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SII eDocuments

Status Meaning Possible Further Actions
Created (CREA) This is either: You can include this eDocument in a list using the Create eDocument Lists for VAT Register Books with SII (Spain) (RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST) report or the Create eDoc Lists for SII (Spain) (ESSII_EDOCLIST) transaction.
The first status of an eDocument after it has been created. If you changed the status of the eDocument manually and it gets the status Created, you can include it in a list.
The status an eDocument gets when it had first the status Rejected or Error and you chose Change Status Manually in the eDocument Cockpit transaction.
The status an eDocument recovers after being included in a list and then being deleted from it.
Included in a List (in proc.) (BUND) The eDocument has been included in a list. Submit the corresponding list.
Cancelled (CANC) The source document has been reversed before the eDocument is submitted. You may want to create a new eDocument instead.
Registered (REGIS) The tax agency has sent a message confirming that the eDocument has been registered successfully. This is the final status of an eDocument. Usually, no further actions are requested. However, there can be two possible follow-ups:
You can request a modification.
You can request a deregistration on the system of the tax agency.
Registered with Errors (RERR) The tax agency has sent a message confirming that the eDocument has been registered, but there are errors in it. The tax agency therefore expects that you send a modification request for this eDocument. After you correct the errors, you select the eDocument in the eDocument Cockpit transaction and choose More Edit eDocument . The eDocument gets then the status Modification requested and is ready to be included in a list.
Another alternative is to request a deregistration
Rejected (REJE) The tax agency has sent a message informing that the eDocument has not been accepted. If the error can be corrected without reversing the document: after correcting the error, you select the eDocument in the eDocument Cockpit transaction and choose Change Status Manually. The eDocument gets the status it had before (either Created or Modification requested) and is ready to be included in a list.
If the error requires the source document to be reversed, refer to Creating eDocuments From Reversal...

SII Lists

Status Meaning Possible Further Actions
Created (CREA) This is the first status after creating a list. You can display (get a preview) of the XML message that is to be submitted
You can submit the list.
Accepted (ACCEP) The tax agency confirms that the list has been accepted. No further actions needed. You can download the XML response that the tax agency sent back to you.
Cancelled (CANC) You selected the list and choose More Cancel eDocument . You may have done it, for example, to avoid sending the list to the tax agency. You may want to create a list again.NoteThe eDocuments that existed in the list are not deleted. But their status is changed back to the previous status (for example, Created or Modification Requested).
Communication Error (ERROR) There is a SOAP error in the communication. Analyze the application log and the interface log. Correct the errors in both applications and submit your list again.
Partially Accepted (PACP) The tax agency confirms that the list has been accepted but some of the items contain errors. Correct the errors of the corresponding eDocuments and run the Create eDocument Lists for VAT Register Books with SII (Spain) (RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST) report or the Create eDoc Lists for SII (Spain) (ESSII_EDOCLIST) transaction. Submit your list again.
Rejected (REJE) The tax agency did not accept your list because it contains errors. Analyze the errors in the eDocuments, correct them, run the Run the Create eDocument Lists for VAT Register Books with SII (Spain) (RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST) report or the Create eDoc Lists for SII (Spain) (ESSII_EDOCLIST) transaction and submit your list again.

SII Reversal Documents

Status Meaning Possible Further Actions
Created (CREA) This is the first status of a reversal eDocument. You have to submit this reversal eDocument to deregister the corresponding reversed eDocument.
An eDocument of a reversal document is created only if there is already an eDocument of the corresponding reversed document or both eDocuments are created during the same run of the Create eDocument Lists for VAT Register Books with SII (Spain) (RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST) report or the Create eDoc Lists for SII (Spain) (ESSII_EDOCLIST) transaction.
The reversal eDocument has the same invoice ID as the reversed eDocument.
Included in a List (in Proc.) (BUND) The reversal eDocument has been successfully included in a list. Submit the corresponding list.
Not Valid for Lists (NVALID) The reversal eDocument contains errors that prevent the system to include it in a list. Analyze the application log of the reversal eDocument and correct the errors.
Cancelled (CANC) This is the status when an eDocument from a reversal document is created for an eDocument that has not been submitted to the tax agency. Both eDocuments will get the status Cancelled and will not be submitted to the tax agency. Final status. No further actions required.
Deregistered (DREG) The tax agency has accepted the deregistration request. Final status. No further actions required.
Rejected (REJE) The tax agency did not accept the deregistration request Analyze the application log and correct the errors. You then select the eDocument in the eDocument Cockpit transaction and choose Change Status Manually. The eDocument can then be put in a list again.

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