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ERP is implemented by firms to reap benefits in the form of scalability, data transfer, embedded security and improved efficiency, but there is a caveat here.

SAP does come with its fair share of requirements which if you don’t account for, can lead towards a disaster situation where things slow down instead of actually getting optimized.

While the bigger firms already have capable infrastructure to handle the SAP implementation process, smaller firms often don’t have them, therefore it’s necessary that you know about them so that you can get over the challenges in the implementation process faster and keep costs at a minimum.

Implementing SAP is already very expensive and can take a great chunk of your budget so unplanned costs that will come up due to being unprepared can create a big dent in your firm’s finances. So to avoid these challenges and problems, here are the internal human, hardware and planning infrastructure you need to consider building to ensure a smooth SAP implementation process.

Train the relevant workforce:

Leaving training and development about SAP for last is the biggest mistake you can commit when going for SAP. ERP incorporation in a firm is a complex process and your employees need to know what’s expected of them and how to run the systems properly if you don’t want them to lose their morale and more importantly, valuable time in training after SAP has already been implemented.

After you finalize the customized SAP plan you want to implement, its best to hire consultants from external sources to come in and build embedded training programs for employees who will be running the core functionalities of the SAP process. Start the training programs along with the implementation process, so that when the system rework gets done, your employees are ready to run it and operate it by themselves.

Create a Maintenance Division along with a framework:

Like every system, SAP also requires time to time upgrades and maintenance that can’t be done if you don’t have a proper framework guiding you in addition to a team that takes care of it.

Maintenance issues can pop up anytime, even during implementation and not having a team for it will cause unnecessary, paralyzing delays that can add up on to costs and system breakdowns.

Build a team through proper consultation and give them guidelines in the functionalities you want to keep running.

Internal Hardware should be upgraded:

There is a misconception that because SAP works through the cloud, it won’t require you to run system upgrades and it can run efficiently on any existing system.

SAP doesn’t work that way as it needs a highly performing, zero latency system to perform to its capabilities. If you don’t give it that, it will be there but it will be too slow to optimize any process in the real sense.

Automate the Endpoints:

You need to ensure that all endpoints are also upgraded so that they come in line with the SAP systems you have in place or otherwise it will create a conundrum that will invariably slow things down. For e.g. if you don’t have an automated invoicing system you will not be able to update transactional data sufficiently.

Endpoint issues are some of the most common hurdles faced by firms implementing SAP in their systems, as firms often overlook them and only realize this bottleneck after the problems start piling up, therefore, update endpoints after proper consultation so that you won’t face the same issues and maintain the system up and running after the implementation process is done.


In upcoming times as disruption becomes even more crucial towards business success, SAP will become one of the most important components of business success, so even if you don’t currently plan on implementing SAP, you need to ensure that you have the internal infrastructure in place so that when the time comes, you will just need to get done with a few tweaks and get the process done within a faster, cost-efficient manner.
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