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I am Dharmesh Desai, working as Sr. FICO Consultant at Century Link.

In my blog today, I would like to provide some information & changes provided by SAP in its S/4 HANA business suite around the transaction SE16H.

SAP transaction ‘SE16H’ as compared to SE11/SE16N/SQVI could be used to resolve some of the complex queries. It can be leaned upon by not only technical, but also functional consultants, due to the reason of it being a very simple but useful transaction.

Now, most of you may know about this transaction and this great feature that has been introduced by SAP in the S/4 HANA solution, but there are still some out there that might not be aware of it. I also checked the blogs to see if there is detailed information, and I didn’t come across much on the SAP blogs website.  Hence, I wanted to write this blog to provide more insight on the topic.

As you know, SAP HANA comes with many enhancements and features. The new transaction SE16H comes with new features which enables rapid tables check and small queries. You can use this transaction to access data from the SAP HANA database directly or from the ERP system, and display this data in the ERP system.

SAP Consultants used to use the transactions code SE16/SE16N/SQVI to check table’s value and/or extract data.


The T-Code SE16H enables:

  • Tables check (consult and extract) like a classical SE16 or SE16N

  • Joint creation for small query

  • Rapid check of number of entries



In addition to the functions of transaction SE16N, the transaction SE16H also provides with these additional options to leverage:

  • New field called ‘Database Connection’

    • In this field (highlighted below), you can display and then select the available database connections using the input help. The accesses are then executed using the relevant database connection selected.

    • If a database connection was selected, the input help for the ‘Table’ field will then display the tables and views that are available in SAP HANA for that particular database.

    • If a database connection was not selected then you could go directly to the ‘Table’ field and enter the primary table that you want to use for the join/query. (Will be covered in the example provided later in this blog).

Note that transaction SE16H is able to check only the physical connection to the database. The table created in SAP HANA must correspond exactly to the definition in the SAP ERP Dictionary.


  • New field ‘Outer Join Definition’

  • This function corresponds to a basic view definition/output for the primary table selected, and displays only additional informational data about the selected table (for example, to read texts).

  • The outer join definition is used only to read additional attributes from a user-selected database connection for the selected primary table. This means that, for example, postings can be read from a SAP HANA database and the texts for the resulting data can subsequently be read from the normal ERP database.



Once you have picked either your Database Connection/Outer Join Definition OR simply entered a SAP table as the primary option and you execute this transaction, you will see further selection options which are introduced with SE16H as shown below.



  • Column ‘Group

    • In this column, you can enter any Group or SET that would correspond to the relevant field that you would like to use in your ALV output (selection using F4 help is possible).

  • This is particularly useful if Groups or SETS are used, for example (Account groups, Order groups, etc.)

  • In case you want to have a quick view of the number of accounting entries, let’s say for example by company code, you have to tick the field group and then execute the transaction.


  • Column ‘Total

    • By selecting this field, all rows found in the query, that correspond to the grouping rule you selected (see the new column "Group") are accumulated.

    • As a result, you can generate aggregated views for a large amount of data; For example, display a total value for each account for each period based on selected Account Group value in the ‘GROUP’ field.

  • Column ‘SORT

  • If you select this column, the system sorts the number of hits using this field.

  • You can also do this using a default layout in the SAP List Viewer. However, the data is subsequently sorted, whereas the "Sort" column sorts the data directly from the database.

  • You combine this column input with the ‘SORT TYPE’ column (ascending/descending) to get the desired sorted output.


  • Column ‘SEQUENCE

    • If you use the functions mentioned above (sorting with highest/lowest), the sequence in which the fields are sorted is relevant.

    • If you enter something in this column (values from 1 to 99), then the fields are sorted in the sequence from 1 to 99. If you do not enter anything in this column, the fields are then sorted according to their occurrence in the table (occurrence could be Date, Document#, etc.).

    • If you mix the fields that have explicit values from 1 to 99 with fields that do not have a value in this column, then the fields without values are added according to their occurrence after the fields with a value (1-99).


  • Column ‘AGREEGRATE

  • This column lets you choose between the different aggregation types (Maximum, Minimum and Average).

  • NOTE: Depending on the data type, not all aggregation functions are available.

  • NOTE: You can either use the Aggregate or Group/Total a field combination, but not both at the same time.



1) In this simple scenario, I will show the method to check entries for complete accounting document using BSEG (primary) & BKPF (secondary joined) tables.

NOTE: For your queries you could join multiple finance tables as well. Determine the fields that are common to both interlinking tables, which could be used as primary key, and secondary keys for linkage.

2) Launch SE16H with BSEG as primary and create a join with BKPF as in the screenshot below.

Company Code Constant Value = FR10 & Fiscal Year = 2016 & Posting Period = 8


3) Now we will add BKPF table for completing the join for this scenario. Then we click on the YELLOW arrow to add the required fields for the output.

4) In the screenshot above, you will see that filters have been put in place for FY(2016), Company Code(FR10) & Posting Period(08). These are all CONSTANTS type, but SE16H also provides other filter types like Reference to another field, Complex variable, Strings, etc.


5) In the screenshot below, the entries have been grouped by Cost Center field with Ascending sort Type.

This is the output result of the simple accounting join that was created with the group & sort features.


6) The final feature that I would like to show is the Group By & Sort Feature from the main SE16H table join screen.

For the same accounting document report, if you want a quick analysis of the document types used and the quantity of each document type then it’s quiet easy to do so.

  • Instead of doing the overall outer join process, simply enter your primary table as BKPF.

  • Then in the main selection parameters select the FY = 2016 & Posting Period =08.

  • Also for Document Type selection columns, please check the Group & Sort features.

  • As you can see in the Sort Type column the selection = Ascending.

  • Once you run this query the results are as below.

I hope you have found this blog helpful & might try to check out this transaction sometime.

Please look out for future blogs on other tips & tricks that have helped me out at times.


Thanks & Regards,

Dharmesh Desai
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