In Embedded Analytics on S/4HANA we create a lot of front-end content, be that with a KPI Modeler or with Multi-dimensional reporting client. This post is about distributing that content to a particular user group.
Let us start with overall understanding of Fiori user relationship with roles, content etc. I hope your Analytics content targets a particular group of people in the organization, not just everybody, so it is always a good idea to start with a question whom this KPI / dashboard / report is targeted to.
From an end-user perspective, the tile that launches one or another report is to be found in a particular Group (these are the tabs we see in Fiori). So, from that perspective, it is just a matter of agreement, which groups should the tile belong to. See an example below from a standard AP manager role.
From a developer point of view, we need to understand that the relationship goes the following direction Tile --> Fiori Tile Group & Catalog --> Role --> User. And we should be able to execute all the steps to publish our content. Let us take them one-by-one.
Let us start by remembering that we create all the (custom) Tiles, launching our Analytical content, in a particular Fiori Catalog, which is nothing else than a technical grouping of any content. Let us see the custom Catalog “Custom Tiles for FI Area” where I have created my custom Tiles below.

* this view is typically accessed in Fiori Launchpad
Designer. Tcode /UI2/FLPD_CONF or typical URL:
To make it visible to the users, I need to have a Fiori tile Group and publish my content from a Catalog to a Group (or a few). In example below I am assigning 2 of the 11 Tiles to my Group “Additional AP Reports” from my Catalog “Custom Tiles for FI Area”

Now, to enable for an end-user, we need a menu-role. Again, in real-life scenario that is a custom role either already defined by the Authorizations team or created by ourselves. This role needs to have
both Fiori Tile Catalog and Fiori Tile Group assigned. So, we do it in Tcode PFCG.
After inserting both of my custom Catalog and Group, the menu should look like this
Typically, nothing else should be contained in this menu-role.
End-user view
Once the required menu-role is assigned to our end-user, he is able to see the published content.
So, I hope this little post on publishing your custom S/4HANA Embedded Analytics content was informative.
Dmitry Kuznetsov
BI Consulting