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Hi all,

it’s quite some time ago i wrote my last blog. Having two kids make it quite hard to find time and silence to write a blog which also make sense to read 🙂


My topic is ADT and how to get into it… again?

But before we start. Have a look here and find out if you are able to use eclipse... if not you are welcome... but it won't help you at the moment.. sorry.



There’s some of me available how to do that.

Here https://blogs.sap.com/2014/03/17/how-to-get-your-colleges-into-abap-in-eclipse/


Here https://blogs.sap.com/2014/06/01/another-cool-features-of-abap-in-eclipse/

Yes.. I see many discussions on how to do it and want to share some strategies how to get there.

A few weeks ago I have seen a post on twitter that it is a timeconsuming task to get familiar with the tool. The short answer is Yes.


Long answer: Yes, but it makes you more productive afterwards and also you have a lot more fun to write your statements. And just to extend my twitter-answer I wrote this blog.


Imagine you have a task to do… what are the typical transactions you use for it? And I do not use the mainly used topics like CDS, BOPF, Refactoring of Methods and all the other stuff which is covered in my other blogs above.

SE11 – Dictionary

SE80 – Workbench (includes SE24 – Class Editor, SE37 Function Modules, ATC...)

SAAB – Break Point ID (We want to make our Quality Management to be happy 🙂 )

And so on… You know what I am talking about and the fact, that we all know all these transaction codes out of the brain tell us, that we use it frequently. And then there is the point… 6 Modes… @**k.. What to close because I need the application to test and one additional window for my debugger….

But what if I tell you, that you can have a lot of them on one screen without navigation and without limited to 6 modes…

And if you still want to use the GUI.. you can see a tab also there. So no problem to know some transaction-codes.. but if you don’t want to know these, there is the ABAP-Favorites Plugin there… this makes it easy to clean up a part of the brain and remember more important things..for example all the shortcuts - F3 and SHIFT+D 🙂

If you want to know a lot more how the transactions and tools are integrated in eclipse this will help you for sure



What are your thoughts? Feel free to comment or write your own blog about it.


Cheers Florian

BTW: I think the blogs mentioned are also worth to read. And if you are familiar with eclipse maybe this is something you could try:

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