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Welcome to Series – 6: Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)


This blog is focused on Configuration of Business Partners in S/4 HANA

The reason to create this blog is, I encountered difficulties in the customizing of Business Partners during the implementation of S/4HANA OP1610.


This blog covers the concepts of:

1. Introduction

2 .ECC Accounts Receivables & Accounts Payables  Configuration Steps.

3. Cross Application Components  for Business Partners in S/4 HANA

4. Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)

5. Creation of Customer & Vendor Master using T – Code: BP


This concept needs better explanation so designed in 8 Series (links)

Series – 1: ECC Accounts Payable Configuration

Series – 2: ECC Accounts Receivables Configuration

Series – 3: Cross Application Components  for Business Partners

Series – 4: Cross Application Components  for Business Partners

Series – 5: Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)

Series – 6:Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)

Series – 7: Creation of Customer Master Data using T – Code: BP

Series – 8:  Creation of  Vendor Master using T – Code: BP



1.Project Managers

2. SAP Consultants.

1   Assign Authority of Contact Person

Cross-Application Components ® Master Data Synchronization ® Customer/Vendor Integration ® Business Partner Settings ® Settings for Customer Integration ® Field Assignment for Customer Integration ® Assign Attributes ® Contact Person ® Assign Authority of Contact Person

T-Code:  S_AC0_52000767

Usability: In this step, you assign the partner's authority for the business partner to the partner's authority for the contact person in the customer master record. This assignment is relevant for the synchronization of the contact person in Customer/Vendor Integration.

Click on 

Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot 

Click on

2   Assign VIP Indicator for Contact Person

Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization →Customer/Vendor Integration → Business Partner Settings → Settings for Customer Integration →Field Assignment for Customer Integration → Assign Attributes → Contact Person → Assign VIP Indicator for Contact Person

T-Code: S_AC0_52000768

Usability: In this step, you assign the VIP Indicator for the business partner to the VIP Indicator for the contact person in the customer master record . This assignment is relevant for the synchronization of the contact person in Customer/Vendor Integration.

Click on

  Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot

Click on

3 Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Customer

Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization → Customer/Vendor Integration → Business Partner Settings →Settings for Customer Integration → Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Customer

T-Code: S_PLN_06000002

Usability: In this step, you can define which BP role categories enable customer integration in the direction from the business partner to the customer. You can determine how the system creates a corresponding customer in Financial Accounting when you process a business partner.

The BP role categories entered in this step are customer-based, this means that the system has to consider customer integration when it processes business partners with a corresponding BP role. In the step you can define whether the business partner role assigned to the BP role category is a mandatory or optional customer business partner role.

In the case of mandatory customer business partner roles the system automatically creates corresponding customers. In the case of optional customer business partner roles you can determine whether you want to create a corresponding customer during business partner processing.

Click on

Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot.

Once you double click on Role Category.

Click on


4  Define Number Ranges – BUCF

SPRO → IMG → Cross – Application Component → SAP Business Partner → Number Ranges and Grouping → Define Number Ranges

T-Code: BUCF 

Usability: In this activity, you define number ranges for business partners. The defined number ranges are assigned to groupings in the Define groupings and assign number ranges activity.

Number ranges for business partners are valid throughout a client.

Click on

Click on


    Click on

 5    Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges

Cross-Application Components → SAP Business Partner → Business Partner → Basic Settings → -Number Ranges and Groupings → Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges

T-Code: S_ABA_72000040 

Business Partner Grouping:

In Business Partner Grouping, Assigning each business partner to a grouping when you create the business partner. The grouping determines the number range. You cannot change the assignment afterwards. You can define the groupings, their descriptions, the associated number range and other attributes in Customizing.

You can define standard groupings for the internal and the external number assignment

Usability: In this step, you maintain groupings for business partners & assign the number ranges.


Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot.

Click on


6  Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer

Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization → Customer/Vendor Integration →Business Partner → Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer

T-Code: S_PL7_36000001

Usability: In this Step, you assign account groups for the customer master record to business partner groupings, to ensure that the customer is updated at the same time as the business partner is processed as part of customer integration. With this assignment you can choose whether the customer master record is created with an account group with internal or external number assignment or with identical numbers.

click on

Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot

Click on


7 Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor

Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization → Customer/Vendor Integration → Business Partner Settings → Settings for Vendor Integration→ Field Assignment for Vendor Integration→ Assign Keys → Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor

T-Code: S_ALN_01002326

Usability:  In this step, you assign account groups for the vendor master records to the business partner groupings to ensure that the system updates the vendor at the same time as you process business partners as part of vendor integration. When you make this assignment, you choose whether the vendor master record is created with an account with internal or external number assignment or with identical numbers.

Click on 

Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot 

Click on

8    Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor

Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization →Customer/Vendor Integration →Business Partner Settings → Settings for Vendor Integration → Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor

T-Code: S_ALN_01002328

Usability: In this step, you can define which BP role categories enable vendor integration in the direction from the business partner to the vendor. You can determine how the system creates a corresponding vendor in Financial Accounting when you process a business partner.

The BP role categories entered in this step are vendor-based, this means that the system has to consider vendor integration when it processes business partners with a corresponding BP role. In the step you can define whether the business partner role assigned to the BP role category is a mandatory or optional vendor business partner role.

In the case of mandatory vendor business partner roles the system automatically creates corresponding vendors. In the case of optional vendor business partner roles you can determine whether you want to create a corresponding vendor during business partner processing.

Click  on

Maintain the entries as shown below in the screen shot 

Double click on FLVN01

Click on 

1.9   Define BP Role Groupings - Vendors

Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner → Business Partners → Basic Settings → Business Partners Roles ® Define BP Role Groupings

Usability:  Grouping together of several BP business roles.

The BP role grouping makes it easier to enter data in the dialog. You define the business partner role groupings and their attributes. You also define the BP role grouping categories.

Click on

Update as input values as show below in the screen shot.


Double Click on

Click on

Maintain the values as mentioned below

Now Select,

Maintain the values as mentioned below

Click on

Click on


1.10  Define BP Role Grouping - Customers

Cross-Application Components → SAP Business Partner → Business Partners → Basic Settings → Business Partners Roles ® Define BP Role Groupings

Usability:  Grouping together of several BP business roles.

The BP role grouping makes it easier to enter data in the dialog. You define the business partner role groupings and their attributes. You also define the BP role grouping categories

Click on

Maintain the values as shown below

Select BP Roles Grouping you created above

Double Click

Click  on

Select the entries as drop down as mentioned Below

Select the Roles you created before.

Double Click on

Click on

Maintain the values as mentioned below

Click on


This is the end of Series - 6 of Customer and Vendor Integration.


I want to make it clear that what I mentioned in the configuration is just an examples to understand the concepts and their connection points.

Pls check the first series note as mentioned their very clearly.

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