Migrate your master data and business data from SAP systems.
The SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit facilitates the transfer of business data from a source system to SAP S/4HANA. The SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit uses migration objects to identify and transfer the relevant data.
In below process I will show how you can Upload initial stock with movement type 561, 563 & 565.
1.Project creation
SAP provides predefined migration objects that you can use to transfer your data.
SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit by using transaction LTMC
Note: To create LTMC project you need to set your HOST file by the BASIS consultant.
Continue to this…… Internet explorer will open below screen.
Use of migration Project: You use a migration project to specify the data that you want to transfer, and to monitor the status of the migration.
Follow below project creation.
USE of Mass Transfer ID: This ID is necessary because you can use the Import/Export functionality to transfer your project from one system to the other. (e.g. If you want transfer migration object from DEV to QAS & PRD server then same Mass ID create in QAS & PRD server then export from DEV & Import in QAS & PRD.
After click on create button your project get create.
Click on back button then you can see the project your created project name
2. Changes in migration object.
We use above Tcode to change in Migration object like mandatory field in excel which make as optional or Hide. We can add new field if the field is not available in migration object and that field require for upload.
I show you how you can create new migration object with copy from existing migration object. Why we copy migration object because we do not want to touch the existing object.
You can create a migration object that is a copy of a migration object delivered by SAP.
system displays the available migration objects. Each migration object has associated documentation. After you select the migration object that you want to use, the system creates a new migration object based on the migration object you selected.
All migration Object start with initial Z & end with you are Mass ID.
3.Copying migration Object.
You can change in newly created migration object according to your business requirements.
When copy migration Object project name should be the same. Copy from and copy to target structure.
Copied new migration project successfully.
You see the both object in above screen NEW & EXISTING. If you do not require existing then you can delete because when you want to create another object for another movement type or for another selection then you can copy again with that.
4.Change Migration Object
In this Migration object I will show you how you can add new field in object and how you can hide & make mandatory field in upload excel template.
Here you can add new field selecting header or selecting item level. I am adding new field like material document posting date.
The very important is movement type: you can change movement type according to you upload the stock type example: 561 for unrestricted. 563 for Quality stock, 565 for block stock.
Save the above changes and generate object for upload.
Where used list is updating
Object is generated with traffic light signal as green.
5.Upload Initial stock
First you need to download the excel template from your project as shown below.
Type your project name in search option or scroll down and find your project.
Download template on your desktop or on your upload folder.
Whatever changes you do in migration object in LTMOM Tcode that changes will get impact on upload template.
Prepare your stock in excel sheet for upload data in SAP
If the material is unique for multiple batch then you put material only onetime at header level.
Here you add a Material for plant, Storage location & batch wise.
Example if material stock is available in two different plant with multiple storage location then add those lines in item level with batches.
After preparing the excel then upload the data as follow.
Click on upload file.
Select the proper file & Give proper description.
Upload file is not active mode. Select the line item and click on active button.
File is now in active mode & ready for transfer.
You can see the progress of upload file if the file size is big then you can run in background mode.
1st step for file is data validation: Data validation means checking the accuracy of source data before importing processing data.
Click on next button.
After completing 1st step you see some error message like field mapping.
Field mapping with source value (from excel) & target value (from S/4 HANA) must be matched.
I showed you how you can check and confirm with single line wise.
2nd step you process for convert value from source to target system to click on next button.
3rd step for simulate import to click on next button.
4th is execute import in your S/4HANA system.
Finally, stock uploaded in S/4HANA properly.