Name Description
AAC1 Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas - History
AACP Periods Category-Log
AACS Asset Classes - History
AACT G/L Account - History
AAD1 Administration Extension-Log
AADM Administration - Log
AADT Fixed Assets Account Determination - History
ABAT Attribute - History
ABFC Bin Field Configuration - History
ABIN Bin Location - History
ABO1 External Bank Operation Code - Rows - Log
ABOC External Bank Operation Code - Log
ABOE Bill of Exchange for Payment - History
ABP1 Business Place Tax IDs
ABP2 Branch Tributary Info. Log
ABPL Business Place
ABSL Warehouse Sublevel - History
ABT1 Internal Bank Operation Codes - Accounts - Log
ABTC Internal Bank Operation Codes - Log
ABTN Batch Numbers Master Data
ABTW Batch Attributes in Location
ACD1 Credit Memo - Rows
ACD2 Credit Memo - Area Journal Transactions
ACD3 Credit Memo - Item Areas
ACFP CFOP for Nota Fiscal
ACH1 Checks for Payment - Rows - History
ACHO Checks for Payment - History
ACP1 Campaign - BPs
ACP2 Campaign - Items
ACP3 Campaign - Partners
ACPN Campaign
ACPR Contact Persons - History
ACQ1 Capitalization - Rows
ACQ2 Capitalization - Area Journal Transactions
ACQ3 Capitalization - Item Areas
ACR1 Business Partner Addresses - History
ACR2 Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods-History
ACR3 Business Partner Control Accounts - History
ACR4 Allowed WTax Codes for BP - History
ACR5 BP Payment Dates
ACR7 Fiscal IDs for BP Master Data
ACRB Business Partner Bank Accounts - History
ACRC Credit Cards
ACRD Business Partners - History
ACS1 Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas
ADG1 Discount Groups Rows
ADM1 Administration Extension
ADM2 Administration Electronic Report
ADMC GL Account Determination - Criteria - History
ADO1 A/R Invoice (Rows) - History
ADO10 A/R Invoice - Row Structure - History
ADO11 A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Det) - Hist
ADO12 A/R Invoice - Tax Extension - History
ADO13 A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
ADO14 Invoice - Assembly - Rows - History
ADO15 A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Applied) - Hist
ADO16 Draft - SnB properties
ADO17 A/R Invoice - Import Process - History
ADO18 A/R Invoice - Export Process - History
ADO19 Bin Allocation Data - History
ADO2 A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows
ADO20 Intrastat Expenses
ADO3 A/R Invoice - Freight - History
ADO4 Documents - Tax - History
ADO5 Withholding Tax - History
ADO6 Documents History - Installments
ADO7 Delivery Packages - History
ADO8 Items in Package - History
ADO9 A/R Invoice (Rows) - History
ADOC Invoice - History
ADPA Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas - History
ADS1 House Bank Accounts
ADT1 Depreciation Types - Rows - History
ADTP Fixed Assets Depreciation Types - History
AEC1 Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication
AEC2 Messages Processed via Electronic Communication
AEC3 Statuses and Logs for Actions in Electronic Communication
AECM Electronic Communication Types or Protocols
AEDG Discount Groups
AEXD Freight Setup
AFA1 Asset Document - Rows
AFA2 Asset Document - Area Journal Transactions
AFAD Asset Document - History
AFM1 Tax Formula Parameter Declaration
AFML Tax Formula Master Table
AFPR Posting Period-Log
AGAR G/L Account Advanced Rules - History
AHE1 Absence Information
AHE2 Education
AHE3 Employee Reviews
AHE4 Previous Employment
AHE6 Employee Roles
AHE7 Savings Payments
AHEM Employees
AIGW Item Group - Warehouse - History
AIN1 Inventory Counting - Rows
AIN2 Inventory Counting - UoM
AIN3 Inventory Count - SnB
AINC Inventory Stock Counting
AINS Customer Equipment Card - History
AIQI Inventory Initial Quantity
AIQR Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile)
AIT1 Item - Prices - History
AIT11 Asset Item Period Control
AIT13 Asset Attributes
AIT2 Items - Multiple Preferred Vendors - History
AIT3 Items - Localization Fields - History
AIT5 Asset Item Projects - History
AIT6 Asset Item Distribution Rules
AIT7 Asset Item Depreciation Params - History
AIT8 Asset Item Balances - History
AIT9 Item - UoM Prices
AITB Item Groups - History
AITM Items - History
AITT Product Tree - History
AITW Items - Warehouse - History
AJD1 Journal Entry - History - Rows
AJD2 Withholding Tax - History
AJDT Journal Entry - History
AKL1 Pick List - Rows - History
AKL2 Pick List for SnB and Bin Details
ALR2 Dynamic message data row
ALR3 Dynamic message data cells
AMD1 Amout Differences Report Lines
AMDR Manual Distribution Rule
AMDR1 Manual Distribution Rule - Rows
AMGP Material Group
AMR1 Inventory Revaluation - History - Rows
AMR2 Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows (Archive)
AMR3 Inventory Revaluation SNB
AMRV Inventory Revaluation - History
AOA1 Blanket Agreement - Rows
AOA2 Blanket Agreement - Details
AOA3 Item Details: Activity
AOA4 Blanket Agreement - Recurring Transactions
AOAT Blanket Agreement
AOC1 Distribution Rule - Rows
AOCR Distribution Rule
AOPR Sales Opportunity
APJ1 Project Plan Steps
APJ2 Project Plan Steps Time Record
APJT Project Plan
APKL Pick List - History
APLN Price Lists
APRC Cost Center
APRJ Project Codes
AQI1 Inventory Initial Qty Rows
AQI2 Inventory Count - SnB
AQR1 Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile) Lines
AQR2 Inventory Counting - UoM
AQR3 Inventory Count - SnB
ARC1 Incoming Payment - Checks - History
ARC2 Incoming Payment - Invoices - History
ARC3 Credit Vouchers History
ARC4 Incoming Payment - Account List - History
ARC5 Reciept log vat adjustment-History
ARC6 Incoming Payments - WTax Rows - History
ARC7 Incoming Payments - Tax Amount per Document - History
ARC8 Incoming Payment - TDS Entries - History
ARCT Incoming Payment - History
ARI1 Add-On
ASC1 Service Call Solutions - History
ASC2 Service Call Inventory Expenses - History
ASC3 Service Call Travel/Labor Expenses - History
ASC4 Service Call Travel/Labor Expenses - History
ASC5 Service Call Activities - History
ASCL History
ASGP Service Group for Brazil
ASP1 Special Prices - Data Areas
ASP2 SpecialPrices - Quantity Areas
ASPP Special Prices
ASRN Serial Numbers Master Data
AST1 Sales Tax Codes - Rows
ASTC Sales Tax Codes
ASTT Sales Tax Authorities Type
ATC1 Attachments - Rows
ATHL Thresholds
ATSC CST Code for Nota Fiscal
ATT1 Bill of Materials - Component Items - History
ATX1 Tax Invoice - History - Rows
ATX2 Tax Invoice Operation Codes
ATXI Tax Invoice - History
AUG1 UoM Group Detail
AUGP UoM Group
AUOM UoM Master Data
AUSR Archive Users - History
AVT1 Tax Definition
AVTG Tax Definition
AWEX Workflow Engine Execution Entity
AWFQ SWFQ History Table
AWH1 Tax Definition
AWH2 WTax Definition - Rows2
AWH3 Value Range
AWHS Warehouses - History
AWHT Withholding Tax
AWL1 Potential Processor of Tasks
AWL2 Input data for tasks
AWL3 Task Notes
AWL4 Task Output Data
AWL5 Task Field Mapping Information
AWLS Workflow - Task Details
AWMG Workflow Manager
AWO1 Production Order (Rows) - History
AWO2 Production Order - Base
AWOR Production Order - History
AWTS Workflow Engine Task Table
BGT1 Budget - Rows
BGT2 Budget - Cost Accounting
BGT3 Budget - Cost Accounting Rows
BNK1 Bank Statement - Documents List
BNK2 Bank Statement - Recommendation List
BOC1 External Bank Operation Code - Rows
BOE1 Bill of Exchange for Payment - Rows
BOT1 Bill of Exchange Transactions
BOX1 Box Definition - Rows
BOX2 Box Definition - Accounts
BOX3 Box Definition - Choice
BOX4 Box Definition - Contra Accounts of Accounts
BPL1 Branch I.E. Numbers
BPL2 Branch Tributary Info.
BTC1 Internal Bank Operation Codes - Accounts
BTF1 Journal Voucher - Rows
BTF2 Journal Voucher Withholding Tax - History
CASE Internal Recon. Upgrade 2007A
CASE1 Internal Recon. Upgrade 2007A
CCAL Chinese Chart of Account Level Definition
CCFG Company Configuration
CCPD Period-End Closing
CCS1 Cycle Count Determination- Subtable
CDC1 Cash Discount - Rows
CDIC Dictionary
CFH1 Cash Flow Statement Report - History - Rows
CFUS Functionality Usage Statistics
CHD1 Checks for Payment Drafts - Rows
CHO1 Checks for Payment - Rows
CHO2 Checks for Payment - Print Status
CIF1 Country Specific Information
CIN1 Correction Invoice - Rows
CIN10 Correction Invoice - Row Structure
CIN12 Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
CIN13 Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
CIN17 Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
CIN18 Correction Invoice - Export Process
CIN19 Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
CIN2 A/R Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows
CIN20 Intrastat Expenses
CIN3 A/R Correction Invoice - Freight
CIN4 Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
CIN5 A\R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax
CIN6 Correction Invoice - Installments
CIN7 Delivery Packages - Correction Invoice
CIN8 Items in Package - Correction Invoice
CIN9 Correction Invoice - Drawn Dpm
CPI1 A/P Correction Invoice - Rows
CPI10 A/P Correction Invoice - Row Structure
CPI12 A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
CPI13 A/P Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
CPI14 A/P Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows
CPI15 A/P Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld
CPI16 A/P Corr. Inv - SnB properties
CPI17 A/P Correction Invoice - Import Process
CPI18 A/P Correction Invoice - Export Process
CPI19 A/P Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
CPI2 A/P Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows
CPI20 Intrastat Expenses
CPI3 A/P Correction Invoice - Freight
CPI4 A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
CPI5 Withholding Tax Data
CPI6 Documents History - Installments
CPI7 A/P Correction Invoice - Delivery Packages
CPI8 A/P Correction Invoice - Items in Package
CPI9 A/P Corr. Invoice - Drawn Dpm
CPL1 Quick Copy - Instance Log
CPN1 Campaign - BPs
CPN2 Campaign - Items
CPN3 Campaign - Partners
CPT1 Cockpit Subtable
CPV1 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows
CPV10 A/P CrIn Rev - Row Structure
CPV12 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension
CPV13 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses
CPV14 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows
CPV15 A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld
CPV16 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties
CPV17 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Import Process
CPV18 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process
CPV19 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
CPV2 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows
CPV20 Intrastat Expenses
CPV3 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight
CPV4 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amt per Doc.
CPV5 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax
CPV6 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments
CPV7 A/P Corr Inv Rvsl - Deliv Pkgs
CPV8 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package
CPV9 A/P Corr Inv Rvrsl - Drawn Dpm
CRD1 Business Partners - Addresses
CRD2 Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods
CRD3 BP Control Account
CRD4 Allowed WTax Codes for BP
CRD5 BP Payment Dates
CRD6 BP's Payer Name
CRD7 Fiscal IDs for BP Master Data
CRD8 BP Branch Assignment
CRD9 OCRD Extension
CSI1 A/R Correction Invoice - Rows
CSI10 A/R Correction Invoice - Row Structure
CSI12 A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
CSI13 A/R Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
CSI14 A/R Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows
CSI15 A/R Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld
CSI16 A/R Corr. Inv. - SnB properties
CSI17 A/R Correction Invoice - Import Process
CSI18 A/R Correction Invoice - Export Process
CSI19 A/R Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
CSI2 A/R Corr Inv - Freight - Rows
CSI20 Intrastat Expenses
CSI3 A/R Correction Invoice - Freight
CSI4 A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Amount Per Document
CSI5 A/R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax
CSI6 A/R Corr. Inv. - Installments
CSI7 A/R Corr. Inv. Deliv. Pkgs
CSI8 A/R Corr. Inv. - Items in Pkg
CSI9 A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm
CSN1 Certificate Series - Series
CSPI Solution Packager Information
CSTN Workstation ID
CSV1 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows
CSV10 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Row Structure
CSV12 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension
CSV13 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses
CSV14 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows
CSV15 A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld
CSV16 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties
CSV17 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
CSV18 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process
CSV19 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
CSV2 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows
CSV20 Intrastat Expenses
CSV3 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight
CSV4 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amount Per Document
CSV5 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax
CSV6 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments
CSV7 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Delivery Packages
CSV8 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package
CSV9 A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm
CTG1 Installment Layout
CTNS Transaction Notification Setting
CTR1 Service Contract - Items
CTR2 Service Contract - Recurring Transactions
CUL1 Customer Usage Statistics Log
CUMF Folder
CUMI My Menu Items
DAB1 Dashboard Queries
DADB Data Archive DSA Balance
DAR1 Data Archive - Transaction Log
DAR2 Data Archive - Transaction Log
DAR3 Data Archive - Handwritten Documents
DATB Data Archive Tax Balance
DBADM Read-Only DB User
DDT1 Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy - Rows
DGP1 Customer List
DGP2 Expanded Selection Criteria
DGP3 Expanded Consolidation Options
DGP4 Business Place List
DGP5 Sort By List
DLN1 Delivery - Rows
DLN10 Delivery - Row Structure
DLN12 Delivery - Tax Extension
DLN13 Delivery Rows - Distributed Expenses
DLN14 Delivery Notes - Assembly - Rows
DLN15 Delivery - Drawn Dpm Applied
DLN16 Delivery - SnB properties
DLN17 Delivery - Import Process
DLN18 Delivery - Export Process
DLN19 Delivery - Bin Allocation Data
DLN2 Delivery Notes - Freight - Rows
DLN20 Intrastat Expenses
DLN3 Delivery Notes - Freight
DLN4 Delivery - Tax Amount per Document
DLN5 Delivery - Withholding Tax
DLN6 Delivery - Installments
DLN7 Delivery Packages
DLN8 Items in Package - Delivery
DLN9 Delivery - Drawn Dpm
DMW1 Query List
DOC20 Intrastat Expenses
DPI1 A/R Down Payment - Rows
DPI10 A/R Down Payment - Row Structure
DPI11 A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Detail
DPI12 Down Payment In - Tax Extension
DPI13 A/R Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses
DPI14 A/R Down Payment - Assembly - Rows
DPI15 A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Applied
DPI16 A/R Down Payment - SnB properties
DPI17 A/R Down Payment - Import Process
DPI18 A/R Down Payment - Export Process
DPI19 A/R Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data
DPI2 A/R Down Payment - Freight - Rows
DPI20 Intrastat Expenses
DPI3 A/R Down Payment - Freight
DPI4 A/R Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document
DPI5 A/R Down Payment - Withholding Tax
DPI6 A/R Down Payment - Installments
DPI7 Delivery Packages - A/R Down Pymt
DPI8 Items in Package - A/R Down Pmt.
DPI9 Down Payment Incoming - Drawn Dpm
DPO1 A/P Down Payment - Rows
DPO10 A/P Down Payment - Row Structure
DPO12 Down Payment - Tax Extension
DPO13 A/P Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses
DPO14 A/P Down Payment - Assembly - Rows
DPO15 A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Applied
DPO16 A/P Down Payment - SnB properties
DPO17 A/P Down Payment - Import Process
DPO18 A/P Down Payment - Export Process
DPO19 A/P Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data
DPO2 A/P Down Payment - Freight - Rows
DPO20 Intrastat Expenses
DPO3 A/P Down Payment - Freight
DPO4 A/P Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document
DPO5 A/P Down Payment - Withholding Tax
DPO6 Down Payment Out - Installments
DPO7 Delivery Packages - A/P Down Pymt
DPO8 Items in Package - A/P Down Pmt.
DPO9 Down Payment Outgoing - Drawn Dpm
DPS1 Deposit - Rows
DRF1 Draft - Rows
DRF10 Draft - Row Structure
DRF12 Draft - Tax Extension
DRF13 Draft Rows - Distributed Expenses
DRF14 Draft - Assembly - Rows
DRF15 Draft - Drawn Dpm Applied
DRF16 Draft - SnB - Rows
DRF17 Draft - Import Process
DRF18 Draft - Export Process
DRF19 Draft - Bin Allocation Data
DRF2 Draft - Freight - Rows
DRF20 Intrastat Expenses
DRF3 Draft - Freight
DRF4 Draft Documents - Tax
DRF5 Draft Documents - Withholding Tax
DRF6 Document Drafts - Installments
DRF7 Delivery Packages - Drafts
DRF8 Items in Package - Draft
DRF9 Document Draft - Drawn Dpm
DRN1 Depreciation Run - Posting
DRN2 Depreciation Run - Posting - Asset
DSC1 House Bank Accounts
DTP1 Depreciation Types - Rows
DUT1 Dunning Term Array1
DWZ1 Dunning Wizard Array1 - BP Filter
DWZ2 Dunning Wizard Array 2-Invoice Filter
DWZ3 Dunning Wizard Array 3 - Recommended Service Invoice
ECM1 Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication
ECM2 Messages Processed via Electronic Communication
ECM3 Statuses and Logs for Actions in Electronic Communication
EDG1 Discount Groups Rows
EJB1 ERV-JAb Wizard Signing Persons
EJB2 Docs List for ERV-JAb Wizard
EJD1 ERV-JAb Signing Persons List
EOY1 End of Year UDOs
ERX1 Excise Registering Number-Rows
FAA1 Asset Attributes - Rows
FAC1 Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Rows
FAC2 Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Period Control Change
FAM1 Fixed Asset Data Migration - Rows
FAR1 Fixed Asset Revaluation - Rows
FCT1 Sales Forecast - Rows
FIX1 Fixed Asset Transaction - Rows
FLT1 856 Report - Selection Criteria
FML1 Tax Formula Parameter Declaration
FRC1 Extend Cat. f. Financial Rep.
FTR1 Transfer - Rows
FTR2 Transfer - Area Journal Transactions
FTR3 Transfer - Item Areas
GBI1 GBI Row 1 - Electronic Account Book
GBI10 GBI Row 10 - Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement
GBI11 GBI Row 11 - Devalue Provision of Enterprise Assets
GBI12 GBI Row 12 - Shareholder's Rights and Interests Changing Report
GBI13 GBI Row 13 - Enterprise's Profit Distribution Report
GBI14 GBI Row 14 - Small Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement
GBI15 GBI Row 15 - Enterprise's VAT Payable Detail Report
GBI16 GBI Row 16 - Employees
GBI2 GBI Row 2 - G/L Account Master Records
GBI3 GBI Row 3 - Departments
GBI4 GBI Row 4 - Business Partners
GBI5 GBI Row 5 - Projects
GBI6 GBI Row 6 - G/L Account Balance
GBI7 GBI Row 7 - Accounting Vouchers
GBI8 GBI Row 8 - Enterprise's Balance Sheet
GBI9 GBI Row 9 - Enterprise's Profit and Loss Statement
GFL1 Grid Filter Rules
GFL2 Grid Filter Name
GPA1 Gross Profit Adjustment - Log
GPA2 Gross Profit Adjustments - Parameters
GTI1 GTS Invoice Details
GTM1 GTS Mapping Object Details
HEM1 Absence Information
HEM2 Education
HEM3 Employee Reviews
HEM4 Previous Employment
HEM5 Employee Data Ownership Authorization
HEM6 Employee Roles
HEM7 Savings Payments
HET1 Employee Transfer Details
HLD1 Holiday Dates
HMM1 Child Table of OHMM
HMM2 Child Table of OHHM
HTM1 Team Members
IBT1 Batch Number Transactions
ICD1 Inventory Counting Draft - Rows
ICD2 Inventory Counting Draft - UoM
ICD3 Inventory Count Draft - SnB
IEI1 Incoming Excise Invoice - Rows
IEI10 Incoming Excise Invoice - Row Structure
IEI11 IEI - Drawn Dpm Detail
IEI12 Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Extension
IEI13 Incoming Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
IEI14 Incoming Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows
IEI15 IEI - Drawn Dpm Applied
IEI16 Incoming Excise Invoice - SnB properties
IEI17 Incoming Excise Invoice - Import Process
IEI18 Incoming Excise Invoice - Export Process
IEI19 Incoming Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
IEI2 Incoming Excise Invoice - Freight - History - Rows
IEI20 Intrastat Expenses
IEI3 IEI - Freight
IEI4 Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
IEI5 Incoming Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax
IEI6 IEI - Installments
IEI7 Delivery Packages - Incoming Excise Invoice
IEI8 Incoming Excise Invoice - Items in Package
IEI9 IEI - Drawn Dpm
IGE1 Goods Issue - Rows
IGE10 Goods Issue - Row Structure
IGE12 Goods Issue - Tax Extension
IGE13 Goods Issue Rows - Distributed Expenses
IGE14 Goods Issue - Assembly - Rows
IGE15 Gds Issue - Drawn Dpm Applied
IGE16 Goods Issue - SnB properties
IGE17 Goods Issue - Import Process
IGE18 Goods Issue - Export Process
IGE19 Goods Issue - Bin Allocation Data
IGE2 Goods Issue - Freight - Rows
IGE20 Intrastat Expenses
IGE3 Goods Issue - Freight
IGE4 Goods Issue - Tax Amount per Document
IGE5 Goods Issue - Withholding Tax
IGE6 Goods Issue - Installments
IGE7 Delivery Packages - Goods Issue
IGE8 Items in Package - Goods Issue
IGE9 Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm
IGN1 Goods Receipt - Rows
IGN10 Goods Receipt - Row Structure
IGN12 Goods Receipt - Tax Extension
IGN13 Goods Receipt Rows - Distributed Expenses
IGN14 Goods Receipt - Assembly - Rows
IGN15 Gds Rcpt - Drawn Dpm Applied
IGN16 Goods Receipt - SnB properties
IGN17 Goods Receipt - Import Process
IGN18 Goods Receipt - Export Process
IGN19 Goods Receipt - Bin Allocation Data
IGN2 Goods Receipt - Freight - Rows
IGN20 Intrastat Expenses
IGN3 Goods Receipt - Freight
IGN4 Goods Receipt - Tax Amount per Document
IGN5 Goods Receipt - Withholding Tax
IGN6 Goods Receipt- Installments
IGN7 Goods Receipt - Delivery Packages
IGN8 Goods Receipt - Items in Package
IGN9 Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm
ILM1 Srl & Batch Det of Inv Log Msg
ILM2 Inventory Account Substitute
IMT1 Acct data in selected template
IMT11 Calculated expression's constituent with sign for specifying account in specific template
INC1 Inventory Counting - Rows
INC2 Inventory Counting - UoM
INC3 Inventory Count - SnB
INV1 A/R Invoice - Rows
INV10 A/R Invoice - Row Structure
INV11 A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm Detail
INV12 A/R Invoice - Tax Extension
INV13 A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Freights
INV14 A/R Invoice - Assembly - Rows
INV15 A/R Inv. - Drawn Dpm Applied
INV16 A/R Invoice - SnB properties
INV17 A/R Invoice - Import Process
INV18 A/R Invoice - Export Process
INV19 A/R Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
INV2 A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows
INV20 Intrastat Expenses
INV3 A/R Invoice - Freight
INV4 A/R Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
INV5 A/R Invoice - Withholding Tax
INV6 A/R Invoice - Installments
INV7 A/R Invoice - Delivery Packages
INV8 A/R Invoice - Items in Package
INV9 A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm
IOD1 Inventory Initial Qty Draft Rows
IOD2 Inventory Count Draft - SnB
IPD1 Inventory Stock Posting Draft (Reconcile) Lines
IPD2 Inventory Posting Draft - UoM
IPD3 Inventory Posting Draft - SnB
IPF1 Landed Costs - Rows
IPF2 Landed Costs - Costs
IPF3 Landed Costs - Customs Summary
IQI1 Inventory Initial Qty Rows
IQI2 Inventory Count - SnB
IQR1 Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile) Lines
IQR2 Inventory Posting - UoM
IQR3 Inventory Posting - SnB
ISW1 Reported Business Partners
ISW2 Intrastat Reported Items
ISW3 Declaration Rows
ITL1 Srl & Batch Details in Transac
ITM1 Items - Prices
ITM10 OITM Extension
ITM11 Asset Item Period Control
ITM12 UoM in Item
ITM13 Asset Attributes
ITM2 Items - Multiple Preferred Vendors
ITM3 Items - Localization Fields
ITM4 Package in Items
ITM5 Asset Item Projects
ITM6 Asset Item Distribution Rules
ITM7 Asset Item Depreciation Params
ITM8 Asset Item Balances
ITM9 Item - UoM Prices
ITR1 Internal Reconciliation - Rows
ITT1 Bill of Materials - Component Items
ITW1 Item Count Alert
IVL1 IVL Layer Level
IVM1 Invoice Mapping Object Details
IVRU Inventory Valuation Utility
IWB1 Batch No. Quantities Backup
IWB2 Serial No. Quantities Backup
IWZ1 Accounts Revaluation History
IWZ2 Inflation Warehouse Filter
IWZ3 Items Last Revaluation Data
JDT1 Journal Entry - Rows
JDT2 Withholding Tax - History
JST1 TDS Adjustment - Rows
KPS1 KPI Set Array 1
LGL1 Legal Data - Rows
LLR1 Electronic Report Generation Result - Reports
MAP1 Input and Output of Mapping
MAP2 Mapping Input and Output Relation
MDC1 Master Data Cleanup - Log
MDC2 Master Data Cleanup - MD Log
MDP1 Manual Depreciation - Rows
MDP2 Manual Depreciation - Area Journal Transactions
MDP3 Manual Depreciation - Item Areas
MDR1 Manual Distribution Rule - Rows
MIN1 Monthly Invoice Report Document Information
MIN2 Item Imformation of MI
MIV1 A/P Monthly Invoice - Document
MIV2 A/P Monthly Invoice - Item
MLS1 Distribution Lists - Recipients
MLT1 Translations in user language
MRV1 Inventory Revaluation Information Array
MRV2 Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows
MRV3 Inventory Revaluation SNB
MSN1 MRP Scenarios - Warehouses Array
MSN2 MRP Run Results
MSN3 MRP Pegging Information
MSN4 MRP Scenarios - Items Array
MSN5 MRP-Specific Document
NFN1 Not a Fiscal Sequence
NNM1 Documents Numbering - Series
NNM4 Electronic Series
NNM5 Document Numbering - Removed Serial Numbers
OACD Credit Memo
OACG Account Category
OACK Acknowledge Number
OACM Accumulation
OACP Periods Category
OACQ Capitalization
OACR Accrual Type
OACS Asset Classes
OACT G/L Accounts
OADF Address Formats
OADG Depreciation Groups
OADM Administration
OADT Fixed Assets Account Determination
OAGM Arguments for B1i
OAGP Agent Name
OAGS Asset Groups
OAIM Archive Inventory Message
OALC Loading Expenses
OALI Alternative Items 2
OAMD Amount Differences Report
OARG Customs Groups
OARI Add-On - Company Definitions
OASC Account Segmentation Categories
OASG Account Segmentation
OAT1 Blanket Agreement - Rows
OAT2 Blanket Agreement - Details
OAT3 Item Details: Activity
OAT4 Blanket Agreement - Recurring Transactions
OATC Attachments
OBAT Bin Location Attribute
OBBI Brazil Beverage Indexer
OBBQ Item - Serial/Batch - Bin Accumulator
OBCA Bank Charges Allocation Codes
OBCD Bar Code Master Data
OBCG Bank Charge for Bank Transfers
OBDC B1i DI Configuration
OBFC Bin Field Configuration
OBFI Brazil Fuel Indexer
OBGD Budget Cost Assess. Mthd
OBGS Budget Scenario
OBGT Budget
OBIN Bin Location
OBMI Brazilian Multi-Indexer
OBNH Bank Statement Header
OBNI Brazil Numeric Indexer
OBNK External Bank Statement Received
OBOC External Bank Operation Code Category
OBOD BIOD Master Data
OBOE Bill of Exchange for Payment
OBOS Box Set Definition
OBOT Bill Of Exchang Transaction
OBOX Box Definition
OBPL Business Place
OBPP BP Priorities
OBSI Brazil String Indexer
OBSL Warehouse Sublevel
OBST BoE Stamp Tax
OBTC Internal Bank Operation Codes
OBTD Journal Vouchers List
OBTF Journal Voucher Entry
OBTL Bin Transaction Log
OBTN Batch Numbers Master Data
OBTQ Batch No. Quantities
OBTW Batch Attributes in Location
OBVL Serial Numbers and Batch Valuation Log
OCBI Central Bank Ind.
OCCD Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers
OCCS Cycle Count Determination
OCCT Cost Center Type
OCDC Cash Discount
OCDP Closing Date Procedure
OCDT Credit Card Payment
OCFH Cash Flow Statement History
OCFP CFOP for Nota Fiscal
OCFT Cash Flow Transactions - Rows
OCFW Cash Flow Line Item
OCHD Checks for Payment Drafts
OCHF 312
OCHH Check Register
OCHO Checks for Payment
OCHP India Chapter ID
OCIF Configuration of Intrastat Fields
OCIN A/R Correction Invoice
OCIP Configuration of Integration Packages
OCLA Activity Status
OCLG Activities
OCLO Meetings Location
OCLS Activity Subjects
OCLT Activity Types
OCMN Customized Menu
OCMT Competitors
OCNT Counties
OCOG Commission Groups
OCPC Quick Copy Config.
OCPI A/P Correction Invoice
OCPL Quick Copy Log Manager
OCPN Campaign
OCPR Contact Persons
OCPT Cockpit Main Table
OCPV A/P Correction Invoice Reversal
OCQG Card Properties
OCR1 Distribution Rule - Rows
OCRB BP - Bank Account
OCRC Credit Cards
OCRD Business Partner
OCRG Card Groups
OCRH Credit Card Management
OCRN Currency Codes
OCRP Payment Methods
OCRT CRDB Tables Tree List
OCRV Credit Payments
OCRY Countries
OCSC Crystal Server Configuration
OCSI A/R Correction Invoice
OCSN Certificate Series
OCSQ Column Sequences
OCST States
OCSV A/R Correction Invoice Reversal
OCTG Payment Terms
OCTR Service Contracts
OCTT Contract Template
OCUC CUS Configuration
OCUL Customer Usage Statistics Log
OCYC Cycle
ODAB Dashboard
ODAR Data Archiving
ODBN Bat. Nos - Draft - Master Data
ODBW Batch Draft Attribs in Locat.
ODCC Dashboard Cache Configuration
ODCI Intrastat Configuration
ODDG Withholding Tax Deduction Groups
ODDT Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy
ODGL Deduction Group List
ODGP Document Generation Parameter Sets
ODIM Cost Accounting Dimension
ODLL Bar Code Algorithm File
ODLN Delivery
ODMC GL Account Determination - Criteria
ODMW Data Migration
ODOR Doubtful Debts
ODOW Data Ownership - Objects
ODOX Data Ownership - Exceptions
ODPA Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas
ODPI A/R Down Payment
ODPO A/P Down Payment
ODPP Depreciation Type Pools
ODPS Deposit
ODPT Postdated Deposit
ODPV Fixed Assets Depreciation Value
ODRF Drafts
ODRN Depreciation Run
ODSC Bank Codes
ODSN SNs - Draft - Master Data
ODSW SN Draft Attribs in Location
ODTP Fixed Assets Depreciation Types
ODTY BoE Document Type
ODUN Dunning Letters
ODUT Dunning Terms
ODWZ Dunning Wizard
OECM Electronic Communication Types or Protocols
OEDG Discount Groups
OEI1 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Rows
OEI10 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Row Structure
OEI11 OEI - Drawn Dpm Detail
OEI12 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Extension
OEI13 Outgoing Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
OEI14 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows
OEI15 OEI - Drawn Dpm Applied
OEI16 Outgoing Excise Invoice - SnB properties
OEI17 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Import Process
OEI18 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Export Process
OEI19 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
OEI2 OEI - Freight Rows
OEI20 Intrastat Expenses
OEI3 OEI - Freight
OEI4 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
OEI5 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax
OEI6 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Installments
OEI7 Delivery Packages - Outgoing Excise Invoice
OEI8 Outgoing Excise Invoice - Items in Package
OEI9 OEI - Drawn Dpm
OEJB Wizard Run Details for ERV-JAb
OEJD Company Details for ERV-JAb
OENC Encryption Types
OERN Excise Register Numbering
OERT Excise Register Numbering Type
OERX Excise Register Numbering Ext
OEXD Freight Setup
OFAA Asset Attributes
OFAC Fixed Asset Parameter Change
OFAM Fixed Asset Data Migration
OFAR Fixed Asset Revaluation
OFCT Sales Forecast
OFIX Fixed Asset Transactions
OFML Tax Formula Master Table
OFPC Fixed Assets Fiscal Year Change
OFPR Posting Period
OFRC Financial Report Categories
OFRM File Format
OFRT Financial Report Templates
OFTR Transfer
OFYM Financial Year Master
OGAR G/L Account Advanced Rules
OGBI GB Interface: Common Info
OGFL Grid Filter
OGPA Gross Profit Adjustment
OGSP Goods Shipment
OGTI GTS Invoice
OGTM GTS Mapping Object
OHED Education Types
OHEM Employees
OHET Object: HR Employee Transfer
OHLD Holiday Table
OHMM SAP HANA Model Management
OHPS Employee Position
OHST Employee Status
OHTM Employee Teams
OHTR Termination Reason
OHTY Employee Types
OIBQ Item - Bin Accumulator
OIBT Batch No. for Item
OICD Inventory Stock Counting Draft
OIDC Indicator
OIDT Employee ID Type
OIEI Incoming Excise Invoice
OIGE Goods Issue
OIGN Goods Receipt
OIGW Item Group - Warehouse
OILM Inventory Log Message
OIMT Templates for Inventory JE
OINC Inventory Stock Counting
OIND Triangular Deal
OINM Whse Journal
OINS Customer Equipment Card
OINV A/R Invoice
OIOD Inventory Initial Quantity Draft
OIPD Inventory Stock Posting Draft (Reconcile)
OIPF Landed Costs
OIPO Internal Payment Order Number
OIQI Inventory Initial Quantity
OIQR Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile)
OIRT Interest Prices
OIST BoE Instruction
OISW Intrastat Wizard
OITB Item Groups
OITG Item Properties
OITL Inventory Transactions Log
OITM Items
OITR Internal Reconciliation
OITT Product Tree
OITW Items - Warehouse
OIVE FIFO Based Sales Return
OIVL Whse Journal
OIVM GTS Invoice Mapping Object
OIVQ FIFO Queue Working Table
OIWB Items - Warehouse Counting Data Backup
OIWZ Inflation Wizard
OJDT Journal Entry
OJET JE Document Type
OJPE Local Era Calendar
OJST TDS Adjustment
OKRT Tax Report Type
OLCT Location
OLGL Legal Data
OLGT Length Units
OLLF Legal List Format
OLLR Electronic Report Generation Result
OLNG User Language Table
OLNK Help Links
OLTB Location-based Tax Bal Table
OMAO Mobile Add-On Setting
OMAP Mapping Elements
OMDC Master Data Cleanup
OMDP Manual Depreciation
OMDR Manual Distribution Rule
OMGP Material Group
OMIN A/R Monthly Invoice
OMIV A/P Monthly Invoice
OMLS Distribution List
OMLT Multi-Language Translation
OMPS Map Services
OMRC Manufacturers
OMRL Advanced Inventory Revaluation
OMRV Inventory Revaluation
OMSG Messaging Service Settings
OMSN MRP Scenarios
OMTC Bank Statement - Matching Criteria
OMTH Reconciliation History
OMTP Material Type
ONFM Nota Fiscal Model
ONFT Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil)
ONOA Nature of Assessee
OOAT Blanket Agreement
OOCC BoE Occurrence Code
OOCR Distribution Rule
OOEI Outgoing Excise Invoice
OOFR Defect Cause
OOIN Interest
OOIR Interest Level
OOND Industries
OOPR Sales Opportunity
OORL Relationships
OOSR Information Source
OOST Sales Stage
OPAC PAC Companies
OPCH A/P Invoice
OPCI Process Checklist Instance
OPCT Process Checklist Template
OPDF Payment Draft
OPDN Goods Receipt PO
OPDT Predefined Text
OPEX Payment Results Table
OPFT Portfolio Definitions
OPID Period Indicator
OPJT Project Plan
OPKG Package Types
OPKL Pick List
OPLN Price Lists
OPOI Incoming Payment Order
OPOO Outgoing Payment Order
OPOR Purchase Order
OPPA Password Administration
OPQN Purchase Quotation Group
OPQT Purchase Quotation
OPQW Purchase Quotation Generation: Parameter Sets
OPR1 Sales Opportunity - Rows
OPR2 Sales Opportunity - Partners
OPR3 Sales Opportunity - Competitors
OPR4 Sales Opportunity - Interests
OPR5 Sales Opportunity - Reasons
OPRC Cost Center
OPRJ Project Codes
OPRO Property Object
OPRQ Purchase Request
OPRT Partners
OPSC Product Source Code
OPTF BoE Portfolio
OPVL Lender - Pelecard
OPWB PWZ - Bank Account
OPWZ Payment Wizard
OPYB Payment Block
OPYD Payment Run
OPYM Payment Methods for Payment Wizard
OQUE Queue
OQUT Sales Quotation
OQWZ Query Wizard
ORCL Recurring Transaction Instances
ORCM Recommendation Data
ORCN Retail Chains
ORCP Recurring Transaction Template
ORCR Recurring Postings
ORCT Incoming Payment
ORDN Returns
ORDR Sales Order
OREQ External System Call Request
ORFL Already Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports
ORIN A/R Credit Memo
ORIT Dunning Interest Rate
OROC Retorno Operation Codes
ORPC A/P Credit Memo
ORPD Goods Return
ORSB Resource Groups
ORSC Resource Master Data
ORSG Resource Properties
ORST Route Stages
ORTI Retirement
ORTM Rate Differences
ORTS CPI and FC Rates for Reports
ORTT CPI and FC Rates
ORTW Boleto Retorno Wizard: Parameter Sets
OSAB Social
OSBQ Item - Serial/Batch - Bin Accumulator
OSCD Service Code Table
OSCG Service Category
OSCL Service Calls
OSCM Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rules: Material
OSCN Customer/Vendor Cat. No.
OSCO Service Call Origins
OSCP Service Call Problem Types
OSCR Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rules: Revenues & Expenses
OSCS Service Call Statuses
OSCT Service Call Types
OSEC Sections
OSGP Service Group for Brazil
OSHP Delivery Types
OSHR Shareholder's Rights and Interests Report History
OSLM Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Report: Material
OSLP Sales Employee
OSLR Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Report: Revenues & Expenses
OSLT Service Call Solutions
OSPG Special Prices for Groups
OSPP Special Prices
OSRA Scheduled Report Actions
OSRD Batches and Serial Numbers
OSRI Serial Numbers for Items
OSRL Serial Numbers
OSRN Serial Numbers Master Data
OSRQ Serial No. Quantities
OSRT Korean Summary Report
OSRW Serial No. Attribs in Location
OSSP Service Supply
OSST Service Call Solution Statuses
OSTA Sales Tax Authorities
OSTB Template
OSTC Sales Tax Codes
OSTT Sales Tax Authorities Type
OSVR Saved Reconciliations
OSVT Define Summary VAT Report Type
OTAX VAT Transactions
OTBP Target Group Business Partner
OTCD Tax Code Determination
OTCN Tracking Note
OTCX Tax Code Determination
OTER Territories
OTFC Tax Type Combination
OTGG Target Group
OTHL Thresholds
OTIZ Company Time Zone
OTNC Transaction Category
OTNN 1099 Forms
OTOB 1099 Opening Balance
OTOF Tax Offices
OTPA Tax Parameter Attributes
OTPI Purchase Tax Invoice
OTPL Import Template
OTPR Tax Return Values
OTPS Tax Parameter
OTRC Journal Entry Codes
OTRN Multilingual Service Table
OTRS Tax Report Saving Object
OTRT Posting Templates
OTRX Transformation Documents
OTSC CST Code for Nota Fiscal
OTSI Sales Tax Invoice
OTWS E-Tax Web Site
OTXD Tax Invoice Draft
OUBR Branches
OUDG User Defaults
OUDO User-Defined Object
OUDP Departments
OUGP UoM Group
OUOM UoM Master Data
OUPT User Autorization Tree
OUSG Usage of Nota Fiscal
OUSR Users
OUTB User Tables
OUTX Unreported VAT Transactions
OVNM VAT Report Numbering
OVPM Outgoing Payments
OVRT Tax Invoice Report
OVRW VAT Reposting Wizard
OVTG Tax Definition
OVTP Vendor Type
OVTR Tax Report
OWDD Docs. for Confirmation
OWDT Widget Table
OWEX Workflow Engine Execution Entity
OWFER Workflow Error Message
OWFI Workflow - Instances
OWGT Weight Units
OWHS Warehouses
OWHT Withholding Tax
OWIN Workflow Engine Information
OWJB Workflow Job Entity
OWKO Production Instructions
OWLS Workflow - Task Details
OWMG Workflow Manager
OWOR Production Order
OWPK Dashboard Packages
OWST Confirmation Level
OWTI Workflow Timer Definition
OWTJ Workflow Timer Job
OWTM Approval Templates
OWTQ Inventory Transfer Request
OWTR Inventory Transfer
OWTS Workflow Engine Task Table
OWTT Withholding Tax Type
PCH1 A/P Invoice - Rows
PCH10 A/P Invoice - Row Structure
PCH12 A/P Invoice - Tax Extension
PCH13 A/P Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
PCH14 A/P Invoice - Assembly - Rows
PCH15 A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm Appld
PCH16 A/P Invoice - SnB properties
PCH17 A/P Invoice - Import Process
PCH18 A/P Invoice - Export Process
PCH19 A/P Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
PCH2 A/P Invoice - Freight - Rows
PCH20 Intrastat Expenses
PCH3 A/P Invoice - Freight
PCH4 A/P Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
PCH5 A/P Invoice - Withholding Tax Data
PCH6 A/P Invoice - Installments
PCH7 Delivery Packages - A/P Invoice
PCH8 A/P Invoice - Items in Package
PCH9 A/P Invoice - Drawn Dpm
PCI1 Process Checklist Element Extended Data
PDF1 Payment Draft - Checks
PDF2 Payment Draft - Invoices
PDF3 Payment Draft - Credit Vouchers
PDF4 Payment Draft - Account List
PDF6 Payment Drafts - Withholding Tax - Rows
PDF7 Payment Draft - Tax Amount per Document
PDF8 Payment Draft - TDS Entries
PDN1 Goods Receipt PO - Rows
PDN10 Goods Receipt PO - Row Structure
PDN12 Goods Receipt PO - Tax Extension
PDN13 Goods Receipt PO Rows - Distributed Expenses
PDN14 Goods Receipt PO - Assembly - Rows
PDN15 GRPO - Drawn Dpm Applied
PDN16 Goods Receipt PO - SnB properties
PDN17 Goods Receipt PO - Import Process
PDN18 Goods Receipt PO - Export Process
PDN19 Goods Receipt PO - Bin Allocation Data
PDN2 Goods Receipt PO - Freight - Rows
PDN20 Intrastat Expenses
PDN3 Goods Receipt PO - Freight
PDN4 Goods Receipt PO - Tax Amount per Document
PDN5 Goods Reciept PO - Withholding Tax
PDN6 Goods Receipt PO - Installments
PDN7 Goods Receipt PO - Delivery Packages
PDN8 Goods Receipt PO - Items in Package
PDN9 Goods Receipt PO - Drawn Dpm
PEX1 Payment Results Table - Rows
PJT1 Project Plan Steps
PJT2 Project Plan Steps Time Record
PKL1 Pick List - Rows
PKL2 Pick List for SnB and Bin Details
PMV8 Incoming Payment - TDS Entries
POR1 Purchase Order - Rows
POR10 Purchase Order - Row structure
POR12 Purchase Order - Tax Extension
POR13 Purchase Order Rows - Distributed Expenses
POR14 Purchase Order - Assembly - Rows
POR15 PO - Drawn Dpm Applied
POR16 Purchase Order - SnB properties
POR17 Purchase Order - Import Process
POR18 Purchase Order - Export Process
POR19 Purchase Order - Bin Allocation Data
POR2 Purchase Order - Freight - Rows
POR20 Intrastat Expenses
POR3 Purchase Order - Freight
POR4 Purchase Order - Tax Amount per Document
POR5 Purchase Order - Withholding Tax
POR6 Purchase Order - Installments
POR7 Delivery Packages - Purchase Order
POR8 Items in Package - Purchase Order
POR9 Purchase Order - Drawn Dpm
PQT1 Purchase Quotation - Rows
PQT10 Purchase Quotation - Row Structure
PQT12 Purchase Quotation - Tax Extension
PQT13 Purchase Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses
PQT14 Purchase Quotation - Assembly - Rows
PQT15 PQ - Drawn DPM Applied
PQT16 Purchase Quotation - SnB properties
PQT17 Purchase Quotation - Import Process
PQT18 Purchase Quotation - Export Process
PQT19 Purchase Quotation - Bin Allocation Data
PQT2 Purchase Quotation - Freight - Rows
PQT20 Intrastat Expenses
PQT3 Purchase Quotation - Freight
PQT4 Purchase Quotation - Tax Amount per Document
PQT5 Purchase Quotation - Withholding Tax
PQT6 Purchase Quotation - Installments
PQT7 Delivery Packages - Purchase Quotation
PQT8 Items in Package - Purchase Quotation
PQT9 Purchase Quotation - Drawn DPM
PQW1 Purchase Quotation Generation: Line Items
PRQ1 Purchase Request - Rows
PRQ10 Purchase Request - Row Structure
PRQ12 Purchase Request - Tax Extension
PRQ13 Purchase Request Rows - Distributed Expenses
PRQ14 Purchase Request - Assembly - Rows
PRQ15 PR - Drawn DPM Applied
PRQ16 Purchase Request - SnB Properties
PRQ17 Purchase Request - Bin Allocation Data
PRQ18 Purchase Request - Export Process
PRQ19 Purchase Request - Bin Allocation Data
PRQ2 Purchase Request - Freight - Rows
PRQ20 Intrastat Expenses
PRQ3 Purchase Request - Freight
PRQ4 Purchase Request - Tax Amount per Document
PRQ5 Purchase Request - Withholding Tax
PRQ6 Purchase Request - Installments
PRQ7 Delivery Packages - Purchase Request
PRQ8 Items in Package - Purchase Request
PRQ9 Purchase Request - Drawn DPM
PRS1 Detail Lines of Print Sequence Definition
PUTR Pre-Upgrade Test Result
PUTR1 Pre-Upgrade Test Result Line
PWZ2 Payment Wizard - Rows 2
PWZ3 Payment Wizard - Rows 3
PWZ4 Payment Wizard - Rows 4
PWZ5 Payment Wizard - Rows 5
PWZ6 Payment Wizard Rows - 6
PYD1 Payment Terms Allowed in Payment Run
PYM1 Currency Selection
QUE1 Queue Members
QUE2 Queue Elements
QUT1 Sales Quotation - Rows
QUT10 Sales Quotation - Row Structure
QUT12 Sales Quotation - Tax Extension
QUT13 Sales Quotation Rows - Distributed Expenses
QUT14 Sales Quotation - Assembly - Rows
QUT15 Sls Quote - Drawn Dpm Applied
QUT16 Sales Quotation - SnB properties
QUT17 Sales Quotation - Import Process
QUT18 Sales Quotation - Export Process
QUT19 Sales Quotation - Bin Allocation Data
QUT2 Sales Quotation - Freight - Rows
QUT20 Intrastat Expenses
QUT3 Sales Quotation - Freight
QUT4 Sales Quotation - Tax Amount per Document
QUT5 Sales Quotation - Tax
QUT6 Sales Quotation - Installments
QUT7 Delivery Packages - Sales Quotation
QUT8 Sales Quotation - Items in Package
QUT9 Sales Quotation - Drawn Dpm
QWZ1 Query Tables
QWZ2 Query Result Fields
QWZ3 Query Condition Fields
RCC4 Incoming Payment - Credit Vouchers
RCON Connection Map for CR Templates
RCR1 Recurring Postings - Rows
RCT1 Incoming Payment - Checks
RCT2 Incoming Payments - Invoices
RCT3 Incoming Pmt - Credit Vouchers
RCT4 Incoming Payment - Account List
RCT6 Incoming Payments - WTax Rows
RCT7 Incoming Pmt - Tax Amount per Document
RCT8 Incoming Payment - TDS Entries
RDC1 Multilingual Report
RDN1 Returns - Rows
RDN10 Returns - Row Structure
RDN12 Returns - Tax Extension
RDN13 Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses
RDN14 Return - Assembly - Rows
RDN15 Returns - Drawn Dpm Applied
RDN16 Returns - SnB properties
RDN17 Returns - Import Process
RDN18 Returns - Export Process
RDN19 Returns - Bin Allocation Data
RDN2 Return - Freight - Rows
RDN20 Intrastat Expenses
RDN3 Return - Freight
RDN4 Returns - Tax Amount per Document
RDN5 Returns - Withholding Tax
RDN6 Returns - Installments
RDN7 Delivery Packages - Returns
RDN8 Returns - Items in Package
RDN9 Returns - Drawn Dpm
RDOC Document
RDR1 Sales Order - Rows
RDR10 Sales Order - Row Structure
RDR12 Sales Order - Tax Extension
RDR13 Sales Order Rows - Distributed Expenses
RDR14 Sales Order - Assembly - Rows
RDR15 Sls Ord. - Drawn Dpm Applied
RDR16 Sales Order - SnB properties
RDR17 Sales Order - Import Process
RDR18 Sales Order - Export Process
RDR19 Sales Order - Bin Allocation Data
RDR2 Sales Order - Freight - Rows
RDR20 Intrastat Expenses
RDR3 Sales Order - Freight
RDR4 Sales Order - Tax Amount per Document
RDR5 Sales Order - Withholding Tax
RDR6 Sales Order - Installments
RDR7 Delivery Packages - Sales Order
RDR8 Sales Order - Items in Package
RDR9 Order - Drawn Dpm
REQ1 External System Call Request - Message List
REQ2 External System Call Request - Argument List
REQ3 External System Call Request - Message Argument List
RIN1 A/R Credit Memo - Rows
RIN10 A/R Credit Memo - Row Structure
RIN12 A/R Credit Memo - Tax Extension
RIN13 A/R Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses
RIN14 A/R Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows
RIN15 A/R Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld
RIN16 A/R Credit Memo - SnB properties
RIN17 A/R Credit Memo - Import Process
RIN18 A/R Credit Memo - Export Process
RIN19 A/R Credit Memo - Bin Allocation Data
RIN2 A/R Credit Memo - Freight - Rows
RIN20 Intrastat Expenses
RIN3 A/R Credit Memo - Freight
RIN4 A/R Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document
RIN5 A/R Credit Memo - Withholding Tax
RIN6 A/R Credit Memo - Installments
RIN7 A/R Credit Memo - Delivery Packages
RIN8 Items in Package - A/R Credit Memo
RIN9 A/R Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm
RIT1 Interest Rates
RITM Reporting Element
RPC1 A/P Credit Memo - Rows
RPC10 A/P Credit Memo - Row Structure
RPC12 A/P Credit Memo - Tax Extension
RPC13 A/P Credit Memo Rows - Distributed Expenses
RPC14 A/P Credit Memo - Assembly - Rows
RPC15 A/P Cr. Memo - Drawn Dpm Appld
RPC16 A/P Credit Memo - SnB properties
RPC17 A/P Credit Memo - Import Process
RPC18 A/P Credit Memo - Export Process
RPC19 A/P Credit Memo - Bin Allocation Data
RPC2 A/P Credit Memo Rows - Expenses
RPC20 Intrastat Expenses
RPC3 A/P Credit Memo - Freight
RPC4 A/P Credit Memo - Tax Amount per Document
RPC5 A/P Credit Memo - Withholding Tax
RPC6 A/P Credit Memo - Installments
RPC7 Delivery Packages - A/P Credit Memo
RPC8 Items in Package - A/P Credit Memo
RPC9 A/P Credit Memo - Drawn Dpm
RPD1 Goods Return - Rows
RPD10 Goods Return - Row Structure
RPD12 Goods Return - Tax Extension
RPD13 Goods Returns Rows - Distributed Expenses
RPD14 Goods Return - Assembly - Rows
RPD15 Gds Return - Drawn Dpm Applied
RPD16 Goods Return - SnB properties
RPD17 Goods Return - Import Process
RPD18 Goods Return - Export Process
RPD19 Goods Return - Bin Allocation Data
RPD2 Goods Return - Freight - Rows
RPD20 Intrastat Expenses
RPD3 Goods Return - Freight
RPD4 Goods Return - Tax Amount per Document
RPD5 Goods Return - Withholding Tax Data
RPD6 Goods Return - Installments
RPD7 Goods Return - Delivery Packages
RPD8 Goods Return - Items in Package
RPD9 Goods Return - Drawn Dpm
RPRS Print Sequence Definition
RSC1 Resources - Warehouses
RSC2 Resources - Prices
RTI1 Retirement - Rows
RTI2 Retirement - Area Journal Transactions
RTI3 Retirement - Item Areas
RTM1 Rate Differences - Rows
RTM2 Rate Differences - SC Adjustment Rows
RTW1 Boleto Retorno Wizard: Import Table
RTW2 Boleto Retorno Wizard: Import Archive
RTYP Document Type List
SCL1 Service Call Solutions - Rows
SCL2 Service Call Inventory Expenses
SCL3 Service Call Travel/Labor Expenses
SCL4 Expense Documents
SCL5 Service Call Activities
SCM1 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Conditions: Material
SCM2 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Goals: Material
SCM3 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Additional Calculations: Material
SCR1 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Conditions: Revenues & Expenses
SCR2 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Goals: Revenues & Expenses
SCR3 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Configuration Rule Additional Calculations: Revenues & Expenses
SHR1 Shareholder's Rights and Interests Report History - Rows
SITM Items
SITW Items - Warehouse
SIVE FIFO Based Sales Return
SIVL Whse Journal
SIVL1 IVL Layer Level
SIVQ FIFO Queue Working Table
SLM1 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Report Lines: Material
SLR1 Special Ledger - Analytical Accounting Report Lines: Revenues & Expenses
SPP1 Special Prices - Data Areas
SPP2 Special Prices - Quantity Areas
SQR1 System Queries
SRA1 Scheduled Report Parameters
SRA2 Scheduled Report Run Output
SRA3 Scheduled Report Recipients
SRI1 Serial No. Trans. for Item
SRT1 Korean Summary Report - Rows1
SRT2 Korean Summary Report - Rows2
STA1 Valid Period
STC1 Sales Tax Codes - Rows
SVR1 Saved Reconciliations - Transaction List
TAX1 VAT Transactions - Rows
TCD1 Key Fields for Determination
TCD2 Key Field Values
TCD3 Tax Code Determination
TCD4 Withholding Tax Code Determination
TCD5 Tax Code by Usage
TCN1 Tracking Note - Line Data
TCN2 Tracking Note - Brokers
TDR1 Can Be Archive
TFC1 Tax Type Combination - Rows
TGG1 Target Group Details
TGPA Gross Profit Adjustment - Log
TMP1 Bill of Materials - Component Items
TMP8 Incoming Payment - TDS Entries
TNN1 1099 Boxes
TPI1 Purchase Tax Invoice - Rows
TPI2 Tax Invoice Operation Codes
TPL1 Template - Records
TPS1 Tax Parameter Attributes
TPS2 Tax Parameter - Return Values
TRN1 Subtable of OTRN
TRN2 Subtable of OTRN
TRS1 Tax Report Saving Object - Approved Documents
TRS2 Tax Rpt Sav Obj Man Chgd Vals
TRT1 Posting Templates - Rows
TSI1 Sales Tax Invoice - Rows1
TSI2 Tax Invoice Operation Codes
TXD1 Tax Invoice Drafts - Rows
UBTN Batch Numbers Master Data
UBVL Serial Numbers and Batch Valuation Log
UDG1 User Defaults - Documents
UDG2 User Defaults - Credit Cards
UDO1 User-Defined Objects - Child
UDO2 User-Defined Objects - Find Columns
UDO3 User-Defined Objects - Found Columns
UDO4 User-Defined Objects - Child Table Columns
UGP1 UoM Group Detail
UILM IVI Inventory Log Message
UILM1 Srl & Batch Det of Inv Log Msg
UILM2 Inventory Account Substitute
UITM Items
UITW Items - Warehouse
UIVE FIFO Based Sales Return
UIVL Whse Journal
UIVL1 IVL Layer Level
UIVQ FIFO Queue Working Table
UPT1 User Authorization Tree - Extended Permission
UQR1 Queries
USR5 User Access Log
USR6 User Branch Assignment
USRN Serial Numbers - Master Data
UTX1 Unreported VAT Transactions - Rows
UWKO Production Instructions
UWKO1 Production Instructions - Rows
UWO2 Production Order - Base
UWOR Production Order
UWOR1 Production Order - Rows
VLG1 Validation of Recalc. From To
VPM1 Outgoing Payments - Check Rows
VPM2 Outgoing Payments - Invoices
VPM3 Outgoing Payments - Credit Vouchers
VPM4 Outgoing Payments - Accounts
VPM6 Outgoing Payments - WTax Rows
VPM7 Outgoing Payments - Tax Amount per Document
VPM8 Outgoing Payment - TDS Entries
VRT1 Tax Invoice Report - Rows
VRT2 Tax Invoice Report Grid Info
VTG1 Tax Definition
VTR1 Tax Groups
VTR2 Doc. Type Filter
VTR3 Series Filter
WDD1 Documents for Approval - Authorizers
WDD2 Documents for Approval - Terms
WHT1 Withholding Tax Definition
WHT2 Withholding Tax Definition - Rows2
WHT3 Value Range
WKO1 Production Instructions - Rows
WLS1 Potential Processor of Tasks
WLS2 Input data for tasks
WLS3 Notes of Tasks
WLS4 Task Output Data
WLS5 Task Field Mapping Information
WOR1 Production Order - Rows
WOR2 Production Order - Base
WST1 Confirmation Level - Rows
WTM1 Approval Templates - Producers
WTM2 Confirmation Templates - Stages
WTM3 Approval Templates - Documents
WTM4 Approval Templates - Terms
WTM5 Approval Templates - Queries
WTQ1 Inventory Transfer Request - Rows
WTQ10 Inventory Transfer Request - Row Structure
WTQ12 Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Extension
WTQ13 Inventory Transfer Request Rows - Distributed Freights
WTQ14 Inventory Transfer Request - Assembly - Rows
WTQ15 Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Appl
WTQ16 Inventory Transfer Request - SnB Properties
WTQ17 Inventory Transfer Request - Import Process
WTQ18 Inventory Transfer Request - Export Process
WTQ19 Inventory Transfer Request - Bin Allocation Data
WTQ2 Inventory Transfer Request - Freight - Rows
WTQ20 Intrastat Expenses
WTQ3 Inventory Transfer Request - Freight
WTQ4 Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Amount per Document
WTQ5 Inventory Transfer Request - Withholding Tax
WTQ6 Inventory Transfer Request - Installments
WTQ7 Inventory Transfer Request - Delivery Packages
WTQ8 Inventory Transfer Request - Items in Package
WTQ9 Inventory Transfer Request - Drawn DPM
WTR1 Inventory Transfer - Rows
WTR10 Inventory Transfer - Row Structure
WTR12 Inventory Transfer - Tax Extension
WTR13 Inventory Transfer Rows - Distributed Freights
WTR14 Inventory Transfer - Assembly - Rows
WTR15 Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Appl
WTR16 Inventory Transfer - SnB properties
WTR17 Inventory Transfer - Import Process
WTR18 Inventory Transfer - Export Process
WTR19 Inventory Transfer - Bin Allocation Data
WTR2 Inventory Transfer - Freight - Rows
WTR20 Intrastat Expenses
WTR3 Inventory Transfer - Freight
WTR4 Inventory Transfer - Tax Amount per Document
WTR5 Inventory Transfer - Withholding Tax
WTR6 Inventory Transfer - Installments
WTR7 Inventory Transfer - Delivery Packages
WTR8 Inventory Transfer - Items in Package
WTR9 Inventory Transfer - Drawn Dpm
XRDBV XLR company DB version
XROBJ XLR Company Report Objects
XRREL XLR Company Report Objects
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