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As we successfully completed OS Setup and HANA DB Install in Part I, we will further see the installation steps to build S/4HANA ABAP Instance.

You may get error - Cannot resolve host host.qnx.corp' by name - Please Update Host file with FQDN to resolve it before hand.

I may not be able to include all the screens here since many of them are common to any SAP Installation.

We encountered error during the defining Kernel Package path

2465430 - Individual package is still missing at kernel specification step

We tried multiple patches of Kernel 749, and then Kernel 745, however it still couldn’t detect the IGSEXE.SAR file. Hence we downloaded SAP Kernel 7.22 and it accepted IGS*SAR files

Since Kernel 7.22 worked, I then copied 722 IGS*SAR to 749 Kernel location and proceed (although it wasn't needed)

I know few images are hard to read, but that's how the new SWPM UI has been built with a very light font and background colors.

Chose EXPORT_11/LABEL.ASC for Export 2 S/4HANA 1610

Define SYSTEM User password, set new ABAP Schema

Declustering / Depooling Option - Enable of all ABAP Tables

HANA Table Placement - Do not use Parameter file

In Additional components to be included in the ASCS Instance - Install a Gateway Integrated in ASCS instance

Installation got stuck again during Starting of the instance

An error occurred while processing option SAP S/4HANA 1610 > SAP S/4HANA Server > SAP HANA Database > Installation > Application Server ABAP > Standard System > Standard System (Last error reported by the step: ABAP processes of instance QS4/D00 [ABAP: ACTIVE] did not start after 10:10 minutes. Giving up). You can now:

Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/S4HANA1610/CORE/HDB/INSTALL/STD/ABAP.

igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GRAY, Stopped in sapinst_dev.log

2535340 - ABAP processes of instance [ABAP: UNKNOWN] did not start after 10:10 minutes. with 28: No space left on device in dispatcher trace file while installing additional dialog

1936475 - System is in an unsound state - igswd_mt IGS Watchdog GRAY Stopped

These notes helped to understand that we need to update IGSEXE.SAR which we had used of 722 Kernel during the initial setup

The data of the IDES model company can be found in client 400. In the client 000 you can logon with DDIC and SAP* with the password you have defined at the beginning of the installation as 'Master-Password', in the client 400 with the password xxx / xxx and in all clients with IDADMIN / xxxx. (Refer Note 2445594)

Post Installation

Post the installation S/4HANA DB size was approximately 75 GB which I believe is fully of the SAP HANA simplified model. However post the SGEN run, you can notice an increase of 40-50 GB increase in 2 weeks.

Soon after the system was functional we started getting huge dumps due to already scheduled Jobs. hence we suspended the jobs causing dumps.

2543179 - DBSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN after clean installation of S/4HANA 

Launching the SAP Fiori Launch Pad ( FLP ) in S/4HANA


The launch pad will be empty and you may further customize it - Building simple tiles within Fiori Launchpad

SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA - For those who want to explore Fiori with S/4HANA



  • OS installation and the post tuning of the OS parameters based on SAP environment is required to be done properly.

  • Software Provisioning Manager has bug causing the Kernel components not recognized properly most of the time, hence be ready for workarounds

  • Post S/4HANA installation you will notice lot of Table/CDS Views are inactive and needs explicit attention

  • SAP HANA Cockpit we can manage majorly Tenant DB and not the System DB individually as when we just defined SystemDB along with its SAP control credentials, it kept giving us error “Failed to open SAP Control connection”

Few Notes to help you through the post installation dumps

2198254 - DB02 shows missing views in the database

2591737 - CDS views are not created in a new installed SAP ABAP system

2421686 – CDS view (DDL SQL View) cannot be activated with RUTDDLSACT

2311738 - Unknown objects in ABAP Dictionary (transaction DB02)

2495914 - Segment XXX is blocked for run XXX (Message UDM_BUPA_TRANS_DATA103)

2561069 - Job SAP_FIN_FSN_MESSAGES_PULL cancels regularly

2565383 - DBSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN dumps occur after installation or upgrade



Rupali S
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