Welcome to Series – 8: Creation of Supplier Master Data
This blog is focused on Configuration of Business Partners in S/4 HANA
The reason to create this blog is, I encountered difficulties in the customizing of Business Partners during the implementation of S/4HANA OP1610.
This blog covers the concepts of:
1. Introduction
2 .ECC Accounts Receivables & Accounts Payables Configuration Steps.
3. Cross Application Components for Business Partners in S/4 HANA
4. Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)
5. Creation of Customer & Vendor Master using
T – Code: BP
This concept needs better explanation so designed in 8 Series (links)
Series – 1: ECC Accounts Payable Configuration
Series – 2: ECC Accounts Receivables Configuration
Series – 3: Cross Application Components for Business Partners
Series – 4: Cross Application Components for Business Partners
Series – 5: Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)
Series – 6:Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)
Series – 7: Creation of Customer Master Data using T – Code: BP
Series – 8: Creation of Vendor Master using T – Code: BP
1.Project Managers
2. SAP Consultants
Business Partner: Vendor-Creation Procedure
T- Code: BP
Click on
Click on Drop Down of Create in BP Role as shown in below screen Shot
Select 1611 Domestic Vendors,
Once you select, you will get the pop up screen as shown below
Click on
You can observe that options like Company code, Purchasing and Relationships are displayed in the yellow highlighter
1611 Local Vendors for Grouping Field
Make the entries as mentioned below
Scroll Down and fill the required fields
Click on
Select your
company Code 1611 as shown in the below screen shot

Click on
Click on the Drill Down of Reconciliation Acct as shown below

GL Account 100000 – Trades Payable Domestic
Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot

Click on
Maintain the
“Payment Terms “as shown below in the screen shot
Click on

which is at lower header Level
1611 – Purchasing Organization from Drill Down Button
Click on
Click on
You will see this Msg at bottom of the Screen
Once you get this msg
Click on
Business Partner Number
This is the end of Series – 8 of Creation of Supplier Master Data using T-Code: BP and end of " The secrets of Business Partners in S/4 HANA
I want to make it clear that what I mentioned in the configuration is just an examples to understand the concepts and their connection points.
Pls check the first series
note as mentioned there very clearly.