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After the Situation Object and Situation Scenario has been created; now we can create object-based Situation templates and Types to inform the end users about issues that require their attention using Fiori app 'Manage Situation Types-Extended'. We can create one /more Situation templates based on our Custom Situation Object and Situation Scenarios. Below is the landing page of the app where under create you see both the options.

Now let's first create the Situation Template based on the Situation Scenario created in part 2

 Now let's first create the Situation Template based on the Situation Scenario created in part 2

On next screen you need fill in the tabs as shown below

  1. Header Information: Fill in the general details like name and description

  2. Situation instances: In this we can define the instance settings

  • Trigger accumulation: By default, its disabled

  • Instance Closing Behavior: By default, its close and keep

 3. General actions : Here you can select the actions defined earlier on anchor object ; on clicking of ADD below screen shows up where you can select the action that you want to use in this template

Now select the required action e.g. Manage Flight in this case

4 . Situation Triggers: Situation template can have one or multiple situation triggers. It can be Event-Based Triggers /Batch Based Triggers.

Event-Based triggers are used when you want to inform users as and when the issue has occurred. We use Batch based triggers for periodic checks (frequently happening changes )

Click on Add for Batch based triggers and below screen shows up ;based on what Situation scenario we created in Part 2.

Select the same . Now for this trigger in next screen you need to fill in the below details:

  • Header Information: Trigger Object details based on selected object as shown above

  • Conditions: For each situation trigger we can specify the conditions. In case of multiple conditions, they are processed top to bottom. In filters we can specify the conditions and thresholds for the anchor and trigger objects that create situation .

Click on Edit to define your condition to trigger Situation Example I have defined condition in case Eco index >70 for flights within next 14 days

Now for Airline Code; you can see the value help as shown below --- Remember I had mentioned in my Situation Object blog that the value help you give in Situation Object is later used while defining conditions --- so I had defined the value help only for fields Airline Code and Connection Id in my Situation object and same I can leverage here in case I want to define condition to either of these fields

For other fields

  • Situation Display: In this you define texts for the condition. You need to define the 3 text types as highlighted below

    • Situation Texts: This is what will be displayed in list items and header of situation page in My Situations -Extended app

    • Notification Texts: This is displayed on SAP Fiori Launchpad. If you're expecting multiple situation instances, you can use the aggregation function

    • Public Text: Sent through public communication channels and therefore need to be generic and cannot contain any variables

After you define the template ; it will show up as below - and this Situation display number is used along with condition .

We can add multiple Situation displays here and same can be used along with conditions ,

  • Notification Behavior: Its related to life cycle of situation instance and you can have below listed Notification behavior

  • Callback actions: They are also shown on My Situations-Extended app as buttons in the Solution Proposal section

  • Navigation Actions: They are also shown on My Situations-Extended app as Related apps

5 .Batch Job as Scheduling: In this you can specify the frequency of Background Jobs

6 . Recipients : Define the users that need to be informed about the situations ( Manage Teams and Responsibility app is used to define the teams )

Once the Situation Template has been created; next steps in Extended Framework are to Create Situation Type and Monitor instances (same as we do in Standard Framework). Lets see how to trigger and monitor situations for this Extended Framework in my next blog.


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