I am currently implementing a new EDI 830 process for processing Scheduling Agreements from a customer and bringing them into SAP. Most of the configuration was straight forward, although there is not nearly as much documentation available for SD scheduling agreements as there is for their MM counterpart, the Purchasing Scheduling Agreement.
At go-live with the new process we will be creating new scheduling agreements in SAP for agreements that have been in effect, from the customer’s perspective, for up to a couple years. In order to process their cumulative receipt quantity we need to create Correction Deliveries, to account for the previously delivered product. Correction deliveries will also serve an ongoing purpose for adjusting quantities when there are discrepancies.
Correction Deliveries
When I attempted to create my first correction delivery I ran across a problem, and received SAP message V1 261 ( V1261 ), which stated that Scheduling Agreement X had been saved (no delivery created). I tried a number of scenarios and reviewed OSS Note 909324 – Correction delivery not saved – incorrect open quantity. Unfortunately the code changes outlined in the OSS Note were already implemented in our system, so I was back to square 1.
At this point I decided to do a bit of debugging, and see if I could find an error message or clear issue with creating the delivery. A quick where used on message V1, Message Number 261, only showed a couple locations in the code and with a couple breakpoints it was easy to find the location in the code where the message was presented. I found no obvious signs of an error, it was for some reason just not creating deliveries.
My next step was to review client 000 and see if the default client had different configuration for the the LFKO Correction Delivery type. I had not changed any of that config myself, but perhaps a previous consultant or employee had. Unfortunately the standard config in client 000 matched our development client.
While reviewing the config for LFKO I noticed that two fields, that are normally required, were not populated. I updated the Document Category and Item No Increment and then tried again.
I updated the Document Category to J and the Item No Increment to 10. After updating these fields I tried to create a new correction delivery and received a new error, regarding missing partner determination, message VL 445.
After updating the partner determination procedure and then adding the Number Range assignments I was finally able to create a Correction Delivery document successfully. The final configuration for LFKO looks like this.
In Summary the Correction Delivery can be updated to work successfully with only a few changes to the standard delivered SAP configuration.