SAP just released the SAP S/4HANA 2022 (major release). In this blog we will discuss the key changes or new features being available for SAP Central Finance.
Also, important to note that for future SAP has changed the Release and Maintenance strategy for SAP S/4HANA. Details are available here to read more –
Key Features/changes to SAP Central Finance in 2022

Central Payments for Intercompany AP/AR only
In general, when we activate SAP Central Payments all AP/AR invoices are technically cleared in source and replicated as open to target. With this feature only intercompany AP/AR open items with trading partner (VBUND) populated will be set to ALE-extern in the source system once they're posted and can only be paid/cleared in the Central Finance system. Additionally, the deferred tax line item and net cash discount line item in the same document as these AP/AR items will also be set to ALE-extern in the source system.
Normal AP/AR (External) invoices will still be open and paid in source system(s). Also, important to note that CSPC will only work for intercompany AP/AR and all relevant dependent processes for intercompany AP/AR will be executed in target system. The trading partner company code should also be activated for Central Payment.
Drill back for PCA documents
Till now the drill back functionality was available only for FI documents being replicated. However, the EC-PCA documents are also replicated as FI documents with SAP Central Finance and being posted to Universal Journal. With the new release the EC-PCA documents are also available for drill back just like any other FI document. If an FI document is replicated from a PCA document, the value of field Ref. Transaction in the document header is COPCA.
If an FI document is replicated from PCA balance, the drill back function will not work, because no source PCA document exists for the FI document.
You want to learn more on EC-PCA replication, then read the detailed blog.
Schedule Permanent Consistency Check
Configuration consistency check is an important step before we start the data load. With the new feature when the configuration consistency check can be scheduled and when it’s executed for which business configuration objects using the permanent consistency check program. This program uses ABAP Daemon to monitor changes to the specified business configuration objects. The changed objects will then be checked by the configuration consistency check program. The final results can be circulated to the recipients for corrective actions.
You want to learn more on Configuration Consistency Check, then read the detailed blog.
RAR Integration with CFIN
With new version the Revenue Accounting and Reporting (RAR) can be integrated with SAP Central Finance. Decentralized revenue accounting data from local systems can be processed centrally and provide a consolidated reporting view. For the mapping of RAR data, the standard MDG Customizing of CFIN is used.
The mapping takes place in Inbound Processing and ensures that the master data and attributes from local RAR systems are mapped properly to the RAR master data or attributes of the CFIN system. The mapping is performed when revenue accounting items (RAIs) are created and when data is reconciled between the source system and the RAR system.
IDR Initial Load for Cloud Source Systems
This feature enables an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to be used as a source system in the Central Finance scenario, if Intermediate Data Retention (IDR) approach is applicable. This was a limitation till now. SAP S/4HANA Cloud systems are now supported as source systems within the IDR approach to the initial load.
You want to read more on IDR –
Automation for Central Accruals Management
With this feature, the transfer of the purchase orders replicated by Accounting View of Logistics Information (AVL) to Accrual Engine in the Central Finance system can be automated. Also, now AVL is enabled to replicate service purchase orders with service entry sheets from a source system to the Central Finance system.
You want to read more on AVL –
In my view there are no major changes rather just some improvements in the product but still good to see the product is improving.
Do add your experience(s) also via comments..