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My favorite quote by Albert Einstein : You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.

I have chosen this quote to support companies for their decision about moving S/4HANA. Basically there are two options: Brown field implementation vs Green field implementation. To be honest I have never take brown field as an option for my self. Let me explain why:

I think converting SAP ERP ECC 6.0 EHPX to S/4HANA on Premise (S4CORE) is like trying to convert a diesel engine car to an electric engine car. Is this possible? Theoretically yes, however, not easy and not feasible. Best way is to purchase a brand new electric car. Let's take a live sample from a well-known German Car Producer BMW. Has any of you considering to convert 2008 model BMW 6 serie into a BMW i8? The question itself sounds ridiculous. Then why are we trying to convert our existing ERP to S/4HANA.

On the other hand, Green field implementation is fastest way to adopt ERP to digital economy. However this option has many disadvantages. Thanks to c436ae948d684935a91fce8b976e5aa7 , she has listed bunch of them in my latest blog post called : Good Start in year 2018 with many S/4HANA go-lives in Turkey. Share yours 🙂 I am pasting her comment into this blog, because all of them are very important to discuss:

"Viewed as a new installation.   With all the fun installation issues.  Purely a technical standpoint.

  • Getting all the data needed over to the system.   We may decide it isn’t needed, and later find out it was.

  • Changes will be needed to SAP forms to reflect your company way of doing things.

  • Companies that have really customized SAP will have to add the changes back in – if still needed.

  • Upfront analysis will be more intense

  • The last minute struggle with things that users have to have that they have forgotten about

  • All configuration must be done again.

  • Security Roles have to be added

  • Most connections with outside will have to be fixed all at once

  • I don’t think – correct me if I’m wrong.   That there will be anything like SPAU/SPAD to let you know the difference when the system is updated.


  • Less “bad” data is moved – probably.

  •  Data will get fixed all at once if there are error

  • New analysis.   Possibly moving closer to a vanilla system.which will make less work on the customization changes.

  • No unicode conversion – if one is needed.

  • Security is done again in the new system.   It is corrected if needed, and new authorizations are added so it doesn’t drag out for a long time. "

I am totally agree with her, but, there are investments already made by SAP help us to handle disadvantages like S/4Hana Migration Cockpit. Great blog post by jrg.knaus Getting started with the S/4Hana Migration Cockpit (OnPremise)

Most of the disadvantages still remain for brownfield option, addition to Brownfield implementation option's own disadvantages.

Finally, almost all of the existing SAP ERP customers are complaining their existing SAP ERP's complexity, bad UI, etc. And trying to find a solution from existing ERP level of approach.

Even one single S/4HANA tile may fix your many issues, so please do not waste your most valuable resource : Time.

The Sales Overview tile, helps you manage your daily sales operations in real-time. This is a standard tile provided by SAP. There are many many other tiles waiting for you.

Thanks to Golive Consulting for letting me to use their S/4HANA 1709 system for this blog.

Looking forward to read your thoughts in comment section.



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