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The ASUG Virginia Chapter is hosting our Spring Chapter meeting on April 5th at Fairfax Water in Lorton, Virginia.  We  would like to invite you and your coworkers to attend, network with your fellow SAP colleagues as well as learn about the latest technologies and innovations within the SAP landscape including SuccessFactors, S/4HANA, Machine Learning, SAP EIM solutions, and more.  You can see more information here, visit the event website here, and register here.  Please let me know if you have trouble registering.

Now to show how we are listening....to ASUG Members THANK YOU for your participation in the ASUG Virginia Chapter survey

We continue to reach out to our ASUG Members to better understand where ASUG can help and how we are doing in delivery to your educational, networking and SAP influence requirement. In this latest survey we asked for your feedback on 2018 and what we needed to strive for in 2019. The chapter held three meetings this year:

Generally our chapter meetings have 75-80 in registrations, but this year all 3 had almost 100 attend in person. It was a successful year for the chapter.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us. We have already started incorporating your feedback into our plans for 2019 chapter meetings and year round education planning.

See the responses below:

Please list the top 3-5 topics that would get you to register for a Chapter meeting:

Sample responses:

S/4HANA Greenfield

S/4HANA Migration

S4 / HANA - what's new, tips & tricks, benefits


Robotics (RPA)

Embedded CRM

Federal Sector topics


System integration tools

Solution Manager

Cloud Applications

User Experience


This feedback was used in planning the April 5th Chapter meeting at Fairfax Water

How Many ASUG Virginia Chapter meetings have you attended?

Almost 77% of you have attended 2 or more meetings....repeat attendees are appreciated.

Please rank the following SAP hot topics according to importance for you to see at a future Chapter meeting

We hope our next meeting covers many of the top topics shown above.  

Please select the location most convenient for you to attend Chapter meetings:

Our next meeting will be in Northern Virginia and we hope to schedule the Richmond meeting soon.

Would you be interesting in participating in a pre or post networking activity?

This is a new question this year. Many of you would be interested in this; let's see what happens.

Subset of Survey Comments:

"Keep up the great work!"

We would like to thank everyone that took the time to provide this very valuable feedback and we will take this feedback for our upcoming planning process for another successful year 2019 with the ASUG Virginia Chapter community.

Be sure to register for our next ​ASUG Virginia Chapter meeting in Northern, Virginia

Thank you to our sponsors:

Source: ASUG
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