under 'source documents': 'sales invoices' and 'working documents' .  Is that accurate?





Thanks for clarifying!


0 Kudos
Hi Venecia

Yes, working documents should be reported in tab 4.3 - WorkingDocuments


0 Kudos
Hi again,

we found that XSLT is not updated correctly when implementing the note, after update again, now fixed.


0 Kudos

Hi Marta

Can you pl. explain the relevance of field Series Type code in Table GLO_PT_SVC ?  

There are 4 values here"

  1. N --- Normal
  2. F--- Training system documents
  3. R--- Recovery Documents
  4. S --- Self Billing documents

This field is auto updated as "N" when we save the table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2.

How and when is this field updated to the Other values. Especially "F"?

Can we use "F" for Testing purpose ?

Would be good if you provide some isights of this field.

0 Kudos
Hello Marta and Team,

Implementing ATCUD SBI MM solution we are facing 2 issues in Production:

  1. We have defined 2 different series for SBI invoices (MRER --- S1) and SBI Credit Note (ISAUTO_MRNB --- S2).
    When posting ISAUTO_MRNB we are not able to get the correct serie - S2, we always get the S1 which is defined for invoices posted using MRER.

How should be the series defined on SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V in order to have the proper behavior?


2. Not all the series that we have defined on the table SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V were automatically defined on the GLO_PT_SVC table.
Why is this happening and how to solve this issue?

We have both SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V and SIPT_NUMBR_MM_V maintained.


Thank you in advance for your support!
0 Kudos
Hi Marta

Awaiting your response.
0 Kudos
HI Catia

Can you please open 2 incident. Incident 1 for topic 1 and incident 2 for topic 2.

Colleagues from development will help you and see what is the problem.


0 Kudos
Hi Violet

We only support N and R from standard

N for normal invoice/delivery

R for special Billing/Delivery Types which are configured as recovery document type in SIPT_SDT* tables

When you communicate with TA from the test system, and with the webservice, then TA will know that this is one F.

F is for the cases were the software can generate from the same system Productive and non productive documents. This is not the case from SAP, were we have a productive system and a test system.


0 Kudos


We need to know how to proceed with the LR and LG invoice types.

Is it correct to assign it to the SAF-T document type 'OU' (Other)?

Thank you in advance.

0 Kudos
Hi Raquel

If they are invoices reported for e-fatura (monthly Billing SAF-T file) they need to be classified as:

If this are invoices then needs to be FT.

If they are Credit Memos need to be NC

If they are Debit Memos need to be ND


OU is only for documents that are not defined in the law (usually special working documents).


0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

I understand RMINI_SAFTN is not compatible with ATCUD, right? So I understand that now to create the SAF-T for Delivery Documents it is needed to use tcode FIEU_SAFT selecting Module 7, correct?

Thank you.
Hi Alberto

If you want to communicate the Deliveries to get the authorization code, you should change the solution from RMINI_SAFTN to the Webservice for transport communication tool.

SAF-T of Deliveries cannot be use for this communication and to get this authorization.


0 Kudos
Hello Marta,


quick question, we have customers that are still using the solution RMINI_SAFTN, for which we advised them to implement the webservice solution, since SAP no longer supports the "old" solution.

But these should still be able to get the AT authorization code through this solution, right? Even though SAP didn´t made change on the ATCUD scope.

Thank you

Best Regards


António Santos