Purpose: This is a great app to monitor and acknowledge day-to-day MRP issues. I would say it is an excellent alternative to message monitoring through MD06/7.
SAP Help:
With this app, you can see all issues concerning master data that were detected during an MRP Live planning run. The system displays all the issues and restrictions as well as success messages that were created in the last MRP Live run. You can restrict the issues that are displayed in the list by accepting specific issues and then using filters. However, the content of this list is refreshed every time MRP Live is carried out, and an accepted issue will reappear in the list after the next planning run if it has not been solved. You can use the information available in this app to find and analyze materials for which problems occurred in the planning run or which could not be planned at all. You have the information you need to solve these issues so that the materials can be planned correctly in future planning runs.
Provides a list of the master data issues in a planner’s area of responsibility.
Provides filters such as material, MRP controller, issue category or plant to search for relevant issues.
Enables you to accept issues and to filter according to this acceptance flag.
Enables you to revoke the acceptance of issues.
Provides navigation options to related apps for a selected issue.
Provides detailed information for an issue.
Great app. Do give feedback to make this blogpost better