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This blog is intended to explain how the  handling units can be created in the packing transaction through Repetitive Manufacturing. SAP PP REM can be leveraged for backflushing, that is, posting goods receipt of the contained materials and goods issue of the components simultaneously in integration with SAP EWM.

Recently,  the product owner of SAP EWM ''Joerg Michaelis'' had recently published the  blog Receiving from Production in SAP Extended Warehouse Management – Overview

The blog by SAP explains the integration of each aspect of Manufacturing( Discrete, Process and REM) with flow diagrams.

In this blog, backflushing(Receipt only) of Handling units from REM into EWM S/4 will be looked into greater details, the process flow and configuration.

The below process flow diagram is taken from above blog with a small correction. IM posting is triggered by 131 movement type, SAP needs to correct the process flow where 101 is depicted.


Process flow:

Create Handling units.


You need a packaging specification in POP1 and POF1 to create handling units in REM environment.



Step 2: MFHU - Backflush For Handling Units 

On saving, handling unit is backflushed.




3. Stock is updated in S4 and in EWM


Why 131 movement is posted??

Because of Make to Stock REM profile,


Monitor Stock: Stock is updated in EWM

-->Since storage type was not HU managed, so HU information is not stored 🙂


Synchronous Posting in EWM and in S/4


Cancelling backflushed Handling Units


Cancellation of backflushes of assemblies with the corresponding handling units can also be conducted. The cancellation is non-document-related for the handling unit. In other words, the HUs are canceled without reference to the backflush document for repetitive manufacturing. When a non-document-related cancellation takes place, the system re-explodes the bill of material and reverses the movement direction. In other words, the system posts negative component quantities.


**The negative quantity of handling units is posted and the status is reset to   ( . In other words, you can backflush the handling unit again.




This is how Handling units can be leveraged( Received and Consumed) from Repetitive manufacturing from Embedded EWM 1909.

In future blogs, I will write more on manufacturing EWM interface!


Backflushing Handling Units in Repetitive Manufacturing

Synchronous Goods Movements from Repetitive Manufacturing into EWM embedded in SAP S/4HANA


Best regards

Shailesh Mishra

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