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Purpose: SAP PLM integration with CATIA is through ECTR (Engineering control center), and there is excellent literature available at  SAP. 


However, this blog post is about how an existing integration is working without ECTR. The purpose of the blog post is to give an idea of how the CAD drawing and SAP integrations are used by the business. In This blog post, only Material and DIR creation is shown.


Function Step Step Description Expected result
Document creation 1

(a) Start CATIA V5.

(b) Open an existing part in CATIA V5.

(c) Logon to SAP by selecting Start  > SAP-Integration > Logon to SAP

(d) Switch to CAD View by selecting SAPPLM > CAD Desktop > CAD View.

(e) Select the row containing ABC_Part1.CATPart in CAD View, and create a document by selecting Create >Create Document

(i) In CAD View, a Document should be created with a system-generated document number.

(ii) A check mark should be seen on the record, indicating the document is ready for check-in.

(iii) User given file name should be seen in the Description field.
Document Check-In 2 (a) Select the document record in CAD View and check it in, by selecting Originals > Check-In Original A prompt should appear to select Storage Category and you should enter a storage category.
Material Creation 3 (a) Select the document record and create an associated Material by selecting Material à Create in Background Material associated with the document should be created.
Exit from CAD view by selecting Back arrow 4 The file name within CATIA V5 now changes to DocNumber_DocType_DocPart (in this case, 30000238_C3K_000.CATPart) This is a custom development where DIR number, Document type and Document part become the CATIA drawing number.


In the next blog posts, I will cover the Creation of Doc Structure from an Assembly, Material BOM creation, Material BOM update, and drawings title Block update.

By the end of this blog post series , you will know how you can create Material, BOM , DIR by integrating with Catia.


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