Credit Management is a process in which Company sells a product/service to customers on a credit basis. The company collects payments from customers at a later time, after the sale of the product. The amount of credit fixed by a company for a customer is called a credit limit. The customer can purchase the product from a company within the credit limit, and when the credit limit is crossed, the order is blocked by the system.
The creditworthiness and payment behavior of your business partners have an immediate effect on the business results of your company. Efficient receivables and credit management reduce the risk of financial losses and help you to optimize business relationships with your business partners. SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR) supports your company in determining the risk of losses on receivables from your business partners early and in making credit decisions efficiently and in some cases automated. With SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR) you can operate centralized credit management. The business systems connected (for example Sales and Distribution, Logistics Execution, and Financial Accounting) report the commitment of a business partner to SAP Credit Management.
When defining a credit limit, the maximum permissible credit and/or commitment level for each customer in the master record must be maintained.
The credit limit defaults as the first level from the payment terms.
The most cautious setting is Order Restriction. To use restriction on order level, choose Sales Restriction, Delivery Restriction and Order Restriction, because not every delivery note or invoice is always based on an order. Therefore, include the higher restrictions.
The credit limit setting can be modified at any time. The credit limit includes payments with a future date. This is important if check payments are received with postdated checks. The commitment limit does not consider these types of payments.
There is no direct way to upload credit to the Business Partner. So I tried a workaround to achieve this.
1. Upload the credit limit:
In this process, upload the credit limit to some other fields in the system or you can also create a table to store the credit limit.
For this example, I'm going to store the credit limit in Table => BP1012 (Rating)
2. Data Modeling of table BP1012:
3. Creating Rating Produce for the Credit Limit.
Path: SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Supply Chain Management → Credit Management → Credit Risk Monitoring → Master Data → Define Rating Procedure |
Create a Rating Procedure for the credit limit Storage. Fill in the following data to create a rating procedure.
Rating Procedure | Creditlim |
Description | Credit Limit |
Description of Rating Procedure | Credit Limit |
4. Upload Data to BP1012 Table :
Please find the below code to upload the credit limit to table BP1012 using an Excel file.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZFI_BP_DATA_UPLOAD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zfi_bp_data_upload. * TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_excel_data, partner TYPE bp1012-partner, grade_method TYPE bp1012-grade_method, flg_permit TYPE bp1012-flg_permit, grade TYPE bp1012-grade, date_when TYPE bp1012-date_when, text TYPE bp1012-text, valid_from TYPE bp1012-date_from, valid_to TYPE bp1012-date_to, END OF ty_excel_data, BEGIN OF ty_alv_data, partner TYPE bp1012-partner, status TYPE bapiret2-type, message TYPE bapiret2-message, END OF ty_alv_data. DATA : gt_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_excel_data, gwa_data TYPE ty_excel_data, gt_alv_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_alv_data, gwa_alv_data TYPE ty_alv_data. * DATA: o_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table, o_cols TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns, o_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column. * DATA : lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2, lt_bp1012 TYPE TABLE OF bp1012, wa_bp1012 TYPE bp1012. * DATA: lv_rc TYPE i. DATA: lt_file_table TYPE filetable, ls_file_table TYPE file_table. DATA : lv_filename TYPE string, lt_records TYPE solix_tab, lv_headerxstring TYPE xstring, lv_filelength TYPE i. * DATA : gv_file TYPE string. * FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <yt_data> TYPE ANY TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <wa> TYPE any, <f1> TYPE any, <f2> TYPE any. *---------------------------------------------------------* * SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME. PARAMETERS : p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 65(25) TEXT-001 FOR FIELD p_file. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. * AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. * Search Help for File Upload CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = 'Select a file' CHANGING file_table = lt_file_table rc = lv_rc. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE lt_file_table INTO ls_file_table INDEX 1. p_file = ls_file_table-filename. ENDIF. * *---------------------------------------------------------* * START-OF-SELECTION. gv_file = p_file. * lv_filename = p_file. * CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = gv_file filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = lv_filelength header = lv_headerxstring TABLES data_tab = lt_records EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_read_error = 2 no_batch = 3 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_authority = 6 unknown_error = 7 bad_data_format = 8 header_not_allowed = 9 separator_not_allowed = 10 header_too_long = 11 unknown_dp_error = 12 access_denied = 13 dp_out_of_memory = 14 disk_full = 15 dp_timeout = 16 OTHERS = 17. * "convert binary data to xstring "if you are using cl_fdt_xl_spreadsheet in odata then skips this step "as excel file will already be in xstring CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING input_length = lv_filelength IMPORTING buffer = lv_headerxstring TABLES binary_tab = lt_records EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. * IF sy-subrc <> 0. "Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF. * DATA : lo_excel_ref TYPE REF TO cl_fdt_xl_spreadsheet . * TRY . lo_excel_ref = NEW cl_fdt_xl_spreadsheet( document_name = lv_filename xdocument = lv_headerxstring ). CATCH cx_fdt_excel_core. "Implement suitable error handling here ENDTRY . * "Get List of Worksheets lo_excel_ref->if_fdt_doc_spreadsheet~get_worksheet_names( IMPORTING worksheet_names = DATA(lt_worksheets) ). * IF NOT lt_worksheets IS INITIAL. READ TABLE lt_worksheets INTO DATA(lv_woksheetname) INDEX 1. DATA(lo_data_ref) = lo_excel_ref->if_fdt_doc_spreadsheet~get_itab_from_worksheet( lv_woksheetname ). "now you have excel work sheet data in dyanmic internal table ASSIGN lo_data_ref->* TO <lt_data>. ENDIF. * DELETE <lt_data> INDEX 1. LOOP AT <lt_data> ASSIGNING <wa>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. gwa_data-partner = |{ <f1> ALPHA = IN }|. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. gwa_data-grade_method = |{ <f1> ALPHA = IN }|. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 3 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. gwa_data-flg_permit = <f1>. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 4 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. gwa_data-grade = <f1>. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 5 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. IF <f1> IS NOT INITIAL. * gwa_data-date_when = <f1>+6(4) && <f1>+0(2) && <f1>+3(5). gwa_data-date_when = <f1>+0(4) && <f1>+5(2) && <f1>+8(2). ELSE. gwa_data-date_when = <f1>. ENDIF. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 6 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. gwa_data-text = <f1> . CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 7 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. IF <f1> IS NOT INITIAL. gwa_data-valid_from = <f1>+6(4) && <f1>+0(2) && <f1>+3(5). ELSE. gwa_data-valid_from = <f1>. ENDIF. CLEAR <f1>. * ASSIGN COMPONENT 8 OF STRUCTURE <wa> TO <f1>. IF <f1> IS NOT INITIAL. gwa_data-valid_to = <f1>+6(4) && <f1>+0(2) && <f1>+3(5). ELSE. gwa_data-valid_to = <f1>. ENDIF. CLEAR <f1>. * APPEND gwa_data TO gt_data. CLEAR: gwa_data , <wa>. ENDLOOP. * * DATA(lt_data) = gt_data[]. SORT lt_data ASCENDING BY partner. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lt_data COMPARING partner. * LOOP AT lt_data INTO DATA(lwa_data). LOOP AT gt_data INTO gwa_data WHERE partner = lwa_data-partner. wa_bp1012-partner = gwa_data-partner. wa_bp1012-grade_method = gwa_data-grade_method. wa_bp1012-flg_permit = gwa_data-flg_permit. wa_bp1012-grade = gwa_data-grade. wa_bp1012-date_when = gwa_data-date_when. wa_bp1012-text = gwa_data-text. wa_bp1012-date_from = gwa_data-valid_from. wa_bp1012-date_to = gwa_data-valid_to. APPEND wa_bp1012 TO lt_bp1012. CLEAR wa_bp1012. ENDLOOP. IF lines( lt_bp1012[] ) > 0. CALL FUNCTION 'FS_API_BP1012_ADD' EXPORTING iv_partner = lwa_data-partner TABLES et_return = lt_return it_bp1012 = lt_bp1012. * CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. * IF lines( lt_return[] ) > 0 . TRY. DATA(lwa_return) = lt_return[ 1 ]. gwa_alv_data-partner = |{ lwa_data-partner ALPHA = OUT }|. gwa_alv_data-status = 'E'. gwa_alv_data-message = lwa_return-message. APPEND gwa_alv_data TO gt_alv_data. CLEAR : gwa_alv_data. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. gwa_alv_data-partner = |{ lwa_data-partner ALPHA = OUT }|. gwa_alv_data-status = 'E'. gwa_alv_data-message = 'Error Occured in Data Upload'. APPEND gwa_alv_data TO gt_alv_data. CLEAR : gwa_alv_data. ENDTRY. ELSE. gwa_alv_data-partner = |{ lwa_data-partner ALPHA = OUT }|. gwa_alv_data-status = 'S'. gwa_alv_data-message = 'Data Uploaded Successfullly'. APPEND gwa_alv_data TO gt_alv_data. CLEAR : gwa_alv_data. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR : lt_bp1012[]. ENDLOOP. * IF gt_alv_data IS NOT INITIAL. DATA: lx_msg TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg. * TRY. cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = o_alv CHANGING t_table = gt_alv_data ). CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO lx_msg. "#EC NO_HANDLER ENDTRY. * o_cols = o_alv->get_columns( ). * * set the Column optimization o_cols->set_optimize( 'X' ). * TRY. o_column = o_cols->get_column( 'PARTNER' ). o_column->set_long_text( 'Business Partner' ). o_column->set_medium_text( 'Business Partner' ). o_column->set_short_text( 'BP' ). o_column->set_output_length( 10 ). * o_column = o_cols->get_column( 'STATUS' ). o_column->set_long_text( 'Status' ). o_column->set_medium_text( 'Status' ). o_column->set_short_text( 'Status' ). o_column->set_output_length( 5 ). * o_column = o_cols->get_column( 'MESSAGE' ). o_column->set_long_text( 'Message Text' ). o_column->set_medium_text( 'Message Text' ). o_column->set_short_text( 'Message' ). o_column->set_output_length( 50 ). * CATCH cx_salv_not_found. "#EC NO_HANDLER ENDTRY. * o_alv->display( ). ELSE. MESSAGE 'No Data to Display' TYPE 'I'. ENDIF.
Please find the below image, Which shows you the sample input Excel file format to upload data.
Rating Producer | Creditlim |
Text | Actual Credit Limit |
5. Review Business Partner :
Transaction Code: BP |
Review the credit limit upload in the Business Partner.
Create a class and method with holds the logic to fetch the credit limit from the BP1012 table.
Transaction Code: SE24 |
1. Create a Class:
Class Name: Zcredit |
2. Create a method :
Level | Static Method |
Visibility | Public |
Source Code for Method : ZCREDIT_CALCULATE
METHOD zcredit_calculate. DATA: lv_field1 TYPE bp1012-text. DATA: dref1 TYPE REF TO char60. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_field1> TYPE any. BREAK-POINT. CREATE DATA dref1 TYPE bp1012-text. ASSIGN dref1->* TO <fs_field1>. SELECT SINGLE text FROM bp1012 INTO lv_field1 WHERE partner = i_partner AND grade_method ='Creditlim'. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF <fs_field1> IS ASSIGNED. <fs_field1> = lv_field1. r_result = <fs_field1>. * GET REFERENCE OF <fs_field1> INTO r_result. ENDIF. * CLEAR: lwa_partner. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
Please find the parameter details:
3. Create Implementation in BADI - UKM_EV_FORMULA:
Create Implementation in BADI - UKM_EV_FORMULA ( Custom Implementation - ZUKM_EV_FORMULA )
Transaction Code: SE18 |
4. Sample Code Snippet to add function to Formula Editor:
Open the custom implementation: ZUKM_EV_FORMULA
Transaction Code: SE18 |
Implement the BADI “ZUKM_EV_FORMULA” with the below code in the method “ADD_FIELDS”.
METHOD if_ex_ukm_ev_formula~add_fields. CONSTANTS: lc_empty TYPE sfbefsym VALUE '', lc_bp_gen TYPE sfbefsym VALUE 'ZITOCHUCL'. DATA: lv_check TYPE sfbeoprnd. CASE i_key. WHEN 'FUNCS'. CLEAR lv_check. lv_check-tech_name = 'ZITOCHUCL'. lv_check-class = 'ZCREDIT'. lv_check-method = 'ZCREDIT_CALCULATE'. APPEND lv_check TO ct_operands. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.
5. Define Formulas:
Path:SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Financial Supply Chain Management → Credit Management → Credit Risk Monitoring→ Define Formulas |
After defining new Formula (ex: ZFSCM), click on the button “Formula Editor” to define the required formulas for custom fields.
Formula | ZFSCM |
Formula Name | Credit Limit for Business Customers |
Result Type | LIMIT Calculation of Credit Limit |
Call the custom function and pass the Business partner as parameter.
With this job template, you can trigger a re-evaluation of the rules for calculating the credit limit for business partners. In effect, the credit limits in the credit accounts of the selected business partners are updated. This job enables you to perform a mass update of the credit limits.
You can restrict to the following criteria for your job:
You can restrict you selection further:
You can create credit segments that have been maintained in Customizing but that do not yet exist in the selected business partner.
You have the following options to schedule the job:
You receive a list of all business partners and credit accounts that meet the selection criteria and that have been changed.
1. Review Business Partners(Pre):
Transaction Code: BP |
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Credit Limit | 0 |
Valid Date | Null |
Transaction Code: UKM_MASS_UPD3 |
Run UKM_MASS_UPD3 for BP in Update Run.
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Update Run | Checked |
Set Valid to date | 31/05/2023 |
Now, the new credit Limit is calculated and got updated in Business Partner Master.
3.Review Busniess Partness(Post):
Transaction Code: BP |
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Credit Limit | 99,999,910.11 |
Valid Date | 31.05.9999 |
Credit Limit Updated in a business partner.
1. Review Busniess Partness(Pre):
Transaction Code: BP |
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Credit Limit | 99,999,910.11 |
Valid Date | 31.05.9999 |
Transaction Code: UKM_MASS_UPD3 |
In this case, UKM_Mass_UPD3 Will not work.
Sap Note:
Define data type UKM_CHVALID:
Run UKM_MASS_UPD3 for BP in Update Run.
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Update Run | Checked |
Set Valid to date | 31/05/2023 |
Forced Change of Credit Limit | Checked |
Now, the new credit Limit is calculated and got updated in Business Partner Master.
3. Review Busniess Partness (Post):
Transaction Code: BP |
Business Partner | 17100001 |
Credit Segment | 0000 |
Credit Limit | 123,456.00 |
Valid Date | 31.05.9999 |
Credit Limit Updated in a business partner.
By following the above steps you can manually upload the credit limit to the business partner with simple configurations and enhancements.
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