Hi All,
This is a note to help you with some hint and tips for effective implementation of the SAF-T solution for Norway. SAP has provided country specific solution (Adopting the OECD reporting standard) for statutory reporting and I have had the opportunity to work for Norway based client.
What is SAF-T ?
SAF-T stands for Standard Audit File for Tax, it is a international sandard or medium of reporting accounting information from organizations to its tax authority or any external auditors. It has been defined by Organisation for Economic Co Operation & Development (OECD). The reporting is done in XML.
Purpose of the SAF-T format
Norwegian SAF-T (Standard Audit File - Tax) is standard file format for exporting various types of accounting transactional data using the XML format.
This first version of the SAF-T Financial is limited to the general ledger level including customer and supplier transactions. Necessary master data is also included. Future versions of the SAF-T Financial will include source documents such as detailed invoice data and movements of goods and asset transactions.
To start with, I will first recommend you to go through the notes properly for a clear understanding and then have a discussion with client to ascertain what exactly they want to report. More or less you will have to map the chart of account with,
- Standard account provided by Norwegian tax authorities or
- The income statement for the type of business.
For municipalities, the mapping of the accounts must be to the KOSTRA Arts accounts.
Note: I worked on the Income Statements (Næringsoppgaver) (RF-1167 )
Getting the solution
Oss Notes which needs to be implemented:
2590111 - SAF-T (NO): Collective Note for SAF-T Norway
2448711 - SAF-T Norway: Prerequisite Notes for Installation & Use of SAP Solution
2809649 - Interface Note for SAF-T Norway and System tables update
Once you have the notes implemented, you will have the following things available in system to start working on it.
Masterdata Tables
SNV_NO_GRP_COD This table is required for income statement mapping. The grouping code is mapped with chart of account as per desired category eg : RF-1167 etc. Refer note 2809649.
Extraction Tables
SAFTNV_INTCA_GEN (SAF-T Header of FI documents).
SND_NO_FI_I (SAF-T Items of FI Documents).
SAFTN_E for Data Extraction.
SAFTN_D for Data deletion.
SAFTN_G for XML File generation.
SAFTN_M for monitoring.
Note: Refer note 2448711 for configuration help file in pdf format.
Configuring the solution
While you will configure the solution following the user guide provided in note 2448711, you will also require the following three sets of data to configure tax data and the grouping data. While the tax code mapping is straightforward, for the chart of account, a few couple of sittings with client will be required to prepare the mapping. In my case I was lucky as the client proactively prepared this without much of my help. I just had to explain the following templates to them.
Template for Tax code mapping

Template for the standard account mapping

Template for the GL Grouping (for income statement

- If you are mapping for income statement then standard account mapping is not required. However you can still map the SAP GLS and the standard account will show ‘0’ by default.
- The templates will help you copy and paste the data directly in SM30 maintenance.
- You may want to create a z maintenance program for these tables for user so that going forward they can add any new GL or tax code for reporting. Otherwise it creates a dependency and user will come back to you for such minor maintenances.
Generating the XML file
One very good feature of this solution is that XML file generation is in built, you can run the data extraction program first using SAFTN_E and then download the XML using T.code SAFTN_G. However you have to follow the file naming conventions as prescribed by the tax authorities.
For example: SAF-T Financial_999999999_20160401235911_1_12.xml
- “SAF-T Financial” states the SAF-T type of file
- “999999999” represents the organization number belonging to the owner of the data.
- “20160401235911” represents the date and time when the file was created using a 24-hour clock.
- "1_12" represents file 1 of 12 total files in the export (same selection)
The solution also gives you the option to rectify the data. You can discard the xml file, and delete the extracted data first using SAFTN_D and then re extract the rectified FI items and then re- generate the XML file. All previous file generation activity can be checked/monitored using SAFTN_M.
What to verify in the XML file
Once you download the XML file, open it and check the following:
- The version and the schema locn are appearing correctly (1st and 2nd line of the file)
- All Company code data like address, registration numbers etc are appearing correctly.
- There’s no <NA> appearing against any tax code or GL. This implies you might have missed out mapping any tax code or GL
- That the period wise GL opening and closing balance of both PnL and Balance sheet type are appearing correctly. If not you need to check note 2869463 and 2878351.
I hope it gives you some idea on how to go ahead with implementing the solution. You can also refer the Skatteetaten website for more details on SAF-T. Also for technical details like xml file structure or for downloading the XML file validator you can refer to Github.
Thank you for checking this article. I hope you find it helpful.
Best Regds