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This document is the Business Process Design document for Business Partner Master Data. The objective of this document is to acquire all information needed for the customizing of BP master data in SAP FS-CD. Please refer the document for more details:

Table of Contents

  • Overview

  • Define Number Ranges & BP grouping

  • BP Roles

  • BP Creation

  • Address

  • Identification

  • Control

  • Payment Transaction

  • Status

  • Where used list/CID

  • External Data Transfer

  • Conclusion



SAP Business Partner means any Person, Group or Organization in which our organization has business interest, Business relationship, Business transaction. Business partner is created once centrally in system and may have different roles like Policy holder, Claimant, Broker etc. This document will explain how to create, customize, and maintain master data for Business Partners. SAP FS-CD has three Key Master Data BP, IO, CA.


Define  number Ranges

A range of numbers that you can assign to business objects (or their sub-objects) of the same type. Like Business partner. Each number range has one or number range intervals and a number assignment type. A number range can be internal or external.

Procedure :

Process Define  number Range
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings>Number Range and Grouping >Define number ranges


Hit Enter and click on intervals.

Click on Insert Interval



Enter Interval ID & Save.


The number range will be assigned to BP standard grouping.


Defining Groupings and Assign Number Range

BP grouping is a classification assigned for different business when you creating a business partner. You can have different BP group for Policy Holder/Claimant/Brokers based on business requirement .You can define the groupings and their descriptions and assign number range and other attributes in Customizing.


Process Define Grouping and assign number ranges.ner and assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings>Number Range and Grouping > Define Grouping and assign number ranges.


You can also choose standard groupings for the internal and the external number assignment. The standard groupings means that this internal grouping is used when you do not choose any grouping while creating Business Partner.  The BDT selects this standard grouping if neither a business partner number nor a grouping were assigned to the business partner.

BP grouping in BP Screen


Define BP Roles

Standard contract partner role is MKK.  You can define your custom roles too based on business requirements. Any number of BP roles can be assigned to a BP role category and Configure Field Attributes per BP Role .you define those fields in in master record maintenance.

  • Require an entry (required entry)

  • Are ready for input (optional entry)

  • Are displayed (display)

  • Are hidden (hide)


Process Define Grouping and assign number ranges a
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings> Define BP Roles





Create Business Partner:

SAP Business Partner means any Person, Group or Organization in which our organization has business interest, Business relationship, Business transaction.


The transaction code to create Business partner is FPP1. You can also access the below Path.

Process Business partner creation  partner and assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code FPP1
Navigation Path SAP Easy Access>Insurance>CD>Master Data>Business Partner>Create



Once you click on enter you will prompted with popup will ask you which Business partner categories.

SAP has delivered three categories for Business partner. We cannot create our own categories in SAP.

  1. Person

  2. Organization

  3. Group


Hit >Enter. You can choose your BP grouping defined above.

Address Tab

You can mention BP  General data in Address tab which includes Name/Address/Contact information.

Address Overview:

You can maintain multiple business address for business partner and only one address can be standard. We can use address type for different usages.


You can define own address type based on customer requirement in IMG-Customizing.


Process Define Address Type and assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings> address determination >Define Address type


Hit Enter and create new address type (Faxes) and Hit Save



Assign the address to Address usage


Validate the new Address type and usage.


Identification Tab:

This BP tab shows the BP external number means  legacy BP number which can be tracked in SAP This number can used in different ways for identification . This is available only BP category is person/Individual .You have other personal information available which can be maintained Like Credit card information of Business partner information for Premium Payment.

In case business partner is Organization or entity the external number filed is not available. You can maintain legal form which states whether the entity is corporation or LLC or any firm. You can also maintain date of foundation and liquidation date. Industry filed indicates classification of companies according to their main business like Commerce, Banking, Services, Industry, Healthcare, etc


Insurance Object

This Insurance Object tab shows the insurance relationship and contract account relationship of respective business partner. Insurance relationship means relation between BP and IO  (like Policy holder and Policy) and Contact account relationship  means relation between BP and CA( like policy holder and financial positing details like premium ) Both IO and CA are mandatory master data in order complete  Insurance business process transaction.

The below screen shows the glance for IO master data screen and it also linked to Contract account master data. All the three master data   BP/IO/CA can be seen in this screen shot.



In control tab the BP type and Data Origin are key field to understand. BP type controls the field status ( example Address fields)  of different fields in customizing you can show or hide fields for data entry, depending on the requirements of the relevant business partner type. You can use same or different BP type for different type for policy holders or brokers. You might have different field requirements in Master data set up for both. You can also define in customizing own BP type based on the requirement.


Process Define Business partner Type and assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings>Business partner types>Define Business partner type


You can also configure filed attribute for each BP type you defined above.


Process Configure filed attribute
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings>Business partner types>Field Groupings> Configure Field Attributes per Business Partner Type


You define in dependence on the business partner type, which fields in master record maintenance

  • Require an entry (required entry)

  • Are ready for input (optional entry)

  • Are displayed (display)

  • Are hidden (hide)


Data Orgin:

Data Origin is for information purposes which shows how the date comes into SAP. It shows legacy data transfer and can defined in customizing.  You can define in customizing.


Process Data Origin
Transaction  Code SPRO
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>Basic Settings> Maintain Data Origin Type>Maintain Data Origin

Payment Transactions:

You can maintain Payment information for business partner like Bank details and Card information of Business partner for receivable’s and payable. This information will uses for Payables and receivables for business partner. For policy holder BP's this can used for premium payments and for claimants BP's this Payment information is used for paying claims.

Bank ID: This is unique key shows BP bank details.

Bank Key: Its Routing number for particular Bank

Bank Account: This is the number which is managed respective bank

Control Key: It usually differentiate whether It is checking or saving. Like in US it can be 01 and 02 type

Similar way you can maintain the credit card information for the partner for paying or receiving payments.


In the Business partner status tab you can choose Archive flag to archive the BP.You can also lock the business partner centrally for any processing.

Where uses list:

In this tab you can find the information for BP usage like BP role, Contract accounts, Alternative Payee or  account relations ship.

CID Cost Center Assignment:

You can use Account Assignment information at BP level in this master data tab.


You will enter general data like name, address and BP type and all other information. SAP will use MKK role as default business partner. This means contract partner. However you can also assign your customize role in addition to MKK role based on your requirement.  Once you save all the information BP number will be generated by SAP based on BP number range & BP grouping defined above. Refer below the BP number.


External Data Transfer Process.

SAP provides the External Data Transfer tool which is the standard data conversion tool for the SAP Business Partner.  Data transfer takes place in several phases in SAP.  This tool is mostly used for data migration and bulk master data creation.

  • Extern external system file will be selected by the data selection program. The data structure of the file is defined in the sender structure. This procedure takes place outside of the SAP environment and is not supported by SAP programs.

  • The external file is stored on an application server or a presentation server.

  • The SAP transfer program reads data from the file and places this in the sender structure. This does not change the data.

  • This step is carried out internally by the system and does not affect the user.

  • In SAP transfer rules that have to be defined, the transfer program takes the data from the sender structure and places it in the receiver structure.

  • The receiver structure is firmly defined in the SAP system. Assignment of the sender structure to the transfer program, and of the transfer program to the receiver structure is made using a defined transfer category.

  • The data records in the receiver structure are processed one after the other.

  • If there are not any errors, they are saved in the database. If there are errors ,those can be corrected in KCLP report

You can define the Sender structure in the below implementation Guide.


Process Define Sender structured assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code KCLA
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>External Data Transfer> Define Sender Structure



Transfer type means a receiver structure and explains which the object to be transferred


Process Define Transfer Rules
Transaction  Code KC7R
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>External Data Transfer>Define Transfer rules


Hit Enter

Split File-

SAP provides the file splitter functionality for External data transfer and if you have large amounts of data that you want to transfer. Parallel processing is recommended from a performance point of view. The automatic file splitter enables you to:

  • KCLA will split a file into any number of smaller files

  • It will produce  a defined number of batch jobs and thus parallel processing

  • Start batch jobs on specifiable servers

  • Delete batch jobs


Process Split File
Transaction  Code KCLA
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>External Data Transfer>Split File

KCLA Screen

Start Transfer

You can start the transfer of external data. You can do this once as a transfer of legacy data, or periodically, if your master data is also carried in another system or creation of mass business partner creation. You can refer the below steps in order to perform KCLJ.

  • Specify the program (sender structure) you want to use for data transfer.

  • Specify the physical access path of the file to be imported as well as an access path to output a file with an error log.

  • Specify the server where the file is located.

  • Specify the file category and format.

  • Choose which processing steps are to be carried out during the run and how the run is to be logged.

  • Choose "Execute". The result will be a transfer log.


Process Define Address Type and assign to BP grouping.
Transaction  Code KCLJ
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>External Data Transfer>start transfer

Analyze error logs:

Logs are created for each transfer (including test transfer). Use the display frame to limit the logs you want to evaluate. You can verify the error logs by user name or by sender structure name. You can also correct the data in KCLP code if there is any incorrect in the file and submit the transaction after correction.


Process Error Correction
Transaction  Code KCLP
Implementation Guide ( IMG) Cross-Application Components SAP BP>External Data Transfer>Start transfer



You should able to configure and create business partner module. You should be able to define

  • BP Roles

  • BP Groups/number range

  • BP Type

  • Address type,

  • External Data transfer Processing

  • Business Partner Master Data for Collection & Disbursement.

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