Many years ago, one of my assignments was
auditing the live PRD system of a Domestic Indian customer (F&B Industry). My focus was on the day-to-day OTC Processes/ system set-up of their system.
The intent of this post is
only to jot down/consolidate those findings (OTC related) -, as, sorting out/rectifying/correcting these findings/points could be done w/o much difficulty & if there is any hiccup, support is available online from many other sources
- A few Pricing elements could be processed with both positive & negative values. For eg: Provisional price, Selling Price, Surcharge, etc.
- Sales Orders with “Completed” Status were found to be open for manual modifications. For eg. Qty.
- At the time of Sales Order creation, the extent to which the system allows critical information edits, should be reviewed accordingly.
- Sales Order Pricing could be processed with duplicate condition types.
- Sales Orders could be saved w/o entering any material/qty.
- Sales Orders could be created for Customers marked for deletion.
- A Return Order/Credit memo request/Debit memo request could be created w/o reference to any preceding document.
- System allowed for creating Duplicate Customer Master records.
- Mandatory fields (Business Specific) in Customer Master Records to be reviewed for all account groups.
- Not all users having access to VA02, need to have authorization for removing Delivery block & Billing Block in Sales Orders.
- Confidential Pricing condition values (for eg: Cost, etc.) could be made invisible/masked at the relv. document level wrt the allowed Users.
- Number range reset for Invoices should not be done in a 'reactive' mode.
- Redundant data in IDocs could be done away with, after business review.
- Sales Orders could be created for customers with Ship-Tos, that were not included/assigned in the corresponding Sold-To records.
The above is not exhaustive & suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for your time
Sumanth Gururaj