Updating email template in S/4
The requirement from the client was to update some of the email changes in the system
I would be summarizing the end-to-end path I followed and how I could identify the email template. Making changes and moving my changes over to the production
The beauty of S4 is all of this can be done by one consultant or the end-user themselves with just a little training no need to have Basis, Functional and technical part of your team. This could happen as SAP did some massive changes with the New Fiori based cloud environment
- There are no Tcode, Just type what you want.
- No Debugging just look around and find the details
- No code changes just a simple text-based editor
- No need to ask the basis team to release and import TR it can just be done by following simple export and import rules
So overall makes it easy but I still took time to get familiar with the new way of doing things more easily in the cloud, I miss the old Tcode based approach ☹
So I would cover the below section in this blog.
- Find the template to update
- Updating the email content, adding system fields
- Steps to import and export the changes from the Dev to production system
Find the email template to update
Open the “ Maintain email template “ app which would list down all the predelivered and custom templates as seen below
Check some options available as below
- Click on Change details to update the name of the template etc.
- You could also copy the template, Create a new one or delete with the buttons showing up at the top of the table
- Open the template by Selecting the language and clicking on it
Updating the email content and adding System fields
In the next screen you could add your text in the Body HTML tag section with the right HTML tags as you see below. Note there is also an option for adding Body Plan text as seen with the yellow box but then it does not have the proper formatting. If you are looking for Hyperlinks, Bold, line breaks and para breaks to be shown using Body HTML
Arrow indicates how you could add system fields
I am adding a copy of how we used the organization fields in the email
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for SAP R/3 (vers 25 March 2009), see www.w3.org">
<p>Dear Sir or Madam,</p>
<p>Please find the billing document {{BillingDocument}} posted on {{BillingDocumentDate}} for the amount {{TotalNetAmount}} {{TransactionCurrency}} attached.</p>
<p>If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.</p>Best Regards,
In order to add system, fields click on the “ Show data fields” option and a dialog box open up with all available fields
There is no search on this dialog box so after scrolling for 5 minutes I came down to S where I see all my sales org specific fields which I wanted to use which I copied from the list and then added to the Body HTML and save the changes
This completes the changes to be done for the email
Moving changes to production
Now go to export software collection app and add items
To add items look for Form Template and you would see the email template you modified listed below and once added click on Import to send the changes to production
On the production, side click on Import collection so the changes are reflected in the production system.
Read the original and full article published on the link