In this blog, I would like to provide a brief overview on the process of enabling a custom field on the UI of the technical object apps in the Asset Management Line-of-Business in S/4HANA Cloud. As these technical object apps still run on the WebDynpro technology, the process of using the AdaptUI to add the custom fields is different than the process you might be used to while using other Fiori apps. Assuming the custom field has already been created using the required parameters, business context (for eg. Equipment), let's look at the steps to add this field on the app's UI.
- In the "Change Technical Object" app, enter any equipment ID and go into the detail page
- Then go into the AdaptUI
- Inside the AdaptUI screen, again enter an Equipment ID and click Continue
- In the dropdown on the top right, select “Show Customizable Areas”, and then click on the spanner of the section where you want to add your custom field.
- You will then be prompted with a popup, if you want to leave the page. Click “Ok” and you will be shown the following screen, where you can enter a description for the new customizing screen
- You will now see the following screen
- Here, you can select “General Data” for example and under “Child Element” add a new element to the group
- You can now search for your custom field and add it to the group “General Data” for example
- After this, check the changes made, and finally save the new screen configuration.
- After this, you will see that your custom field has been successfully added to the UI, which can be seen in the preview
- Now, the AdaptUI mode can be exited, and you will see the newly added custom field the next time you go into the Display/Change Technical Object app.
Hopefully this blog gave you an insight as to how to add custom fields to the “Display/Change Technical Object” apps.