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This blog provides an overview of innovations for maintenance management and resource scheduling capabilities in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202.

First, this blog post starts with the table of contents for ease of reference and allows you to navigate directly to the topic you are interested in by clicking on a specific entry:

Maintenance Management

Approval for Service Entry Sheet (+ demo video)

Maintenance Backlog Overview and Manage Components and Services (+ demo video)

Condition-Based Maintenance

Perform Maintenance Jobs - Enhancements

Manage Bill of Material from Maintenance Order

Manage Technical Object BOMs App

External Number Range Interval for General Task list

Output Management - Work Pack and Job Pack

Emergency Maintenance Request (+ demo video)

Mass Change of Maintenance Orders & Operations

Extensibility - ODATA APIs

Resource Scheduling

Maintenance Scheduling Board - Enhancements (+ demo videos)

Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets (+ demo video)

Manage Work Center Utilization - Add to Schedule


Check out my video highlighting two release highlights, one for maintenance management and one for resource scheduling:

  • New SAP Fiori App Manage Components and Services

  • Usability enhancements in the Maintenance Scheduling Board app

Video 1: Highlights for maintenance management and resource scheduling in the 2202 release




Maintenance Management

Approval for Service Entry Sheet

With the 2108 release, we have introduced Lean and Limit Value Services in Maintenance Order.

Watch the next demo video for a quick recap.

Video 2: Lean and Limit Value Services in Maintenance Order

If you have added lean services to the operations of a maintenance order, the service performer posts service entry sheets after the service has been executed. Service entry sheets are posted with reference to the purchase orders that are linked to the corresponding maintenance order. In the service entry sheets, the service performer records the executed work and consumable materials. Service entry sheets must be submitted for approval. You now can configure the workflow for lean services to determine the responsible approver.

For the approval process of service entry sheets, you need to configure the workflow for lean services in the Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services app. If you work with maintenance orders that are processed according to phases, you can determine that the system issues an information, warning or error message if service entry sheets are submitted for approval and no approver has yet been specified in the order header.

Message Control

By default, a warning message would be raised if an operation including a lean service is going to be dispatched, but the responsible person has not been entered into the maintenance order header. You might consider changing this message type to “E” so that an error would be raised. For this purpose use the new Self-Service Configuration UI Message Control for Maintenance Management.

Figure 1: Change message type to “E” so that an error is raised when an operation should be dispatched, but the responsible person in the maintenance order header has not been determined yet


Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets

The next figure shows the configurations that are required so that the responsible person in the maintenance order will receive the approval request.

Figure 2: 'Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets' app - Configurations that are required so that the responsible person in the maintenance order will receive the approval request

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Maintenance Backlog Overview and Manage Components and Services

New SAP Fiori app 'Manage Components and Services'

The new SAP Fiori app Manage Components and Services allows you to view and manage all externally-procured materials and lean services that are required to execute your maintenance orders, in a single place.

You can filter for externally procured components and services by one or more maintenance planning buckets, pending procurement activities, and other criteria. Furthermore, the system displays all non-stock components and lean services that match the selected filter criteria.

To access this app, select one or more maintenance planning buckets in the Maintenance Backlog Overview app. On the External Procurement card, select the chart section Create Purchase Requisition as shown in the next video.

Video 3: 'Maintenance Backlog Overview' app - access the new SAP Fiori app 'Manage Components and Services'


Rework Orders

A new card to indicate the Rework KPI was introduced in the Maintenance Backlog Overview app. The orders in a bucket are categorized as rework orders when there are repetitive orders in the order history time frame. It contains a stacked bar chart that provides information about outstanding rework orders per bucket. The X-axis is buckets, and Y-axis is the number of rework orders aggregated by maintenance activity type. Filters applicable for this card are Planning Bucket Template, Past Buckets, and Future Buckets. You can click the rework orders in the chart to navigate to the Find Maintenance Orders app and view details of the order(s).

Figure 2: 'Maintenance Backlog Overview' app - new card 'Rework Orders'

By the way: The order history timeframe can be configured in the self-service configuration UI (SSCUI) for rework analysis. You can maintain this timeframe less than or equal to 30 days. In this SSCUI the Order type(s) and Maintenance Activity type(s) can be additionally maintained as a criteria to determine rework orders.

Figure 4: 'Manage Your Solution' app - new configuration step 'Define Order Parameters for Rework Analysis'

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Condition-Based Maintenance

With 2202, Maintenance Management provides a lightweight “Condition-Based Maintenance” capability. It allows you to define conditions (limits and tolerance values) and corresponding actions to be taken when such conditions are breached.
You will find detailed information about this innovation in the blog post Condition-Based Maintenance in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 Maintenance Management.


Figure 5: Condition-Based Maintenance - Automated Maintenance Notification Creation

You can now enable predefined conditions based on which a maintenance notification is created for a measurement reading of a measurement document. When you create a measurement document, if one of the four conditions that are maintained in the measuring point is fulfilled, a maintenance notification is created. The next figure shows the Create Measuring Point app that allows the maintenance planner to maintain Conditions and Measurement Tolerance.

Figure 6: 'Create Measuring Point' app - Maintain Conditions and Measurement Tolerance

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Perform Maintenance Jobs – Enhancements

With the 2105 release we have launched the SAP Fiori app Perform Maintenance Jobs as the one-stop solution for maintenance technicians which allows them to access the outstanding maintenance jobs and to document the executed maintenance work (see my 2105 blog and 2111 blog). With 2202, this app offers many useful new features:

  • Support execution of preventive and corrective order types

  • Filter for all the supported order types

  • System status is available at the operational level

  • Maintenance orders without phase model will also have action buttons to Start, Pause, Record time set the job as Work Done etc. similar to the orders which supports phase model

Figure 7: 'Perform Maintenance Jobs' app - enhancements are outlined in red 

Now, Maintenance Technicians can record the Work Start and Work End date and time while performing time confirmation using the Record time feature. Default values are available for these fields.

Figure 8: 'Perform Maintenance Jobs' app - record the Work Start and Work End date


The Add Measurements window offers an additional method to record readings: The measurement reading can now be recorded in either the Current Reading or the Reading Difference field. The other field gets automatically calculated based on the value entered in the first one.

Figure 9: 'Perform Maintenance Jobs' app - add measurements

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Manage Bill of Material from Maintenance Order

Now, you can create and update bills of materials for material, equipment and functional location from existing maintenance orders directly from the material overview page of the Display Maintenance Order app. This feature enables you to

  • Preserve components and materials used while executing the work as a bill of materials

  • Collect information for non-stock parts used in the order and store it in the bill of materials

  • Update the bill of materials if there is unplanned consumption of material

Figure 10: 'Display Maintenance Order' app - Manage Bill of Materials

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Manage Technical Object BOMs App

With the new Manage Technical Object BOMs app you can view a list of equipment and functional location BOMs in a single place. Set the filter criteria to refine the two types of BOM lists. If you press the Create BOM button, you will navigate to the Create BOM visual harmonized UI. The link in the Equipment/Functional Location column offers further navigation options.

Figure 11: 'Manage Technical Object BOMs' app

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External Number Range Interval for General Task list

Now, one of the range can be defined as an external number range. The defined external number range can be used to create a general task list

Figure 12: External Number Range Interval for General Task list

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Output Management - Work Pack and Job Pack

Maintenance Planners and Supervisors can create work packs which can include one or more selected maintenance operations in the app Find Maintenance Orders and Operations. You can choose the work pack type and grouping criteria and decide whether you want to include it in your new work pack operations which are already included in other work packs.

Figure 13: 'Find Maintenance Orders and Operations' app - Create Work Pack

With the new Manage Work Packs app, you can find existing work packs, select work packs, job packs, and job pack items and send them to the output immediately. As well, you can schedule them to be eligible for the mass output via email or print channel. You can also see detailed information about work packs, retry output or set the status of the output to completed manually in case of any errors.

Figure 14: 'Manage Work Packs' app

With the Schedule Output for Maintenance Job Packs app the Configuration Expert for Business Process Configuration can create a new application job to schedule output for maintenance job packs. You can select a job template, enter a job name, specify the selection parameters, set the start date and time of the output, define a recurrence, or trigger the output immediately. Before scheduling a job, you can check the correctness of entered data. You can also view the log, status, and other details of existing scheduled jobs in the application jobs list.

Figure 15: 'Schedule Output for Maintenance Job Packs' app

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Emergency Maintenance Request

If you process your maintenance orders according to phases, the order type determines the process phases that the maintenance order runs through. In case of emergency, you need to ensure that urgent repair work is carried out immediately without delay. With this feature, you can assign the notification processing context Emergency Work to a maintenance request and cause the system to create an emergency order that is released and dispatched automatically and thereby passed immediately to the Execution phase.

The new field Notification Processing Context indicates whether the maintenance request triggers Emergency Work. In maintenance notification lists the Notification Processing Context has been added as a filter. The new field Processing Context indicates whether the order is a Standard Order or an Emergency Order.

In the next demo video, Markus shows the new process for emergency work by creating a Maintenance Request assigned to notification processing context Emergency Work.

Video 4: Create Maintenance Request for Emergency Work

If you want the maintenance supervisor to approve whether the urgent repair work has been carried out correctly and the emergency order can be set to TECO (Technically Completed), you can use the BAdI Phase Control Activation and Deactivation (EAM_PHASE_CONTROL_ACTIVATION) to activate a phase control code for all emergency orders automatically when they are created.

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Mass Change of Maintenance Orders & Operations

With 2202, we continue the expansion of mass change capabilities in maintenance management. For a short recap about mass editing of maintenance orders, items and technical objects see my 2111 blog.

Mass Change of Maintenance Order Header Settlement Rule

The Manage Maintenance Notifications and Orders app enables maintenance planners to select and edit one or more maintenance orders and their attributes at a single time. You can now add a settlement rule for the selected orders in the Mass Edit Orders dialog. The following objects can be added as settlement receivers: Cost center, Settlement Order, WBS element and Asset. Only one settlement rule can be added per mass edit action. Changes to existing settlement rules are not permitted.

Figure 16: 'Manage Maintenance Notifications and Orders' app - mass change of maintenance order header settlement rule

Mass Change of Maintenance Order Operations

The Find Maintenance Orders and Operations app enables maintenance planners, technicians and supervisors to select one or more maintenance orders and edit their operations at a single time. The Mass change will be executed through a background job to prevent any performance or timeout issues. You can track the progress of the background job via navigation to the Application log app.

Figure 17: 'Find Maintenance Orders and Operations' app

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With 2202, we offer the new ODATA API Maintenance Notification that enables you to

  • assign/unassign task list to notification

  • create, read, and update data related to maintenance notification

In addition, existing ODATA APIs have been enhanced:

  • The Maintenance Order API enables you to view, create and delete partner data, phase control codes on order header and order operation level and production resources and tools (PRTs).

  • The Maintenance Bill of Material API supports the number of the change master record that controls the change of the Bill of Material of type Material, Equipment and Functional Location.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

As already mentioned in chapter Emergency Maintenance Request the new Business Add-In (BAdI) Phase Control Activation and Deactivation (EAM_PHASE_CONTROL_ACTIVATION) enables you to activate and deactivate phase control codes that you have defined in the configuration activity Define Phase Control Code for Maintenance Orders. You can use this BAdI to activate and deactivate phase control codes on maintenance order header level as well as on order operation and suboperation level. You can access the BAdI and the BAdI documentation in the Custom Logic

Another new BAdI Manage Bill of Material Items (EAM_MANAGE_BOM) enables you to apply changes for header details, item tables for material movements of a maintenance order and a bill of material,and perform other related changes in order to enhance the functionality when creating a bill of material from an existing maintenance order. Your changes will be applied on the Save action within the Manage Bill of Material function.


Maintenance Order Events

The following business events are now available for the Maintenance Order:

  • OrdPhseCtrlActvtd

  • OrdPhseCtrlDactvtd

  • OpPhseCtrlActvtd

  • OpPhseCtrlActvtd

These business events are raised in the case that a phase control code on operation respectively order header has been activated or deactivated.

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Resource Scheduling

Maintenance Scheduling Board - Enhancements

Having already extended the Maintenance Scheduling Board app in the past release (see my 2111 blog), we are now delivering further enhancements.

In the next video I show you the

  • new quick-toggle buttons to hide or un-hide details on the planning board

  • change of a complete order via drag and drop

  • settings dialogue that now offers the option to change the coloring of the utilization indicator and the option to add labels to the order header bar or operation bar.

Video 5: 'Maintenance Scheduling Board' app - quick-toggle buttons, drag & drop, settings dialogue


In addition, maintenance planners or supervisors can now add, edit, and delete offsets for relationships to plan breaks between maintenance tasks. I show you this new feature in the next demo video:

Video 6: 'Maintenance Scheduling Board' app - edit offset

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Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets

In the past release we have enhanced the View Maintenance Schedule for Assets app to show maintenance events in the chart (see my 2111 blog).
To better reflect its enhanced functional scope, the View Maintenance Schedule for Assets app has been renamed to Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets. You can now use drag and drop to move order bars in the chart. In addition, you can now directly open a maintenance planning bucket from within the app. Check out the next video where the new options are shown.

Video 7: Renamed 'Manage Maintenance Schedule for Assets' app - drag & drop

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Manage Work Center Utilization – Add to Schedule

In the Manage Work Center Utilization app, it is now possible to add entire maintenance orders to a schedule.

A new button Add to Schedule was added to the Maintenance Orders tab. It can be used to add  one order or multiple orders and their operations to a schedule. The app automatically adds all order operations to which the following applies:

  • The order operations have the processing status Due.

  • The order operations are in one of the work centers that the active planner has assigned to him/herself.

  • The order operations don't have suboperations.

Figure 18: 'Manage Work Center Utilization' app - Add to Schedule

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Thanks for reading this blog post. Stay tuned!

You will find a collection of my SAP S/4HANA Cloud release blogs here:

My colleague Markus Oertelt writes an interesting blog series abouta
Discrete Industries in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

For more information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, check out the following links:

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud release info here

  • Latest SAP S/4HANA Cloud Release Blog Posts here and previous release highlights here

  • Product videos on our SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA YouTube playlist

  • SAP S/4HANA PSCC Digital Enablement Wheel here

  • Early Release Webinar Series here

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  • openSAP Microlearnings for SAP S/4HANA here

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  • Feature Scope Description here

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