Hi All,
Here is a TSQL query example to generate a test database from a production database. It can be planned through SQL Maintenance plan to have TestDB updated from Productive DB from a regular basis.
Update SQL Variables with desired values :
@PRODdatabaseName : Source DB Name
@TESTdatabaseName : Target DB Name (will be deleted before restore if DB already exists)
@SQLDATAPath : Path for storing mdb and mdf files for the targetDB.
@BackupPath : Path for storing the backup file. (will be deleted and regenerated on each execution)
Add the query into SQL maintenance plan and plan recuring execution.
Code Snippet
-- =======================================================================================-- Version : <1.03>-- Author: <Emmanuel ALBERT, ealbert@self-informatique.fr>-- Description: <Create Backup from specified DB and restore as test DB>-- Create date: <18 Fev 2014,,>-- Update Date : <19 Fev 2014, overwriting existing backup set, -- Switch TestDB to recovery mode=Simple and clean logs. > -- Update Date : <13 Mars 2014, Closing opening connection if existings on testDB before Restore,,>---- =======================================================================================use [master]go declare @PRODdatabaseName nvarchar (128
)set @PRODdatabaseName= 'SBODemoFr';declare @TESTdatabaseName nvarchar (128
)set @TESTdatabaseName= 'SBODemoFr_Test_UpToDate'; Declare @SQLDATAPath as nvarchar( 128
); Set@SQLDATAPath = 'd:\temp\' declare @BackupPath nvarchar (128
); set @BackupPath ='d:\temp\' + @PRODdatabaseName + '.bak' ; DECLARE @SQL_SCRIPT VARCHAR (MAX); Declare @TSQL_DROP_Template VARCHAR (MAX)Set @TSQL_DROP_Template= 'DROP DATABASE {DBNAME}';--Testing if SourceDB exists before starting : IFEXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @PRODdatabaseName)BEGINPrint 'Staring Prod DB Backup - (WITH FORMAT, INIT, COMPRESSION)' BACKUP DATABASE @PRODdatabaseName --BAckup BDPROD TO DISK = @BAckupPath WITH INIT Print 'Test TargetDB exists and drop if true' -- Test TargetDB exists and drop if true: IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sys. databases WHERE name = @TESTdatabaseName) Begin Print 'Target DB Exists : ' --Kill Opened Connections : Print 'Trying to Kill Open Connection on TargetDB' DECLARE @dbid tinyint DECLARE @spid smallint DECLARE @exec_str varchar (10
) -- Get the ID of the Database you wish to kill the connections of SET @dbid = DB_ID( @TESTdatabaseName) -- Set a var to the first process ID connecting to that database SET @spid = (SELECT MIN( spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid) WHILE @spid IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @spid <> @@SPID -- Make sure you don't drop your own connection BEGIN SET @exec_str = 'KILL '+ LTRIM(STR (@spid)) Print 'Killing Connection ' + LTRIM(STR (@spid)) EXEC(@exec_str ) -- Kill the connection END --Get next SPID SET @spid = (SELECT MIN( spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid AND spid > @spid) END SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @TSQL_DROP_Template, '{DBNAME}', @TESTdatabaseName ) EXECUTE (@SQL_SCRIPT ) --Suppression Base Test si existante Print 'Old TargetDB deleted' End Declare @TSQL_REstore_FileList_Template VArchar(MAX ) SET @TSQL_REstore_FileList_Template ='RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK=''{BackupPath}'' ' Declare @TSQL_Restore_Template VARCHAR(MAX ) Set @TSQL_Restore_Template ='RESTORE DATABASE {DBNAME} FROM DISK=''{BackupPath}'' WITH REPLACE,RECOVERY, MOVE ''{DataVolNAme}'' TO ''{TargetDataVolNAme}'', MOVE ''{LogName}'' TO ''{TargetLogNAme}'''; --Manage mdf and ldf filenames..Print 'Manage mdf and ldf filenames'DECLARE @FileList TABLE ( LogicalName nvarchar(128
) NOT NULL, PhysicalName nvarchar(260
) NOT NULL, Type char (1
) NOT NULL, FileGroupName nvarchar(120
) NULL, Size numeric(20
, 0
) NOT NULL, MaxSize numeric(20
, 0
) NOT NULL, FileID bigint NULL, CreateLSN numeric(25
) NULL, DropLSN numeric(25
) NULL, UniqueID uniqueidentifier NULL, ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25
) NULL , ReadWriteLSN numeric(25
) NULL, BackupSizeInBytes bigint NULL, SourceBlockSize int NULL, FileGroupID int NULL, LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25
)NULL, DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier NULL, IsReadOnly bit NULL, IsPresent bit NULL, TDEThumbprint varbinary(32
) NULL); declare @RestoreStatement nvarchar (max), @BackupFile nvarchar( max);set @BackupFile = @BackupPath SET @RestoreStatement =N'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK=N''' + @BackupFile + '''' INSERT INTO @FileList EXEC(@RestoreStatement ); declare @logical_data nvarchar (max), @logical_log nvarchar( max);set @logical_data = (select LogicalName from @FileList where Type = 'D' and FileID = 1
)set @logical_log = (select LogicalName from @FileList where Type = 'L' and FileID = 2
) --Running restore with new filenames Print 'Starting TargetDB restore' SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @TSQL_Restore_Template, '{DBNAME}', @TESTdatabaseName) SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @SQL_SCRIPT, '{BackupPath}', @BackupPath) SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @SQL_SCRIPT, '{DataVolNAme}', @logical_data) Declare @DynPath as nvarchar( 128
); set @DynPAth= @SQLDATAPath + @TESTdatabaseName + '.mdf' SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @SQL_SCRIPT, '{TargetDataVolNAme}', @DynPAth) SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @SQL_SCRIPT, '{LogName}', @logical_log ) set @DynPAth= @SQLDATAPath + @TESTdatabaseName +'.ldf' SET @SQL_SCRIPT = REPLACE( @SQL_SCRIPT, '{TargetLogNAme}', @DynPAth) EXECUTE (@SQL_SCRIPT ) Print 'TargetDB restored' ; --Switch to recovery mode=simple and clean ldf logs exec( 'alter database [' + @TESTdatabaseName + '] set recovery Simple') exec( ' use [' + @TESTdatabaseName + '];' +' declare @logfileName nvarchar(128); set @logfileName = ( select top 1 [name] from sys.database_files where [type] = 1 ); dbcc shrinkfile(@logfileName,1); ' ) END Feel free to comment,