When you run with Central Finance application it is possible that at the month end the documents are stuck in error in AIF due to different reasons like Master data or configuration change which may not be acceptable if reporting is the requirement from CFIN.
With new release
SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS1 the new functionality is made available in Central Finance known as -
Temporary Postings.
Some key features and benefits of this functionality are:
- Creation of temporary postings from a pending journal entry by copying all relevant data incl. references
- Automatic reversal when pending document are processed
- Manual Reversals are supported
- Only limited editable fields to ensure compliance (e.g. amounts, posting dates and company code are read only)
- Increased efficiency with an integrated process for temporary postings
- Automatic reversals ensure correct numbers in Financial Statements
- Auditability as the temporary posting and the reversal have references to the pending journal entry
- Temporary postings are excluded for the Central Payment process (e.g. payment run, manual payment posting) to ensure the payment is made based on the original open items.
Fiori app “
F6062 –Manage Temporary Postings” is available

Configuration steps

We have to complete 2 activities here

Maintain Document Types for Temporary Postings
This is necessary because the nature of a document may change when it is posted as a temporary posting. Therefore, the original document type might not be suitable for the temporary posting because, for example:
- The original posting uses external numbering, but external numbering cannot be used for temporary postings.
- The account type has been changed.
- The temporary posting does not contain the information for document splitting which is referenced by the original document.
The temporary postings can be more easily identified by using special number ranges and document types.

Maintain Reversal and Payment Block Reasons for Temporary Postings
The temporary postings are automatically reversed as soon as the original pending message has been successfully processed. If there is an error, for example, the account information is incorrect or the posting is superfluous, the posting can be reversed manually. A reversal reason must be specified for each reversal and is automatically set by the system, based on the settings you make in this activity.
It is mandatory to maintain the payment block reason for all scenarios, including Central Payment.

To use the mentioned app the role -
SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT has to be assigned to the user.
Hope this feature will be helpful to get right reporting at the month end even if the document are stuck in errors.