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In this article, I would like to discuss SAP BP Transaction Hide/ Show field e.g. Instruction Key. We would talk about Instruction Key and a general concept of how you could hide/ show fields from config in the transaction BP.

This article is divided into 4 sections as below

  1. What is the instruction key

  2. How you could maintain it.

  3. How you could control Hiding/ Viewing instruction key from config

  4. Using BDT_Analyzer

1. What is an instruction key

Instruction key:

As per SAP definition instruction key is used “ For automatic payment transactions, this field (along with the house bank country and the payment method determined by the payment program) controls which statements are given to the participating banks when carrying out the payment order. This field is used in countries such as Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Finland, and Japan as well as for the international SWIFT format, MT100.”

  1. If the instruction key is maintained in the master record, then this instruction key is used.

  2. If no instruction key exists in the vendor master record, then the default instruction key defined for the house bank is used.

2. Maintain the instruction key

Read here on you could create and manage instruction key and in the next step we discuss how using SAP BP Transaction you can Hide/ Show fields


IMG activity Define Instructions for Payment Transactions.

It can be used for below scenarios

  1. Bank charges are for the company to pay

  2. Or Bank charges are shared between Company and vendor

  3. Or Bank charges are for Vendor to be paid.

There are some other ways you could maintain in the instruction key settings

  1. During vendor creation, you can add In Vendor General data

2. F110 during payment run
3. As part of a house bank configuration
4. When raising an invoice using fv60

3. How you could control Hiding/ Viewing instruction key from the config

Generally, this part is applicable for any field that you would like to hide/show on the BP transaction

Below are the config options;

  1. IMG --> Financial Accounting (New) --> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable --> Vendor Accounts --> Master Data --> Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data --> Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) (OBD3)

This transaction shows screen option per vendor account group.

  1. Select the vendor account group

  2. Select general data

  3. Find the section payment transactions

  4. Find the field name as DME and select whether you want to supress it, make it a required entry, Optional entry or just a display field

  1. IMG --> Financial Accounting (New) --> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable --> Vendor Accounts --> Master Data --> Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data --> Define Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors) (OB23)

You could do the same based on the activity the user carries out like create, change, display vendor records

You could follow similar steps for hiding / Showing any other field on the BP transaction

4. Using BDT_Analyzer

I raised a note to SAP and the processor provided with a lot of valuable information that you could use to get the to the right field information instead of doing hit and trial and n] knowing what is the parent header for the field. Please find the details below

This is a tool provided by sap for analysis and Customizing help for BDT-based applications


  1. Go to Report BDT_ANALYZER  and enter BUPA to run the report to see all fields related to business partners

The full path is Screen Sequence Categories -> Main Screen Sequence -> Scree Sequences -> BUP001 - General Data -> Sections -> CVIC05 - Payment Transactions -> Views -> CVIC07 - Customer: DME Information -> Field Groups -> 1817 - Customer: DME Information -> Fields -> KNA1-DTAWS

So from below screen, you know that it can be seen in vendor General data > Section Payment transaction

You could also looking at going from the actual transaction example going to transaction BP, finding BP 900017, then execute BDT_ANALZYER.

Somehow I was not able to figure this out

@frankie Lau was the processor for this note.

“In KBA 2565164, there is a short section on BDT_ANALYZER which explains this

Also noted an important point by SAP “ For field instruction key, if you set the field to optional in client wide (V_TB102_2), but you set a more restrictive status in V_T077K, the system will take the more restrictive status. Please see the "cause" section in KBA 2565164.

After running transaction BDT_ANALYZER to find which screen it belongs to, it actually belongs to Vendor: General Data. If you switch to a vendor role such as FLVN00 Company Code View, you will find the field you are looking for under Vendor: General Data.”

In the same note they also explain how you could find the group name as below

  1. Click on the field and press F1

  2. In Performance Assistant screen click on Technical Information icon

  3. In Technical Information screen you will see the table and the field name

  4. Run transaction SE16 for table TBZ3R and enter OBJAP = BUPA, TABNM = the table name and FLDNM = the field name

  5. The field group is in field FLDGR

Reference links summarized as below

  1. Mapping instruction key
    a. https://blogs.sap.com/2020/01/15/instruction-key-mapping-to-payment-media-file/

  2. Check how you could find the right field groups etc.
    a. https://blogs.sap.com/2019/02/01/s4-hana-do-you-have-an-issue-in-bp-vendor-field-settings-check-this...

  3. KBA 2565164 - Wrong field status in transaction BP when maintaining customer and vendor based roles

  4. Read about BDT Analyzer:
    a. https://help.sap.com/doc/saphelp_snc70/7.0/en-US/2b/791c4253afda2ce10000000a1550b0/content.htm?no_ca...

Thanks for reading and please let me know if you have comments, feedback and if this has helped.

Read the original article published here


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