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JD is an internal sales representative who works in the sales department of a bike manufacturer. He is responsible for customer service, order taking and management, returns, and billing. There’s a high order volume to be managed every day. Recently, new bike types were launched for the upcoming season, and bike stores are now ordering lots of bikes.

JD has the role of a supervisor in his sales group. It’s a team of seven that’s responsible for national customers. In this role he must approve sales approval workflows.

Figure 1: New My Home in SAP S/4HANA Cloud


Start of the Day:

JD grabs a coffee and logs onto the SAP S/4HANA system and his email inbox.

A view of the new My Home space shows the high number of incoming sales orders over the last few weeks! JD checks My Inbox for pending approvals. Here, he sees a new workflow for a sales quotation (Manage Sales Quotations app) intended for a new customer. JD doesn’t agree to his teammate’s issued discount of 7% so he rejects it and reduces it to 4%. Now that the quote has been adjusted, JD can release it.


Figure 2: New My Home


In his email inbox, JD finds an urgent email from the product manager Justine to inform him that the new product ‘S300 E-Bike Racer’ has been launched successfully. Management has decided to replace all open orders for the predecessor bike ‘S200 E-Bike Racer’ with this new model and asks for these changes to be made immediately.

Uh, what an unexpected start to his day…


Demo Video: Mass Change of Sales Documents


JD opens the Mass Change of Sales Documents app and selects all open orders for product S200. JD can see that many orders have been placed. He selects all order items and replaces the product S200 with product S300. Using the SAP Fiori app Mass Change of Sales Documents, this is an easy task that he can complete in just three clicks. The change is executed in the background and once it’s completed, JD receives a system notification. This means he doesn’t have to watch and wait, and can immediately continue with his other tasks.

JD quickly confirms with Justine that the changes have been made.

Next, JD checks if there are some pending orders which need his attention.


Figure 3: Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor application


He opens the Sales Order Fulfillment Monitor app and checks if there are any critical orders with issues he needs to resolve. To increase efficiency, JD has defined a special filter variant for his most important customers with service level agreements.

He sees there’s an order from one of his key accounts which is blocked due to credit reasons. The order is due for delivery today. He selects the order and executes a new credit check because he knows that while the customer often pays late, payments are reliable. The credit block is released and he can immediately trigger the delivery.



After JD has completed some urgent topics, he starts entering sales orders in the system. Sales orders need to be maintained in the system by 11:30am at the latest because at 12:00pm the production planning and delivery creation process starts. So, this activity is time critical and needs to be done efficiently under time pressure to offer customers the next possible delivery date.

Demo Video: Three Ways of Creating Sales Orders


Today, there are many purchase orders in JD’s inbox and new ones are constantly coming in. Customers use different channels to place orders. Most orders are placed via email with PDF attachments or via fax, but large stores also like to use Microsoft Excel. Some of the stores have a web shop for which orders are automatically created. However, JD must double-check and release these orders later.

For PDF documents sent via email, an SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (iRPA) bot keeps a constant check on the email inbox and uploads PDFs to the SAP Fiori app Create Sales Orders – Automatic Extraction. With this app, PDF documents are automatically converted into sales orders. This app has made order taking much more efficient for JD and he no longer needs to monitor the order creation process because the system notifies him if something needs his attention.

Also, the new app Import Sales Documents supports him a lot with the order lists sent via Microsoft Excel from big bike stores. JD can simply upload the excel files and the app checks if the content is correctly formatted and creates the sales orders accordingly. JD uses the log to monitor the successful import of sales orders. Whenever the app detects errors in the excel files, JD is able to easily correct these and upload corrected orders.

Next, JD focuses on creating sales orders which have been submitted by fax and email text message. It’s usually more effort to create sales orders submitted this way, but thanks to the new SAP Fiori app Manage Sales Orders this is now much easier. The screens are tailored to JD’s needs, so he easily finds all fields and information to create the order without unnecessary navigation or clicks. JD can create the sales orders efficiently and completes his work in time.



Figure 4: Customer 360 View application (lab preview, coming with CFD release 2208.1)


During a normal business day, JD typically receives many phone calls from customers. To be prepared for any question a customer may have, JD uses the Customer 360 View app (coming with CFD release 2208.1) to access the customer account. The app provides JD with an overview of the latest customer activities and insights into the most important financial transactions or agreements. With Customer 360 View, JD can address his customers’ questions and requests quickly and efficiently.

Paul from ‘Power Sports Inc.’ calls JD to ask when his latest order of bikes and accessories will be delivered. He has a customer who is interested in a bike from the new mountain bike series.


Figure 5: Track Sales Order application


JD opens the Customer 360 View for ‘Power Sports Inc.’, immediately finds the latest order on the overview page, and opens the order in the Track Sales Order app. He sees that the order has already left the warehouse. The expected delivery date is tomorrow. Paul is excited about this positive news.

This was a busy morning - Now it is time for lunch.



In the afternoon, JD has time to work on some other less time-critical tasks.

First, he reads an email from a customer who is complaining about a bike which was damaged by the carrier during transport. The customer is requesting a bike replacement. JD opens the SAP Fiori app Manage Customer Returns and searches for the customer’s original order. JD verifies the order and creates a new customer return. Because the company has implemented accelerated returns management, JD can already specify in the customer return that the damaged bike is to be picked up at the customer’s site and that a replacement is to be issued at no extra cost. All follow-on steps are automatically triggered by the system after JD releases the customer return.



Figure 6: Manage Customer Returns application


Thankfully, JD has just a few other complaints he needs to manage.


Figure 7: Create Quotations application


One of his key accounts is asking for an offer for the new bike series. He is interested in 100 bikes and is inquiring about a potential discount. JD creates a new sales quotation (Create Quotations app) for the requested bikes and calculates the price. He does some price simulations to check which price he can offer without compromising the margin. There are some discount options available and after JD is satisfied with the outcome, he saves the sales quote. As this quote is beyond a certain net value, a workflow is automatically initiated and sent to his manager for approval.

JD and his manager appreciate the streamlined and transparent communication via workflow.


Figure 8: Create Billing Documents application


Finally, JD opens the Create Billing Documents app and checks what’s due. He creates some pending invoices and also makes sure that all invoices created overnight were correctly transferred to accounting. For this, he checks the status of the invoices and - if necessary - releases them for accounting.

Wow, what a day… it is 5pm and JD is very satisfied with his work achievement of the day. He closes his laptop and enjoys a nice spring evening.


With the new SAP Fiori user experience in SAP S/4HANA Sales you can intuitively and efficiently manage your daily workload.

If you want to learn more about the user experience and innovations of SAP S/4HANA Sales, you might also like:

Journey of Managing Sales Orders in SAP Fiori: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/01/07/journey-of-managing-sales-orders-in-sap-fiori/
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