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I'm working on an ECC 6.0 conversion project for the S/4 1709 and one user realized that the field material (MATR) was no longer available within transaction FAGLL03. The field was neither optional.

After a search in SAP-Notes and with the help of other consultants we find the note 2497325 - Display of material numbers not possible in G / L account line item display, in which it appeared to be the solution of the problem. But for our surprise the note was already applied.

The NOTE is 100% manual and the instruction is very simple. It says to insert the MATNR field in the FAGLPOSE_CORE structure and after activating the structure and the problem would be solved. See the figure below:


But as written here, the MATNR field was already in the structure.

So I started to think, what could be happening. Well, before starting a huge and tiring debug in a standard program, I decide to think more about the issue.

It was at this moment that I remembered two possible enhancements that could be impacting the standard report. I'm talking about:

  1. BTE 1650 (Business Transaction Event);

  2. Special Fields (OBVU);

So, thinking about the BTE case first, I checked the FIBF transaction if the event was enabled. Just to increase the mystery It was not. I practically discarded this enhancement. Anyway I decided to follow the guidelines of an old manual that I have, and in this manual says that I should run the RFPOSXEXTEND report to regenerate the structures and then the BAVLBUFDEL report. Even after these steps the problem in the transaction was not fixed.

Thinking a little further I figured I was on the wrong track as the BTE 1650, because BTE 1650 was for the old transaction, I'm talking about the FBL3n transaction. I just wasted my time ...

I started the analysis on the OBVU transaction and "bingo". There were two fields, the MATNR and the WERKS field. See the figure below:


I selected the two fields and deleted. As this transaction is of the type customization S/4 requested a change request. I created a new change to save the modification.

Then I called the transaction FAGLB03 again and it started to compile (my hope started to come back). After compiled I opened the options to change the layout and "voilà" the MATNR field was back.

I hope this blog reaches people with the same issue and they do not waste as much time as I do, because if the SAP note had alerted to the problem I had not wasted so much time.
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