In continuation to my blog post
S/4HANA Cloud: Getting started with Manage Situation Object in 2202: (2/5) ; in this we will model our situation scenario for object based Situation. Once the situation object has been defined, using this app admin can
- Map the anchor object (Situation Object) to one or more trigger objects and events
- Define the layout of the My Situations -Extended app
Let's get started and create new Situation Scenario using Fiori app
'Manage Situation Scenarios' as shown below

On click of Create below screen pops up having 5 tabs

A situation scenario consists of one anchor object (where Anchor Object ID is Custom Situation Object) and one or more triggers. Anchor object is what is affected by the Situation like Sales Order number
- General Information: Here select the anchor object and structure id (the one you created using Manage Situation Object Fiori app).
- The anchor object key field that serves as unique identifier, for example Sales Order number or combination of fields in this flight example
- Under Responsibility Context ID: Select the same based on who is situation recipient (Contexts are created using Responsibility Management)
- Instance Keys: In this you define the anchor object and a set of instance keys that uniquely identify the specific object for which a situation instance occurs. This can be a unique ID like Sales Order number or a combination of fields. Here we select the instance keys that were defined for the anchor object. (Or Refer Semantic keys of Situation Object)

3. List Page Layout :In this you can define the layout (columns, sections, subsections, and fields) for the
My Situations- Extended app. Go to tab
List Page Layout tab and click on ADD option

- Column Source can be Anchor/Trigger
- Give Column Labels
- Give maximum value length
4 . General Actions :You can define the callback/navigation actions for the Situation defined in the Situation object here that can be used later for managing Situation

5 .Situation Triggers : Trigger object can be anchor object itself or it can be any other situation object and Trigger can be Batch /Event
- Anchor Object as Trigger (It can be batch /Event )

- Other Object as Trigger :We can also use other Situation object to trigger events as well, but they can only be of type Event. E.g., here I have used Booking Situation Object

Now go to mappings tab in the Trigger object and map the fields that need to be displayed in
'My Situations-Extended' Fiori app.

Click on Map fields and add the fields required in Situation layout.

Whatever is selected in Key fields is shown in
My Situations -Extended app as highlighted below:

Whatever is selected as Scenario-Specific filter under map fields is shown as filter in
My Situations -Extended app as highlighted below:

Now define the fields you want to show in the Situation page; go to tab Fields in List Pages of the Trigger object
Enter the subsections for this anchor page
Section Source --> It can be Trigger /Anchor object
Subsections -> Yes /No
Section Label -> This is what you see in your situation (
My Situations-Extended)
Now enter the fields that you want to see in the subsection of your situation

Now we have defined the Situation Layout and same you will see in My Situations -Extended app for your triggered situation as shown below

Now once you have defined your Situation Object and Situation Scenario - you can create your own Situation Templates and Types using Fiori app
'Manage Situation Types-Extended ' which is covered in next blog.