Hi All,
This blog post provides information on how to read or view Purchase order Header and Item texts through a CDS view and tables.
What is a Purchase order:
Purchase order in sap is a type of legal contract which binds the supplier to supply the described materials or services & purchaser to pay after receiving the described materials or services.
A purchase order consists of a document header and a number of items. It can be created using transaction’s ME21 or ME21N
More information about PO
Two kinds of texts can be maintained for a PO.
- Header texts: Applies to the whole document.
- Item text: Applies only to the relevant item.
These texts can be configured in SPRO or Display IMG
SPRO>IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Texts for Purchase Orders>Define Text Types for Header Texts
SPRO>IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Texts for Purchase Orders>Define Text Types for Item Texts
Coming to the blog,
To view or display created Purchase order texts, we can use the following tables.
- ITXTOBJPLNLTXT - Replicated Plain Longtext(SAPScript) – This table consists long text information of a PO.
- TTTXIT- Texts for Text IDs – This table captures description of ID’s (F01,F02 etc.,)
I have created a sample PO for the demo purpose with the below pre-defined texts configurations.
Header :

SQVI Query:

Demo :
Header Text:
Header texts can be viewed by passing the values in table ITXTOBJPLNLTXT as below.
- Text Object: EKKO
- Text ID: F01,F02,F03 etc.,,Language: EN,FR etc.,
- Text Name: PO Number -- 45***
- Long text : Description of the object


Item Text: Item text can be viewed by passing the values in table ITXTOBJPLNLTXT as below
- Text Object: EKPO
- Text ID: F01,F02,F03 etc.,,Language: EN,FR etc.,
- Text Name: PO Number -- 45***
- Long text : Description of the object


Note: Data to this table ITXTOBJPLNLTXT is populating or feeding through an ABAP program
We can Schedule or run the abap program depending on frequency of usage.
References :
Hope this blog post helps.
Thank you