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The feature described in this blog post is only valid for release 608 and above. See SAP Note 3223858.

BSI TaxFactory 11.0

For customers using BSI TaxFactory 11.0 OnPremise: minimum Cyclic H level.
For customers using BSI TaxFactory 11.0 SaaS: the solution is already available on the TaxFactory instance.



Now you can synchronize your Filing Status information with BSI TaxFactory 11.0 data automatically, and no maintenance is required anymore. The only thing you have to do is set the new BSI Filing Status Synchronization (BSIFS) configuration option to active (ON), and the BSI Filing Status (T5UTKZ) table will be used as source of information.


Let me show you this feature in more details:

New source for valid Filing Status

Up until now, you maintain the Withholding Info W4/W5 US (0210) and the IRS Limits USA (0161) infotypes and the unique source of information for valid filing statuses within the system is the Marital Status (T5UTK) table, and the maintenance is your responsibility.

But from now on, you can use the Marital Status (T5UTK) table or the BSI Filing Status (T5UTKZ) table as source of information for valid filing statuses, depending on the value in configuration option BSI Filing Status Synchronization (BSIFS).

So, to wrap things up, this valid filing statuses data is provided by BSI, as the BSI Filing Status (T5UTKZ) table is synchronized with the BSI Tax Factory 11.0 API ReturnMaritalStatusInfoForFormula, and there is no maintenance needed on the new table.


Okay, but how can you use this? To do that, see more information on the configuration below:

SAP Note 3223858 - BSI: Filing status synchronization with TaxFactory 11.0 delivers the BSI Filing Status Synchronization (BSIFS) configuration option. And you can use this configuration to activate (ON) or deactivate (OFF) the usage of the BSI Filing Status (T5UTKZ) as source of information for valid filing statuses, in the Customer values for configuration options (V_T5F99K2) table view.


By default, SAP system will consider the Manual Filing Status (maint required) as deactivated (OFF). If you use the configuration option as OFF, it will have no impact on the current functionality of the system.

If you want to know more and implement this feature, see SAP Note 3223858 - BSI: Filing status synchronization with TaxFactory 11.0 and system documentation.


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All the best, and happy reading!


Lea Kuhn

User Assistance Developer
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Lea,

Very nice blog, thank you for this documentation!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thank you for your feedback, Carlos!
0 Kudos

Hello - 

We have BSIFS = ON, but when running BSI Sync program (sim) we are getting two sets of messages.

(1) Filing Statuses: NO changes have been detected for table T5UTKZ

(2) General Messages: Filing status with tax type 503 not imported due to conversion error.

The second message is for tax types 503, 504, 507, 515, 520, 521. Can anyone provide guidance?  

There are statuses in V_T5UTKZ. Should we only be concerned if a state creates anew status?



0 Kudos


We are only getting "No changes have been detected for table T5UTKZ" when running the BSI Sync program, but T5UTKZ does not have all the states. What are we missing?

