With SAP S/4HANA 2021; CCM app has been changed and simplified to be more user friendly and flexible. In this Blog post I will be only covering the changes available with 2021 version. For details on usage of CCM app and its features ; you can refer very good blog by Olga
Custom code analysis for SAP S/4HANA with SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration
Now with SAP S/4HANA 2021; while creating project you can choose among the 3 different options:
- SAP S/4HANA Migration Project,
- Custom Code Analysis Project and
- SAP BTP Migration Project
In earlier versions there was no option to choose the project Type.

Let's have a look at the 3 project options offered by this app
For SAP S/4HANA Migration project.
This was the default and only option available with the CCM app prior to 2021. New drop down has been added to select the location of analysis Remote vs Local. And only if Remote is selected; you need to fill in Remote Connection details.

- New tab is available as Advanced Configuration for all the 3 project options; where you can specify packages to be included /excluded for run. Also, you can select if the check variant should be executed on Modifications or not by checking/unchecking the checkbox for Analyze Modifications.

Custom Code Analysis Project
This is new option available in CCM app with 2021 version; here you can specify any Check Variant while creating the project.

SAP BTP Migration Project
This is also new option available in CCM app with 2021 version and using this you can check the Custom Code against SAP variant 'SAP_CP_READINESS_REMOTE'.
Analysis executed on this type of project is used to check Custom Code readiness for Cloud .
With ATC you can already execute any SAP standard variant to check Custom Code compliance ; but now CCM app has been enhanced to give more coverage on executing ATC for other variants as well in addition to variants used for checking custom code compliance for Conversion.
Thanks and Regards