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The following blog will focus on the process of creation and massive import of Bank Accounts to an S/4 HANA system, as part of a migration activity needed during a Greenfield transition to S/4 scenario and via the tool "Import and Export Bank Accounts". This is considering that the creation of House Bank/ Bank Accounts in S/4 HANA has been split between customizing and Master Data activities.

Configuration and testing will be shared in this post.


While referring to an S/4 HANA environment, the word "S/4" will be used, and for a non-S/4, "ECC".


Main transactions in S/4 

Transaction FI12 or FI12_HBANK
Transaction NWBC + Tool "Import and Export Bank Accounts"

Previous transactions in ECC

Transaction FI12 

Screens in transaction FI12 

(S/4 system on the LEFT | ECC on the RIGHT)

Creating a House Bank remained the same. The change is in the creation of a Bank Account:

Only visualization in S/4. Creation via Fiori or NetWeaver/WebDynpro.

WebDynpros - create Bank Account / maintain Bank Account

As a result, House Banks in S/4 are inside a Transport Request but not the Bank Accounts, which are extra steps in comparison to the process in ECC.


Screens in transaction FI12_HBANK

Transaction FI12_HBANK has a mandatory selection of Company Code and no option to display Bank Accounts.


Business/ general context

From the introduction of S/4, the creation of Bank Accounts is:

a) a Master Data activity no longer transportable
b) only possible via the Fiori app "Manage Banks" or WebDynpro with the same name. Transaction FI12 is only for visualization.

Therefore in case of massive migrations from an ECC to an S/4 system, and without the possibility of using an LSMW or a batch recording because the activity being based on Fiori/ WebDynpro, an option such as the tool"Import and Export Bank Accounts" becomes useful.


Configuration steps

Main customizing activities

SPRO path:

1. Define Basic Settings

Financial Supply Chain Management > Cash and Liquidity Management > General Settings > Define Basic Settings

Bank Acct Revision as "01 Activate Directly".

Generally speaking:
01 Activate Directly = direct creation of Bank Account
02 Dual Control = one user creates, another approves
03 Workflow = one user creates, a corresponding user approves


2. Define Number Ranges for Change Requests

Financial Supply Chain Management > Cash and Liquidity Management > Bank Account Management > Define Number Ranges for Change Requests


3. Define Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs

Financial Supply Chain Management > Cash and Liquidity Management > Bank Account Management > Define Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs

This technical ID is later used inside table FCLM_BAM_AMD (table in S/4) - Bank Account Master Data and also visible in certain Fiori apps such as "Manage Bank Accounts" for tracking purposes.


4. Assign Number Ranges

Financial Supply Chain Management > Cash and Liquidity Management > Bank Account Management > Assign Number Ranges

Assign the number range to be used for Change Requests and Bank Account Technical ID.


5. Define Settings for Bank Account Master Data

Financial Supply Chain Management > Cash and Liquidity Management > Bank Account Management > Define Settings for Bank Account Master Data

No changes from standard. Relevant since the field "Account Type" is required while creating Bank Accounts.



Additional customizing checks

a) Define ICF Services | Activate ICF Services

SAP NetWeaver > UI Technologies > SAP Fiori > Initial Setup > Initial Launchpad Configuration > Service Maintenance of Internet Communication Framework (ICF)

Transaction SICF

Check that these 3 ICF services are active:




To activate a service, press right click on it and then "activate service":

Example inactive vs active ICF


b) Check user roles

Transaction SU01

The user should have the role 'SAP_SFIN_CASH_MANAGER' assigned that will allow the access to the needed WebDynpro in transaction NWBC.


c) Microsoft Excel > Enable Developer tab

Inside Microsoft Excel: choose 'File' > 'Options' > 'Customize Ribbon' > 'Developer'

The tab 'Developer' appears:



Testing of import of Bank Accounts

1. Create House Bank - Transaction FI12 or FI12_HBANK

Information coming from transaction FI12 / table T012 + T012D from the legacy system. The Bank Account that will be created via the import tool has a House Bank that should be ready in S/4.


2. Download template for Bank Account upload - Transaction NWBC

Transaction NWBC to launch the NetWeaver Business Client.


Bank Account Management > Tool > Import and Export Bank Accounts > Download XML Spreadsheet Template

Main tabs in the Excel are 'General And Additional Data' which the information in table FCLM_BAM_AMD and 'Connectivity Path' working as the link between the House Bank and the Bank Account under creation.


3. Upload file - Transaction NWBC

Complete the tab 'General And Additional Data' with the information from the Bank Account from transaction FI12 or table T012K in ECC.

All values, including date fields, should have the format "General".

Later, complete the tab "Connectivity Path" which lines are associated to the previous tab via the field "Technical ID" (not to confuse this field with the Technical ID inside table FCLM_BAM_AMD. In this case, it is only used inside the file to connect records)

Export the file.

Back in transaction NWBC, select the file for upload.

In this example, a test run upload is performed via 'Import with Test Run'.

Then, a real run upload is performed via 'Import'.

Results are visible inside S/4.



  • As mentioned above, all fields filled should have the format "General" (including dates)

  • Do not delete rows inside the template file. Delete or replace values. Copy and pasting via "Paste Values" and not direct paste. These principles are the same as when using transaction LTMC - SAP Migration Cockpit.

  • Potential errors:

a) "Invalid file. Use the downloaded template or enhanced template."

A row was deleted. A value was copied from another file without "Paste Value".


          b) "403 Forbidden" while trying to access the tool

Missing configuration in transaction SICF. Information under "Additional customizing checks > a) Define ICF Services | Activate ICF Services" in this blog.


          c) No results in S/4 even that the upload was successful

Both tab "General And Additional Data" + "Connectivity Path" should be filled. Otherwise, no real results will appear in S/4 even that the tool is confirming the upload as successful.



Thank you for your time. Please feel free to comment and add any information or impressions you might have.

Cristian Cafure



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  • SAP OSS notes



  • SAP help

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