Hello SAP Community,
Today I’ll talk about SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. It is a unique offering from SAP that helps ERP connect multiple financial institutions on the network owned and managed by SAP and facilitates the exchange of financial messages in various formats. SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity can establish connections with financial institutions via Host-to-Host, SWIFT, and EBICS. The connectivity between corporate to bank is handled by SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. An SAP ERP can connect with multiple banks using a single instance of the MBC connector.
Now, it’s time to equip ourselves with a few basic terminologies of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity connector has direct integration capabilities with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. It’s an add-on for ECC 6.0 or higher, but it comes embedded with SAP S/4HANA. The connector allows the SAP ERP to send the outgoing payments automatically to the MBC network after payments are processed in SAP. It also processes the incoming messages automatically.
Message Type
Message types are used within SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity and ERP to exchange financial messages. For incoming messages, they are assigned to the files(payload) in the MBC based on the file name from the bank before routing them to the ERP. The
Message Type is recorded at the MBC header level along with
Sender ID and
Receiver ID and is used to wrap the file(payload) before it is sent to the ERP. It also helps to identify the type of the file and processing steps to be performed based on the combination of
Sender ID,
Receiver ID, and
Message Type. Standard Message Types are available in SAP, but we can create custom Message Types based on our requirements.
Sender ID and Receiver ID
Sender ID and
Receiver IDs are used within SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity for routing purposes.
For Outbound
- Sender ID – Customer ID agreed with the Bank
- Receiver ID – SWIFT/BIC Code
For Inbound
- Sender ID – SWIFT/BIC Code
- Receiver ID – Customer ID agreed with the Bank
Customer ID
Customer ID is the unique ID assigned to each customer by their bank.
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity Header
The SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity header is applied to every outgoing message from ERP to a bank and vice versa. The file(payload) is wrapped with the MBC header, which is used for routing purposes in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Below are the key fields used in MBC header
- Sender ID
- Receiver ID
- Message Type
- File Name
- Message ID
MBC header
tenant is the infrastructure or resources like memory, CPU, and file system of the cloud-based integration platform of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. Each participant (Corporate and Bank) is allocated these resources (tenants) on the cloud. The exchange of financial messages is happening between both the tenants.
Multi-Bank Connectivity Environment
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity provides two environments(tenants) test and production. The only limitation here is that the MBC network can only connect to one ERP environment, either development or quality system, for testing. However, it can talk to multiple clients within the same environment.
Now, as we are geared up, let’s jump on to configuring the
MBC connector. I will be covering the functional aspect of SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity from SAP S/4HANA. This blog does not cover Basis activities for setting up the connectivity with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Configuring Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector
Number Range
Customizing Path – SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain Number Range for Message ID
Maintain Number Range – Initial screen
Maintain Selection Variants for Bank Statements
Customizing Path – SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain Selection Variants for Bank Statements
Maintain Selection Variants for Bank Statements – Initial screen
Here, we can assign the FF_5 transaction variants to each combination of
Sender ID and M
essage Type. We can use standard
Message Type or custom
Message Type. If the
Sender ID and M
essage Type is not maintained for a particular variant, then that variant will be applicable for all Sender IDs and the Message Types.
Maintain Residence Time for Message Archiving
Customizing Path – SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain Residence Time for Message Archiving
Maintain Residence Time for Message Archiving – Initial screen
Residence time for message archiving allows us to maintain the duration for which the Message Types are stored before they become eligible for archiving.
Maintain Inbound Processing Steps
Customizing Path – SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector -> Maintain Inbound Processing Steps
Maintain Inbound Processing Steps – Initial screen
This configuration is used to overwrite the default processing steps within the MBC connector. We can define several steps and applications for each Message Type. We need to use different step numbers in sequence for further processing. An active flag is used to activate or deactivate the configuration. Only steps which are marked as Active will be triggered.
Prerequisites to send outbound messages
Setting up Payment Medium Workbench
Customizing Path – SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Proposal Processing -> Payment Media -> Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench -> Create Payment Medium Formats
Payment Medium Workbench (OBPM1) – Initial screen
Maintaining Receiver ID for outgoing messages
Maintaining SWIFT/BIC code in Bank Master or Bank Key
Create Bank Key (FI01) – Initial screen
Maintaining Sender ID for outgoing messages
Maintaining customer number at house bank level
Transaction – FI12_HBANK
AL11 directory Integration when using SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity connector allows incoming files from SAP MBC network to be downloaded onto the AL11 directories.
SAP MBC uses three parameters by default for file transfer and naming.
- Parameter 1 <PARAM_1> = Message type
- Parameter 2 <PARAM_2> = File name
- Parameter 3 <PARAM_2> = Message id
Maintain Logical Path
Creation of logical file path is required, and by default MBC connector uses /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD_FILE as a logical file path.
Transaction FILE – Initial screen
Assignment of Physical Paths to Logical Path – Initial screen
Custom physical path or directories can be used to assign to a logical path, and it should always end with <FILENAME> in the end.
Logical File Name Definition, Cross-Client – Initial screen
Here, we will create the
Logical File Name same as we have created above /BSNAGT/DOWNLOAD_FILE.
Logical File Name Definition, Cross-Client – Maintenance screen
Physical file we will maintain the parameters, usually <PARAM_1>_<PARAM_2>_<PARAM_3> is maintained, but I have maintained only <PARAM_2>. In this case only file name will appear when the file is being written to the directory.
Maintain Download Settings
Scalability and flexibility can be achieved via maintaining the download settings in view /BSNAGT/V_DOWN.
Maintain Download Settings is available in SAP S/4HANA 2020, but SAP Note 2944235 can be implemented to bring this functionality in lower versions of ERP.
Transaction SM30 – Initial screen
Maintain Download Settings – Initial Screen
In view /BSNAGT/V_DOWN, Logical file path can be maintained for combination of each Message Type, Sender ID, and Receiver ID.
Download Messages from MBC network
Incoming messages from MBC network can be downloaded via transaction /BSNAGT/MSG_PULL. These can be pulled manually or via a periodically scheduled batch job.
Transaction /BSNAGT/MSG_PULL – Initial screen
Monitoring outgoing and incoming messages
Manage Bank Messages Fiori app can be used to monitor incoming and outgoing messages via SAP MBC.
Manage Bank Messages Fiori App – Initial screen
Connector Monitor can be used in SAP GUI to monitor the incoming and outgoing messages. Transaction /BSNAGT/FILE_MONI is replaced with new transaction /BSNAGT/MONITOR.
Transaction /BSNAGT/FILE_MONI – Initial screen
Connector Monitor – Initial screen
- Monitor incoming and outgoing messages.
- View logs, payloads, and processing steps.
- Manually process or reprocess the incoming and outgoing messages.
- Ping test
- View XML message details and check XI Queues
- Pull messages from MBC
After reading this blog you will be able to setup the connectivity between SAP ERP and SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Comments and Questions are welcome.