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SAP VC Master Data Distribution Using ALE


SAP Variant Configuration (VC) Master Data can be distributed across the different Clients /Systems in the organizations using ALE functionality of SAP.

Master Data Includes the following objects:

  1. Characteristics and Values
  2. Classes
  3. Variant Table Structures
  4. Variant Table Contents
  5. User Defined Functions
  6. Object Dependencies (Selection Conditions, Pre Conditions and Procedures)
  7. Dependency Nets
  8. Configurable Materials
  9. Configuration Profiles
  10. Bill of Materials
  11. User Interface

Message Types Used for VC Master Data:

Characteristics and Values: Most objects for variant configuration are dependent on characteristics. For this reason, characteristics must be   transferred first.

Message Type used for Characteristic and value transfer is CHRMAS.

SAP Transaction: BD91
Classes: During the ALE distribution of the classes, the characteristic assignment also transferred.
Message Type used for Class transfer is CLSMAS
SAP Transaction: BD92

Variant Table Structure: Variant table structures created to support the maintenance of the data relevant for variant configuration.
Message Type used for Variant Table Structure transfer is VTAMAS
SAP Transaction: CLD3

Variant Table Contents: After distribution of the variant table, table contents can be transferred.
Message Type used for Variant Table Contents transfer is VTMMAS
SAP Transaction: CLD4

User Defined Functions: User defined variant functions are used to check and infer the characteristic values. In side these function, ABAP function modules are used.

Note:The distribution of functions only transfers the framework (Characteristics, texts, etc.,) the function modules used in functions must be transported first using the standard SAP transport management system.
Message Type used for User Defined Functions transfer is VFNMAS
SAP Transaction: CUFD

Object Dependencies: The dependencies transferred here are global object dependencies. Local object dependencies are transferred with the objects to which they are assigned.
Message Type used for Object Dependencies transfer is KNOMAS
SAP Transaction: CLD2

Constraint Net (Dependency Net): These also can be distributed as of release 4.5
Message Type used for Dependency Net transfer is DEPNET
SAP Transaction: CUK2

Configurable Materials: Depending on how many configurable materials you have, you can use ALE to distribute them or create them in the target system. The other materials in BOMs for configurable materials are transferred to the target client by the usual data transfer.

Message Type used for Material transfer is MATMAS
SAP Transaction: BD10


Configuration profiles: These must be distributed after the configurable materials, because the key of the material identifies the profile. During the ALE process, the dependencies for the configuration profile are also transferred, and are reassigned to the profile in the target client. At the same time, the class assignments belonging to the configurable material (in the variant class) are transported.

Message Type used for Configuration Profile transfer is CNPMAS
SAP Transaction: CLD1

Super BOM: Material BOMs for configurable materials can be distributed using ALE. The transfer also assigns the dependencies for BOM items to the items. Make sure that the dependencies and all the materials required already exist in the target system.

  Message Type used for Material BOM transfer is BOMMAT
SAP Transaction: BD30

User Interface: You can use ALE to transfer interface designs for variant configuration.The distribution of interface designs uses BAPI technology

Message Type used for User Interface transfer is VCUI_SAVEM
SAP Transaction:CUID

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Venkateswararao,

Thank you for this blog. Just one remark: for User Defined Functions (SAP transaction CUFD), the message type should be better VFNMAS, instead of VTMMAS as mentioned.

Thanks again.



0 Kudos

Hi Flavio,

Thank you for your comment, You are right, I corrected the message type in the blog.

Once again thanks..



0 Kudos


Good post !

My experience here has been that this is a real pain points in lots of customer sites. I had spent countless hours recreating Master Data because the client was unwilling to take this route.

The most important part of the data transfer is the push sequence that you have rightly pointed out. 

Great job.


0 Kudos

Hello D Sea,

Thank you for your feedback.


0 Kudos


Thanks for your reply.

Could you throw some light on how to go about doing this, if we already have some existing master data ? We had some issues when we tried the ALE push with :

  1. Existing Interface Design getting messed up and
  2. Dependencies getting unassigned from the Configuration Profile.


0 Kudos

Hi D Sea,

Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to know more details to understand your issue.

Before transferring the configuration profile, you should transfer the assigned procedures and constraints. Without transferring the procedures if you try to transfer the profile, newly assigned procedures are not assigned in the receiving system. Another point is, sending system profile and receiving system profile should be in sync before modifications i.e. If the assigned procedures are different in both the system, first we should ensure that all the assigned procedures in receiving system are also assigned in the sending system along with the new ones.

Thanks & Regards

B Venkat

Former Member
0 Kudos

Nice document, you can find additional information about making ALE settings  to enable transfer here.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Can you let us know if this ALE will work from ECC to CRM?


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Venkateswararao,

Nice blog really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos


I too have had problems as unable to use ALE for certain applications.

This document is clear to the transactions and again this is somewhere that errors are found due to the incorrect sequencing of data sent from one system to another.

Thanks for sharing good information

0 Kudos

Hello David,

Thank you very much for your feedback.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Very Informative blog..Thanks for contributing ..

0 Kudos

Hello Amber,

Thank you for your feedback...


0 Kudos
how about routing with dependency ?  Is there  any solution?
0 Kudos
Please lookup PLM Product Data Replication and learn how to much more easily distribute all message types at once.
0 Kudos
Hi Venkat,


This is very nice & Crisp document.

Thanks for sharing the same.

Appreciate your efforts.



Bipin Shrivastav
0 Kudos
Thank you Bipinn
0 Kudos
Thank you Bipin.
0 Kudos
awesome work for everyone who is interested in this topic ;


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