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Como já deve saber, o governo português publicou a Portaria 195/2020 e, juntamente com o código QR, introduziu o Código de Documento Único (ATCUD) como um novo requisito legal.
Com o Despacho 351/2021.XXII publicado dia 11 de novembro de 2021, ATCUD será opcional em 2022 e obrigatório a partir de janeiro de 2023.

As empresas precisam obter um novo código de validação de série e usá-lo para gerar o ATCUD, sendo este um código único atribuído a documentos fiscais relevantes, como faturas e notas de crédito.

O ATCUD é reportado no ficheiro (SAF-T) e incluido no código QR. Ele deverá também ser incluido nos documentos impressos e eletrônicos.

Para mais informações sobre a solução de código QR, veja o blog post Código QR e ATCUD para Portugal: Fique por dentro das últimas atualizações da Portaria 195/2020.


A solução SAP

Um framework centralizado para gerir as séries e os códigos de validação AT por módulo será disponibilizado, suportando a comunicação manual e eletrônica.

Essa solução está planejada para estar disponível em duas fases:

  • Fase 1: Âmbito reduzido (serviços web não incluídos). Está planejado para ser disponibilizado em meados de novembro de 2021.

  • Fase 2: Funcionalidade relacionada aos serviços web. Está prevista para ser disponibilizada em meados de dezembro de 2021.


Os pré-requisitos

Existem algumas atividades de preparação que podem ajudar a acelerar as etapas de implementação assim que a solução estiver disponível:

Implementação de SAP Notes

Certifique-se de que implementou as SAP Notes relacionadas ao Despacho 8632/2014:

Comunicação com as autoridades fiscais

Pode utilizar os serviços da Web para comunicar automaticamente com as autoridades fiscais. Para esta comunicação, é necessário integrar o seu sistema com SAP Cloud Integration.

Para mais informações, consulte a SAP Note 2903776 ou entre em contato com seu gestor de conta SAP.

Atividades de configuração

Certifique-se de atualizar as configurações necessárias:

    • Crie novos intervalos de numeração e defina as respectivas séries únicas para assinatura digital. A nova nomenclatura deve seguir os requisitos legais (não são permitidos caracteres especiais). Para mais informações sobre as atividades de customizing, veja Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Aguarde também as novas instruções que serão publicadas em breve.

    • Atribua os novos intervalos de numeração aos respectivos tipos de documento SAF-T.

    • Adapte os seus layouts de impressão para incluir o ATCUD nos formulários.

Poderá utilizar os intervalos de numeração e séries atuais enquanto prepara os novos intervalos de numeração. Após 1 de janeiro de 2022, deverá utilizar os novos intervalos de numeração.


SAP Notes lançadas e atualizadas em 2022

Agora você já pode consultar a nota coletiva 3154599 que lhe dará toda a informação relevante para a implementação da solução, inclusive nos diversos módulos (SD, FI, FI-CA, Settlement Management, etc.). Veja também a documentação incluída. Esta nota será atualizada sempre que for liberada a solução de um novo módulo.


Guia de solução de problemas e perguntas frequentes

Consulte o SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 para um guia de solução de problemas e respostas a perguntas frequentes para ajudar você no processo de implementação da solução.


Fique atento às notícias mais recentes

Fique atento! Pretendemos atualizar este blog regularmente.

Também pode verificar mais informações no grupo SAP Jam SAP Portugal Collaboration Forum. Se ainda não for membro deste grupo, envie sua solicitação de convite para o seguinte e-mail: marta.pereira@sap.com.

Fique à vontade para deixar seus comentários abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestões para uma publicação futura. E não se esqueça de seguir a tag do SAP S/4HANA aqui na SAP Community para ficar atento às notícias mais recentes.

Até à próxima,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization






ATCUD for Portugal: Get ready for the new legal requirement on Portaria 195/2020


Hi everyone,

As you might be aware, the Portuguese government published Portaria 195/2020 and, together with the QR code, introduced AT-Validation Code (ATCUD) as a new legal requirement.
With Despacho 351/2021.XXII published on November 11, 2021, ATCUD will be optional in 2022 and mandatory as of January 2023.

Companies need to obtain a validation code for their series and then use it to generate the ATCUD, which is a unique document code assigned to relevant documents, such as invoices and credit memos.

You must include the ATCUD on printed documents and in electronic invoices and also report the ATCUD via the Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T). It must also be included in the QR code.

For more information about the QR code solution, see QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Stay Tuned to the Latest Updates on Portaria 195/2020.


The SAP solution

A centralized framework to manage the Series and AT-Validation Codes across modules will be provided, supporting both the manual and the automatic communication.

This solution is planned to be available in two phases:

  • Phase 1: Reduced scope (web services not included), planned to be available not earlier than mid November 2021.

  • Phase 2: Web service-related functionality, planned to be available not earlier than mid December 2021.


The prerequisites

There are some preparation activities that could help you to speed up the implementation steps once the solution is available:

SAP Notes implementation

Make sure you have the SAP Notes related to Despacho 8632/2014 implemented:

Communication with the tax authorities

You can use webservices to communicate with the tax authorities automatically. For this communication, you need to integrate your system with SAP Cloud Integration.

For more information, see SAP Note 2903776 or contact your account executive.

Configuration activities

Make sure you maintain the required configuration settings:

    • Create new number ranges and define their unique series for Digital Signature. The new nomenclature should follow the legal requirements (special characters aren’t allowed). For more information about the Customizing activities, see Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Further instructions will be published soon.

    • Assign the new number ranges to the respective SAF-T document types.

    • Adapt your print layouts to include the ATCUD in the forms.

Note that you can use the current number ranges and series while defining the new number ranges. After January 1, 2022, you must use the new number ranges.


New and Updated SAP Notes Released in 2022

The Collective Note 3154599 has been released with all the information you need to know about the solution implementation for ATCUD in different modules. You can also check the product documentation for more information.
This SAP Note will be updated every time there's a new solution release for the different modules. Stay tuned!


Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ

Check the SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 for a troubleshooting guide and answers to frequently asked questions to help you in the implementation process.


Stay tuned to the latest news

Stay tuned! We plan to update this blog post regularly.

You can also check out the SAP Jam group Portugal SAP Collaboration Forum. If you are not a member of this SAP Jam group yet, please send your invitation request to the following email: marta.pereira@sap.com           .

Feel free to leave your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for an upcoming post. And don’t forget to follow the SAP S/4HANA tag here on SAP Community to stay tuned to the latest news.


See you next time,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization
0 Kudos
Dear Customers,

SAP Globalization Services will be holding two Q&A sessions around the ATCUD topic for Portugal, where customers can submit their questions to the Development teams for quick clarification. To participate, please register per email to @Pereira, Marta, submit your questions and indicate in which phase you are with the implementation of the ATCUD solution.

The registered contacts will receive the link to join the sessions before the sessions start.

Please use the following template for your registration e-mail.


EMAIL information:

To: marta.pereira@sap.com (@Pereira, Marta)

Subject: Q&A ATCUD


  • Please indicate in which session you want to participate (delete the non-applicable):

Session 1: Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management:

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 10am (Lisbon/London time)

Session 2: Billing (SD & FI) :

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 13:30pm (Lisbon/London time)


  • Please indicate your current implementation status:

  • Implementation not started

  • Implementation and Customizing started

  • Implementation finished but not productive yet

  • Finished and productive


  • Please list your questions to each of the teams:


Questions for Session 1 - Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management


Questions for Session 2 - Billing (SD & FI)

0 Kudos

Hi Marta

Thanks for response. No i did not change the NR in OBA7 as it would have global impact to all countries using the document type.
In FBN1 under object type RF_BELEG i created a new number range number and i have assigned the new number range number to document type DR in SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V with start date as 08.12.2022

Will SAP assign the new number range number with start date as 08.12.2022 for invoices issue with ATCUD?


0 Kudos
Bom dia Daniel

Vai haver uma sessão de Q&A na proxima 4ª de manhã para as deliveries.

Caso pretenda se inscrever, siga as instruções da minha publicação de ontem e colque as questões.


Dear Customers,

SAP Globalization Services will be holding two Q&A sessions around the ATCUD topic for Portugal, where customers can submit their questions to the Development teams for quick clarification. To participate, please register per email to @Pereira, Marta, submit your questions and indicate in which phase you are with the implementation of the ATCUD solution.

The registered contacts will receive the link to join the sessions before the sessions start.

Please use the following template for your registration e-mail.


EMAIL information:

To: marta.pereira@sap.com (@Pereira, Marta)

Subject: Q&A ATCUD


  • Please indicate in which session you want to participate (delete the non-applicable):

Session 1: Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management:

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 10am (Lisbon/London time)

Session 2: Billing (SD & FI) :

Wed 14-Dec-2022, 13:30pm (Lisbon/London time)


  • Please indicate your current implementation status:

  • Implementation not started

  • Implementation and Customizing started

  • Implementation finished but not productive yet

  • Finished and productive


  • Please list your questions to each of the teams:


Questions for Session 1 - Logistics, Selfbilling, Settlement Management


Questions for Session 2 - Billing (SD & FI)
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Cool! Thanks for offering such a valuable session!
0 Kudos
Hi Marta,


We have implemented all the relevant nots as per the master SAP Note 3154599.

Business is going for manual update of series.

When we are trying to run the report GLO_PT_SVC, we are getting error 'No series identifier found for the given filter criteria' for B- SD Billing.

Updating the series ID in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V as B309(B for SD Billing, 30 bein number range and 9, free text), we are encountering the below error.

ATCUD naming convention for series not enabled yet

we have less time left for UAT, can you please help us.

As per SAP advise, we checked and confirm that below notes are implemented:

3164607 - Digital Signature Portugal: Activation of ATCUD Series for SD Billing




0 Kudos

Hi Marta,

We have implemented the ATCUD solution and all relevant SAP notes.

While proceeding with configuraion steps, We have created new number ranges (31) for ATCUD  documents, and are trying to add the new Series as B319.
When you say 4th entry is free for the series, does it have to have a character?
If we try to add any character to the 4 digit (we tried 9, 0, A), we get an error and cannot proceed :
ATCUD naming convention for series not enabled yet


Message no. SIPT049

We are able to add the series with a blank in the 4th digit as B31 .
Then we get an error when running GLO_PT_SVC, we choose B and immediately get error :
No series identifier found for the given filter criteria

As per SAP advise, we have verified and confirm that  3164607 - Digital Signature Portugal: Activation of ATCUD Series for SD Billing is already implemented.

We are stuck between two errors, let us know what we can try.


Diane Holland.


0 Kudos
Dear Marta,

We have a doubt about reporting movement of goods; should that be reported in the SAFT report (tcode FIEU_SAFT), with extract module 7 or via tcode RMINI_SAFTN.

Our company in Portugal has never used option 7 in the SAFT report since they report movement of goods manually; in fact, the SAFT report is currently only used with extract module 2, SD Invoices.

We want to ensure that movement of goods are handled and reported correctly with the new legal requirements.

Many thanks for your feedback.


Bom dia Marta,


Considerem por favor colocar a nota SAP que resolve este erro, como parte da nota coletiva.



Daniel Cunha
0 Kudos
Have you maintenanced informed the table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2? It is important before to go to GLO_PT_SVC
0 Kudos
Hi Marta

We have all SD correctely and now we are in sefl-billing.

I have problems with the self-billing. The table SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V have a dump "The system attempted to use dynpro 0001 in program "SAPLSIPT_MM_CONF".

We have checked all the notes and there aren´t any additional information.

We can see the dynproo in the program but doesn´t have any information include.

0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

Need to quick clarification regarding number ranges. Our number ranges start with 0 i.e.0999901001. We want to check if there will be any issue if we use leading Zeros for communication with Tax Authorities. We have heard that Tax Portal removes any leading Zeros. Can you please confirm on the same.


0 Kudos

Hi Marta

We have all SD correctely and now we are in sefl-billing.

I have problems with the self-billing. The table SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V have a dump "The system attempted to use dynpro 0001 in program "SAPLSIPT_MM_CONF". We have the same error when we want to implemented the note 3256405. This is the unique note that we can´t implemented.

We have checked all the rest of notes  (recenty) and we have implemented all about it.

Also we have searched information abour that program and there aren´t any additional information.

We can see the dynproo in the program but doesn´t have any information include.


0 Kudos

My client has a different fiscal year, which doesn't start in january, it starts in april. In this case, how can we do with regard to the new series and numbering intervals? Because if the start date starts on 01.01.2023 I think it won't work.

What possibilities do we have for this case, considering that ATCUD must be in the system on 01.01.2023?


The Example is correct for this case?


Company Number Range From To Document Type Digital Signature Séries ID Start Date
3100 41 0410000000 0429999999 DG X F41A 01.01.23


Thank you.


Luana Batista
0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

You commented at the beginning of the blog that it is possible to connect with the tax authorities by SAP Cloud Integration. 

You mention  SAP Note 2903776 but we did not find information about any SAP solution for direct sending of the SAFT  file to the AT.

Please could you tell me where we can find more information?



0 Kudos
Hi Marta

We have all SD correctely and now we are in sefl-billing.

I have problems with the self-billing. The table SIPT_NUMBR_MMN_V have a dump "The system attempted to use dynpro 0001 in program "SAPLSIPT_MM_CONF". We have the same error when we want to implemented the note 3256405. This is the unique note that we can´t implemented.

We have checked all the rest of notes  (recenty) and we have implemented all about it.

Also we have searched information abour that program and there aren´t any additional information.

We can see the dynproo in the program but doesn´t have any information include.
0 Kudos
Marta, can you please check with anybody in your team to see if we can get an answer on this.  Thanks!
0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2392635 has been suspended to update for 4 days and we have been waiting for the update, do you have any news regarding this SAP Note?


0 Kudos

On yesterday Q&W workshop, SAP told that is mandatory to create new number range for each type of document. My question, is if we have a way to do that without to touch in the system for all other countries. For SD number ranges we have the report RV60AFZZ routine userexit_number_range USING us_range_intern, but how to change on FI side?


Thank you

best regards

0 Kudos
FI number ranges are company code (besides year) dependent.
0 Kudos
Olá Paula,

Thanks, but yes, the number ranges are company code based, but the ID of Number Range is directly linked with lead type. We cannot change the number range on OBA7, on the header details of document, since is in process many countries.


Any solution?



0 Kudos

What is the relevance of table SIPT_CM_EXT_REF ? and how is an entry created here?

When i am creating a Credit note for an old Billing document (w/o digital signature), i get the error "Reference Billing document must be digitally signed.

If i check the code, the system is checking for an entry of the Original Billing document in this table.

Pl. explain the process to be followed for such scenario.
0 Kudos
Yo don't need to change the ID, if just need to have new number ranges and these number ranges (company code related) are then defined for SIPT* stuff.

If you start that in the beginning of the year it's even easier - one of the FI year end / new year procedure is the new number ranges creation so no issue there. Only PT company codes will be affected by that.

And yes, my company is also worldwide set.
0 Kudos
Hi Indraj, we have maintained the table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V which inturn updates SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2.

But the view/table is not showing up in our system.

System says no table exists in SM30 and SE16/SE16N.

Please advise.


Diane Holland
0 Kudos
Hi Raja

Something went wrong with the implementation of the notes, did you check the manual steps of the notes?

After checking that, if the problem maintains please open one incident for the development team check why this is happening.


Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Diane

THe series must have 4 digits (B is mandatory and 3 digits or letters that are free).

If you only have 3 digits than this will not respect the rules and maybe this is the reason why you are getting the error.

Blank spaces are not allowed and for the moment any special character.


0 Kudos
HI Venecia

Movements of Goods have 2 moments of reporting:

1 - when you need to request the transport authorization, and for that you are using a old solution RMINI_SAFTN. Please be careful because this will no longer be supported in a near future.

2 - When sending the audit or integrated saf-t file for the TA. In this case module 7 needs also to be reported.


0 Kudos

Please open one incident for that issue.


0 Kudos
HI Luana


If your NR is year independent you only need to communicate them before 01.01.2023

If it´s year dependent you will need to communicate it before 01.01.2023 and then again before 01.04.2023

So this means that you need to create a new entry for 2022 (believe that is the corresponding year to movements from 01.01.2023 to 31.03.2023) with F series and then a new one for year 2023



0 Kudos
Hi Francisco

The direct communication with TA in the text is only related with Series/ATCUD comunication.

Is not related with SAF-T file.


0 Kudos
Hi Nihat

The note is now available


0 Kudos
Hi Violet

When you create a Credit Memo is mandatory to give the reference for the original document that is under correction (Invoice number).

This tables was created for the following situation:

  • One Invoice that was created in other system and is not in SAP. Imagine that you need to create a Credit Memo for that invoice, but when you try to put the invoice number in the reference, that number does not exist in the SAP system.

  • This tables is for you to put the invoice number that is not in SAP system but that needs to have a credit memo issued.

Hope that this clarify your solution.


0 Kudos
Ok thanks.

0 Kudos
Thanks Marta for your quick response.

Pl. let me know how users should enter the Billing into this table. Do we have a Tcode ?

Users do not have rights to Se16 or SM30.
0 Kudos
Hi Marta,
Thanks, I just need one quick clarification as we are stuck because of this:

Our number ranges start with 0 i.e.0999901001. We want to check if there will be any issue if we use leading Zeros for communication with Tax Authorities. We have heard that Tax Portal removes any leading Zeros.

Can you please confirm that even if the web portal will be removing the leading 0 is it a problem if our reporting Invoice number has 0 at the front (e.g. 0999002001) in all the reporting, QR code, ATCUD code, digital signatures, SAFT etc.

Example we will be reporting ATCUD code as : TESTCODE-0999002001.

0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

thanks for the info but now another SAP Note is blocked by SAP, we will never catch the go live at the end of the year !!


0 Kudos
Hi Nithah

That note had a problem for SAP_APPL 617, but it will be release again soon.

Besides that a recording with the step by step configuration for Self Billing is now also available in Work Zone of the Collaboration forum for Portugal, to support and speed up your implementation.

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Marta

We have exhausted with the number range number. It is possible to use Special Characters for the New Number Range Numbers.

Secondly, can we define a Single Number range Number for a group of Document types ? or is it Mandatory to Create Number range Number separate for each document type?
0 Kudos
Hello all. One of requirements of AT for ATCUD process is that all documents delivered to customer should have ATCUD. The quotes, sales orders and purchase orders needs the ATCUD too.

For SD and FI documents we have notes for that, but for this kind of documents (that can be access by VA* tcodes, or ME* ) we do not have any way to manage series for that.

And we cannot register that series on GLO_PT_SVC transaction.

How can we manage this legal requirement?

Thank you and best regards
João Macedo
0 Kudos
Hi Marta

We opened the incident to SAP and We have the answer from them about it.



The error mentioned by the you while implementing the Note 3256405 is caused due to a technical glitch in the UDO report delivered through the Note 3256230 - Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Configuration Table Maintenance Generation.

We have attached a document in the Note 3256230 containing steps to generate the TMG manually.

You can perform manual activity.

Kindly check out the Version 4 of the Note 3256230 and follow the instructions given in the document.

--See Also--

Notes for Self-Billing in MM

List below refers to the notes in sequence of implementation, delivered as part of ATCUD adaptations for Digital Signature solution fin Self-Billing MM. For feature documentation and changes with ATCUD legal change refer to

SAP Note Description
3256228 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: DDIC objects
3256229 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Interfaces
3256230 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Configuration Table Maintenance Generation
3269214 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Generic ODN FM changes
3267816 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: New Signing Function
3256232 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Code Changes
3256405 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: TMG Modifications & Events

If your issue is resolved, kindly close the incident at your earliest convenience as per note 1239839 and provide your valuable feedback to encourage customer experience at SAP Product support.



0 Kudos

We have already the solution from SAP



The error mentioned by the you while implementing the Note 3256405 is caused due to a technical glitch in the UDO report delivered through the Note 3256230 - Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Configuration Table Maintenance Generation.

We have attached a document in the Note 3256230 containing steps to generate the TMG manually.

You can perform manual activity.

Kindly check out the Version 4 of the Note 3256230 and follow the instructions given in the document.

--See Also--

Notes for Self-Billing in MM

List below refers to the notes in sequence of implementation, delivered as part of ATCUD adaptations for Digital Signature solution fin Self-Billing MM. For feature documentation and changes with ATCUD legal change refer to

SAP Note Description
3256228 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: DDIC objects
3256229 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Interfaces
3256230 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Configuration Table Maintenance Generation
3269214 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Generic ODN FM changes
3267816 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: New Signing Function
3256232 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: Code Changes
3256405 Portugal ATCUD for Self-Billing MM: TMG Modifications & Events

If your issue is resolved, kindly close the incident at your earliest convenience as per note 1239839 and provide your valuable feedback to encourage customer experience at SAP Product support.



0 Kudos

We are testing the ATCUD at SD billing smartforms and we have a 0 value.

The class CL_SIPT_SD_BIL_PRINT01 returns a 0 at method


ms_header-atcud = mo_print_util->get_atcud( ).

METHOD get_atcud.

"temporary solution definat by tax authority
atcud = '0'.


Do you know how to change to the real value?

Thank you
Hello Raquel,


If you are using custom forms, the below class might help you:


It worked for us.




0 Kudos

When we try to save the series validation code in GLO_PT_SVC  we end up with ABAP dump


Dump analysis indicates that no function module can be found named "ENQUEUE_E_GLO_PT_SVC".


Is there a specific note which need to be implemented to correct this?

0 Kudos
Hi Paula

We have similar issue , as we are in April to March for us meeting the Jan timelines is to change number range number in middle of year. in FI_SIPT_NUM table we are able to maintain the new number range with start date as 01.01.2023 but SAP does not picks up the new number range it still pick up the number range from OBA7.
0 Kudos
Hi Marta

Awaiting your response for my query
0 Kudos
Good morning,

We have learned that the transaction GLO_PT_SVC can’t be used with the webservice option in Self-billing process.

We have many suppliers (hundreds) that we will need to execute this option and the solution to do it manually is very difficult to manage in time for this legal request.

We understand that we can only send the request to AT after the vendor has confirmed and given their acceptance in AT portal, but we can manage that control. Obviously we will only send after the vendor has given the approval.

As we have yearly number ranges, this implies that we have a heavy workload every year with this process.

Is SAP going to change the transaction behavior in order to allow the webservice communication to AT for Self-billing process? This is critical for our go-live in the beginning of the year. At the end it is really our responsibility in reporting the correct information.

Thanks in advance

Sérgio Mota
0 Kudos
Hi Sergio

When the solution for Webservice was released, the TA still didn´t had the webservice specification available to selfbilling communication.

Only last week, this was released by TA, and we don´t have the time to release it before the year end.

So for this 2023 communication the webservice will not be release, but we are analyzing the possibility to release a solution for automatic communication by webservice for selfbilling during 2023.

Regards, Marta
0 Kudos
Hi Violet

For the NR you can use what you want (special characters, nordic alphabet, greek alphabet....)

For the SERIES you cannot use special character.


NR = @@     SERIES = BXXX - Correct

NR = @@     SERIES = B@@1 - INCORRECT not possible and not accepted by TA.




0 Kudos

The only note that I see with this is 3137062.

If the problem maintains please open one incident in FI-LOC-LO-PT

