@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_FULLACC'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_fullaccess
as select from
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_fullaccess {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_fullaccess; }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_LITERAL'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_literal
as select from
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_literal {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_literal
where carrid = 'LH'; }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PFCG'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_pfcg
as select from
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_pfcg {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_pfcg
where (carrid) =
aspect pfcg_auth (s_carrid, carrid, actvt='03'); }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_LITPFCG'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_lit_pfcg
as select from
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_lit_pfcg {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_lit_pfcg
where (carrid) =
aspect pfcg_auth (s_carrid, carrid, actvt='03') and
currcode = 'EUR'; }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_INH'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_inherited
as select from
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_inherited {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_inherited
inherit demo_cds_role_lit_pfcg or currcode = 'USD'; }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_USR'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
define view demo_cds_auth_user
as select from
key uname,
key langu,
@MappingRole: true
define role demo_cds_role_user {
grant select on demo_cds_auth_user
uname ?= aspect user; }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_CDS_PFCG'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Demo access pfcg'
define view Zdemo_Access_Pfcg as select from scarr
key carrid,
@MappingRole: true
define role zdemo_access_pfcg {
grant select on Zdemo_Access_Pfcg
where (carrid) =
aspect pfcg_auth (zs_carrid, carrid, actvt='03'); }
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_ALLOWED
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z05_IFLIGHTAIRP' // Name of the CDS database view in the ABAP Repository
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK // CDS authorizations, controls the authorization check. In S4H410 not required
@EndUserText.label: 'Flight by airport' // Translatable short text. Max 60characters. Text label is exposed to Analytica tools and the OData service
@VDM.viewType: #COMPOSITE // This is a COMPOSITE interface view in the VDM, because it is based on multiple BASIC views
@Analytics.dataCategory: #CUBE // Makes it avaialble for analytics as dimension view via the analytics manager. Is simular to #FACT but #CUBE has more redundant data
@Analytics.dataExtraction.enabled: false // No data extraction allowed as you don't want redundancies in data extraction
define view Z05_I_FlightByAirport as select from Z00_I_Flight // A CDS is implemented using a query select from CDS view Z00_I_Flight
{ // No associations needed as these are handled within the BASIC views
// In the BASIC view we used alias to make the column names are userfriendly
// Also the associations from the othe views are added automatically
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_Airline' // Defines a foreignkey association for the field Z00_I_Flight.Airline to view _Airline.Airline
key Z00_I_Flight.Airline, // Use the column Airline as a key field
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_FlightConnection' // Defines a foreignkey association for the field Z00_I_Flight.FlightConnection to view _FlightConnection.FlightConnection
key Z00_I_Flight.FlightConnection, // Use the column FlightConnection as a key field
key Z00_I_Flight.FlightDate, // Use the column FlightDate as a key field
@EndUserText.label: 'Airport From' // Add an enduser label to make sure that we can differentiate between AirportFrom and AirportTo
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_AirportFrom' // Defines a foreignkey association for the field _FlightConnection.AirportFrom to view _AirportFrom.AirportFrom
key Z00_I_Flight._FlightConnection.AirportFrom, // Use the column _FlightConnection.AirportFrom as a key field
@EndUserText.label: 'Airport To' // Add an enduser label to make sure that we can differentiate between AirportFrom and AirportTo
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_AirportTo' // Defines a foreignkey association for the field _FlightConnection.AirportTo to view _AirportFrom.AirportTo
key Z00_I_Flight._FlightConnection.AirportTo, // Use the column _FlightConnection.AirportTo as a key field
@Semantics.currencyCode: true // This tells the column AirlineUsedCurrency that it is a currency code field
key Z00_I_Flight.Currency, // Use the column Currency as a key field
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_AircraftType' // Defines a foreignkey association for the field AircraftType to view _AircraftType.AircraftType
key Z00_I_Flight.AircraftType, // Use the column AircraftType as a key field
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'Currency' // The annotated field contains a monetary amount, and the corresponding currency code is contained in the referenced field
@DefaultAggregation: #MIN // The field is aggregated using MIN
Z00_I_Flight.FlightPrice, // Use the column FlightPrice
@DefaultAggregation: #SUM // The field is aggregated using SUM
Z00_I_Flight.MaximumNumberOfSeats, // Use the column MaximumNumberOfSeats
@DefaultAggregation: #SUM // The field is aggregated using SUM
Z00_I_Flight.NumberOfOccupiedSeats, // Use the column NumberOfOccupiedSeats
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'Currency' // The annotated field contains a monetary amount, and the corresponding currency code is contained in the referenced field
@DefaultAggregation: #SUM // The field is aggregated using SUM
Z00_I_Flight.CurrentBookingsTotalAmount, // Use the column CurrentBookingsTotalAmount
/* Associations */
Z00_I_Flight._AircraftType, // The fields from the association _AircraftType
Z00_I_Flight._Airline, // The fields from the association _Airline
Z00_I_Flight._FlightConnection, // The fields from the association _FlightConnection
Z00_I_Flight._FlightConnection._AirportFrom, // This needs to be added because airportFrom is not available for analytics, because we used it only as a foreignkey
Z00_I_Flight._FlightConnection._AirportTo // This needs to be added because airportTo is not available for analytics, because we used it only as a foreignkey
@EndUserText.label: 'Role for Z05_I_FLIGHTBYAIRPORT'
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE {
grant select on Z05_I_FlightByAirport
where ( Airline ) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_CARRID,
actvt = '03' );
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z05_CFLIGHTAQ' // Name of the CDS database view in the ABAP Repository
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK // CDS authorizations, controls the authorization check. In S4H410 not required
@EndUserText.label: 'Available Flights' // Translatable short text. Max 60characters. Text label is exposed to Analytica tools and the OData service
@VDM.viewType: #CONSUMPTION // This is a CONSUMPTION view
@Analytics.query: true // By tagging the CDS view as an analytical query it will be exposed to the analytic manager
@OData.publish: true // Generates a suitable OData service, that will use the analytical query, when the CDS entity is activated
define view Z05_C_FlightByAirportQuery as select from Z05_I_FlightByAirport // A analytical query CDS is implemented using a query select from CDS view Z00_I_FlightByAirport
// Take care with OData publishing the max. lenght is 26 characters
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #ROWS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column Airline
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.Airline, // Use the column Airline
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #ROWS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column FlightConnection
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.FlightConnection, // Use the column FlightConnection
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #ROWS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column FlightDate
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.FlightDate, // Use the column FlightDate
@Consumption.filter: {selectionType: #SINGLE, multipleSelections: false, mandatory: false } // Creates a mandatory filter on the values in the field AirportFrom
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #ROWS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column AirportFrom
@EndUserText.label: 'Departure Airport' // Add an human readable enduser label to make sure that we can differentiate between AirportFrom and AirportTo
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.AirportFrom, // Use the column AirportFrom
@Consumption.filter: {selectionType: #SINGLE, multipleSelections: false, mandatory: false } // Creates an optional filter on the values in the field AirportTo
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #ROWS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column AirportTo
@EndUserText.label: 'Arrival Airport' // Add an human readable enduser label to make sure that we can differentiate between AirportFrom and AirportTo
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.AirportTo, // Use the column AirportTo
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.Currency, // Use the column Currency
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.AircraftType, // Use the column AircraftType
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #COLUMNS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column FlightPrice
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.FlightPrice, // Use the column FlightPrice
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.MaximumNumberOfSeats, // Use the column MaximumNumberOfSeats
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.NumberOfOccupiedSeats, // Use the column NumberOfOccupiedSeats
@DefaultAggregation: #FORMULA // Important to know for formular placement is evaluation time. Inside the final query, the evaluation is done after the flightbyairport
// view aggragation, so it's not on a very detailed level or even row level, but at the aggragate level. This is important for avarages
// as they cannot be evaluated at the detail level
@EndUserText.label: 'Available Seats'
@AnalyticsDetails.query.axis: #COLUMNS // Defines the default row/colums apperance for the column NumberOfAvailableSeats
Z05_I_FlightByAirport.MaximumNumberOfSeats - Z05_I_FlightByAirport.NumberOfOccupiedSeats as NumberOfAvailableSeats // this is a formular (calculated column)
@EndUserText.label: 'Role for Z05_I_FLIGHTBYAIRPORT'
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE {
grant select on Z05_I_FlightByAirport
where ( FlightConnection) = aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_CONNID,
actvt = '03' );
@EndUserText.label: 'Role for Z05_I_FLIGHTBYAIRPORT'
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE {
grant select on Z05_I_FlightByAirport
where ( Airline) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_CARRID,
actvt = '03' ) AND
(FlightDate ) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_FLDAT,
actvt = '03' );
@EndUserText.label: 'Role for Z05_I_FLIGHTBYAIRPORT'
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE {
grant select on Z05_I_FlightByAirport
where ( Airline) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_CARRID,
actvt = '03' ) OR
( FlightDate ) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_FLDAT,
actvt = '03' );
@EndUserText.label: 'Role for Z05_I_FLIGHTBYAIRPORT'
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE {
grant select on Z05_I_FlightByAirport
where ( Airline, FlightDate) =
aspect pfcg_auth ( ZS_NEW,
actvt = '03' );
@MappingRole: true
define role Z05_ROLE_2 {
grant select on Z05_C_FlightByAirportQuery
inherit Z05_ROLE; }
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