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The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship that exists between a DCM Debt Set and an enforcement action. These new entities within S/4 Hana essentially act as an adapter or bridge between the worlds of CRM and PSCD. The new capabilities of the Debt Set and Enforcement actions means that complex transactional processing can be managed by one order object entities with the added benefit of linkages to financial processing where appropriate.

Debt Set

A Debt Set entity has been introduced which essentially acts as a container to group like fica items for a specific debtor together. A debt set may also be categorised by utilising the concept of a debt set type.
Debt Set Configuration

If a debt set object is to be utilised in the S/4Hana landscape there is a certain amount of configuration that is required, namely, defining a debt set type and a number range to be utilised by the debt set type.
Debt Set Number Range Configuration

IMG Path Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable > Business Transactions > Dunning > Dunning by Collection Strategy > Debt Collection Management > Define Number range for Debt Set Type
Purpose In this Customizing activity, you define the number range intervals for debt set types.

Debt Set Type

IMG Path Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable > Business Transactions > Dunning > Dunning by Collection Strategy > Debt Collection Management > Define Debt Set Type
Purpose In this Customizing activity, you define debt set types. Debt sets group liabilities to handle them together in the context of debt collection management.

Debt Set Persistent tables

  • DFKK_DCM_DS_H     – Debt Set Header

  • DFKK_DCM_DS_I       – Debt Set Items     

  • DFKK_DCM_DS_CLS – Debt Set Classifications

The details of the debt set header and Items are shown below in diagram 1.
@EndUserText.label : 'Debt set header'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC
@AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
@AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A
@AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
define table dfkk_dcm_ds_h {
key mandt : mandt not null;
key debt_set_number : dcm_debt_set_number_kk not null;
debt_set_type : dcm_debt_set_type_kk;
debtor : dcm_debt_set_debtor_kk;
description : dcm_debt_set_description_kk;
protection : dcm_ds_protection_kk;
lifecycle_status : dcm_ds_lifecycle_status_kk;
collection_strategy : strat_cm_kk;
collection_step : step_cm_kk;
created_at : timestamp;
created_by : uname;
changed_at : timestamp;
changed_by : uname;

@EndUserText.label : 'Debt set item'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER
@AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
@AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A
@AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
define table dfkk_dcm_ds_i {
key mandt : mandt not null;
@AbapCatalog.foreignKey.screenCheck : false
key debt_set_number : dcm_debt_set_number_kk not null
with foreign key dfkk_dcm_ds_h
where mandt = dfkk_dcm_ds_i.mandt
and debt_set_number = dfkk_dcm_ds_i.debt_set_number;
key opbel : opbel_kk not null;
key opupw : opupw_kk not null;
key opupk : opupk_kk not null;
key opupz : opupz_kk not null;


Diagram 1

Enforcement Action

An example for an enforcement action could be say a wage garnishee which encompasses all of the customer's outstanding receivables. In such an example all of the debtor's existing debt sets would be assigned to the wage garnishee enforcement action. Note: It is also possible to assign a debt set to more than one enforcement action.

A new enforcement action object is available in the S/4Hana system and the existing one order framework can be utilised to process the enforcement action. A new standard transaction type of  DMEA has been delivered and the details of the standard template can be seen in diagram 2.

Note: Never modify the standard transaction type DMEA. If variations are required to the standard then copy the standard DMEA transactions to a custom transaction type and then make configuration changes. There are many CRM blogs on how to create a status profile or action profile.
Enforcement Action Configuration

IMG Path Service>Transactions>Basic Setting>Define Transactions Types
Purpose In this Customizing activity, you define transaction type


Diagram 2

Enforcement Action Persistent Table


@EndUserText.label : 'Enforcement Action Header'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC
@AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
@AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A
@AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
define table crms4d_dmea_h {
key include crms4s_key_h not null;
include crms4s_dmea_h_orderadm_h;
include crms4s_dmea_h_ea_h;
include crms4s_dmea_h_partner;
include crms4s_dmea_h_dates;
include crms4s_dmea_h_orgman;
include crms4s_dmea_h_status;
include crms4s_dmea_h_incl_eew_ps;

Relationship Diagram

The diagram below(diagram 4) demonstrates the relationships between a debt set and enforcement actions. The persistent table that realises the linkages between an enforcement action and a debt set is CRMS4D_EXT_REF(diagram 3).

@EndUserText.label : 'Customer Mgmt Add-on S4: External Reference'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #EXTENSIBLE_CHARACTER_NUMERIC
@AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
@AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A
@AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
define table crms4d_ext_ref {
key include crms4s_key_i not null;
key counter : crms4_ext_ref_counter not null;
include crmt_ext_ref_ext;


Diagram 3


Diagram 4


Diagram 4 articulates the following:

  1. A debtor[BUT000] can have many different debt sets[DFKK_DCM_DS_H]

  2. A debt set is associated with one debtor

  3. A debt set can have many debt set items

  4. A debt set item is linked to one fica item.

  5. A debt set can be linked to many different enforcement actions

  6. An enforcement action belongs to one debtor

  7. An enforcement action can be linked to many different debt sets

The following tables explains the physical realisation of the business object in the above model and their relationship to other business objects.

Business Role Explanation Physical Table Relationship
Debtor This debtor represents a customer under debt and collection management system. BUT000, BUT0ID A debtor can have many Enforcement Actions as well as many Debt Sets
Enforcement Action A container used to keep track of collections. CRMS4D_DMEA_H A debtor can have many enforcement actions and an enforcement action can be linked to activities via a doc flow.
Enforcement Action link to Debt Set A container which links and the DCM enforcement action to debt set. CRMS4D_EXT_REF An enforcement action can link to many different debt sets and a debt set can link to many enforcement actions.
Debt Set A container used to collate face items. DFKK_DCM_DS_H A debt set is link to one debtor, a debt set has many fica items and a debt set may link to many different enforcement actions.
Debt Set Items A container used to group fica items for a debt set DFKK_DCM_DS_I An item can only belong to one debt set.
Activity A one order container used to record activity. CRMS4D_ACTV_H An activity can be linked to an enforcement action via a doc flow.
Doc Flow A container used to store linkage between enforcement actions and activities. CRMD_BRELVONAE Represent an association between two one order (orderadm_h) objects.
FICA Document A PSCD object which hold the financial document header details. DFKKKO A PSCD header document linked to the document items.
FICA Items A PSCD object which holds the BP items associated with a financial document DFKKOP A fica Item has a 1:1 relationship with a debt set item.

CDS View Showing Data Linkages

The relationships between enforcement actions and debt sets can be represented using CDS view. In diagram 5 we can see how CDS interface views have been created and how associations have been established between relevant entities.
For example the CDS view ZI_DEBTSET can be seen to have associations _dsItem, _dsEALINK, _dsDEBTOR and the CDS view ZI_EA has the associations _eaDEBTOR and _esDSLINK.


Diagram 5


The details of the CDS are shown in Diagram 6.
@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Interface View of Debt Set'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZI_DEBTSET
as select from dfkk_dcm_ds_h

association [1..1] to ZI_DS_DEBTOR as _dsDEBTOR on $projection.Debtor = _dsDEBTOR.Partner

association [0..*] to ZI_DS_ITEM as _dsITEM on $projection.DebtSetNumber = _dsITEM.DebtSetNumber

association [0..*] to ZI_DS_EALINK as _dsEALINK on $projection.DebtSetNumber = _dsEALINK.DebtSetNumber

key debt_set_number as DebtSetNumber,
debt_set_type as DebtSetType,
debtor as Debtor,
description as Description,
protection as Protection,
lifecycle_status as LifecycleStatus,
collection_strategy as CollectionStrategy,
collection_step as CollectionStep,
created_at as CreatedAt,
created_by as CreatedBy,
changed_at as ChangedAt,
changed_by as ChangedBy,



@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Interface View of DebtSet Items'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZI_DS_ITEM
as select from dfkk_dcm_ds_i

association [1..1] to ZI_DEBTSET as _itemDS on $projection.DebtSetNumber = _itemDS.DebtSetNumber
key debt_set_number as DebtSetNumber,
key opbel as Opbel,
key opupw as Opupw,
key opupk as Opupk,
key opupz as Opupz,

@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Debt Set to Enforcement Action'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZI_DS_EALINK
as select from ZI_DEBTSET as ds
inner join crms4d_ext_ref as ea on ea.reference_number = ds.DebtSetNumber


key ea.objtype_h as ObjtypeH,
key ea.object_id as ObjectId,
key ea.number_int as NumberInt,
key ea.counter as Counter,
key ds.DebtSetNumber,
/* Associations */

ea.objtype_h = 'BUS2000294'
and ea.reference_type = '0011'

@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Interface View of Debtor'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZI_DS_DEBTOR
as select from but000 as bp
inner join but0id as id on bp.partner = id.partner

association [0..*] to ZI_DEBTSET as _debtorDS on $projection.Partner = _debtorDS.Debtor
association [0..*] to ZI_EA as _debtorEA on $projection.Partner = _debtorEA.Debtor

key bp.partner as Partner,
id.idnumber as crn,
id.type as idtype,
bp.type as Type,
bp.bpkind as Bpkind,
bp.bu_group as BuGroup,
bp.bpext as Bpext,
bp.bu_sort1 as BuSort1,
bp.bu_sort2 as BuSort2,
bp.source as Source,
bp.title as Title,
bp.xdele as Xdele,
bp.xblck as Xblck,
bp.augrp as Augrp,
bp.title_let as TitleLet,
bp.bu_logsys as BuLogsys,
bp.contact as Contact,
bp.not_released as NotReleased,
bp.not_lg_competent as NotLgCompetent,
bp.print_mode as PrintMode,
bp.bp_eew_dummy as BpEewDummy,
bp.remitter_ref1 as RemitterRef1,
bp.remitter_ref2 as RemitterRef2,
bp.remitter_ref3 as RemitterRef3,
bp.remitter_ref4 as RemitterRef4,
bp.rate as Rate,
bp.name_org1 as NameOrg1,
bp.name_org2 as NameOrg2,
bp.name_org3 as NameOrg3,
bp.name_org4 as NameOrg4,
bp.legal_enty as LegalEnty,
bp.ind_sector as IndSector,
bp.legal_org as LegalOrg,
bp.found_dat as FoundDat,
bp.liquid_dat as LiquidDat,
bp.location_1 as Location1,
bp.location_2 as Location2,
bp.location_3 as Location3,
bp.name_last as NameLast,
bp.name_first as NameFirst,
bp.name_lst2 as NameLst2,
bp.name_last2 as NameLast2,
bp.namemiddle as Namemiddle,
bp.title_aca1 as TitleAca1,
bp.title_aca2 as TitleAca2,
bp.title_royl as TitleRoyl,
bp.prefix1 as Prefix1,
bp.prefix2 as Prefix2,
bp.name1_text as Name1Text,
bp.nickname as Nickname,
bp.initials as Initials,
bp.nameformat as Nameformat,
bp.namcountry as Namcountry,
bp.langu_corr as LanguCorr,
bp.xsexm as Xsexm,
bp.xsexf as Xsexf,
bp.birthpl as Birthpl,
bp.marst as Marst,
bp.emplo as Emplo,
bp.jobgr as Jobgr,
bp.natio as Natio,
bp.cntax as Cntax,
bp.cndsc as Cndsc,
bp.persnumber as Persnumber,
bp.xsexu as Xsexu,
bp.xubname as Xubname,
bp.bu_langu as BuLangu,
bp.gender as Gender,
bp.birthdt as Birthdt,
bp.deathdt as Deathdt,
bp.perno as Perno,
bp.children as Children,
bp.mem_house as MemHouse,
bp.birthdt_status as BirthdtStatus,
bp.partgrptyp as Partgrptyp,
bp.name_grp1 as NameGrp1,
bp.name_grp2 as NameGrp2,
bp.mc_name1 as McName1,
bp.mc_name2 as McName2,
bp.crusr as Crusr,
bp.crdat as Crdat,
bp.crtim as Crtim,
bp.chusr as Chusr,
bp.chdat as Chdat,
bp.chtim as Chtim,
bp.partner_guid as PartnerGuid,
bp.addrcomm as Addrcomm,
bp.td_switch as TdSwitch,
bp.is_org_centre as IsOrgCentre,
bp.db_key as DbKey,
bp.valid_from as ValidFrom,
bp.valid_to as ValidTo,
bp.xpcpt as Xpcpt,
bp.natpers as Natpers,
bp.milve as Milve,
bp.nuc_sec as NucSec,
bp.par_rel as ParRel,
bp.bp_sort as BpSort,
bp.kbanks as Kbanks,
bp.kbankl as Kbankl,
id.institute as Institute,
id.entry_date as EntryDate,
id.valid_date_from as ValidDateFrom,
id.valid_date_to as ValidDateTo,
id.country as Country,
id.region as Region,
id.idnumber_guid as IdnumberGuid,
id.bp_eew_but0id as BpEewBut0id,



@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Enforcement Action'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZI_EA
as select from crms4d_dmea_h
association [0..*] to ZI_DS_EALINK as _eaDSLINK
on $projection.ObjtypeH = _eaDSLINK.ObjtypeH and $projection.ObjectId = _eaDSLINK.ObjectId
association [0..1] to ZI_DS_DEBTOR as _eaDEBTOR on $projection.Debtor = _eaDEBTOR.Partner
key objtype_h as ObjtypeH,
key object_id as ObjectId,
header_guid as HeaderGuid,
process_type as ProcessType,
posting_date as PostingDate,
description_h as DescriptionH,
descr_language as DescrLanguage,
template_type as TemplateType,
created_at_h as CreatedAtH,
created_by_h as CreatedByH,
changed_at_h as ChangedAtH,
changed_by_h as ChangedByH,
head_changed_at as HeadChangedAt,
btx_class as BtxClass,
auth_scope as AuthScope,
archiving_flag as ArchivingFlag,
object_id_ok as ObjectIdOk,
verify_date as VerifyDate,
pricing_document as PricingDocument,
pricing_procedure as PricingProcedure,
header_guid_char as HeaderGuidChar,
by_dunning as ByDunning,
by_dun_laufd as ByDunLaufd,
by_dun_laufi as ByDunLaufi,
employee_resp as EmployeeResp,
debtor as Debtor,
dmea_start_h as DmeaStartH,
dmea_end_h as DmeaEndH,
dis_channel as DisChannel,
division as Division,
service_org_ori as ServiceOrgOri,
service_orgr_ori as ServiceOrgrOri,
sales_org_ori as SalesOrgOri,
dis_channel_ori as DisChannelOri,
sales_off_ori as SalesOffOri,
sales_group_ori as SalesGroupOri,
sales_orgr_ori as SalesOrgrOri,
division_ori as DivisionOri,
sales_org as SalesOrg,
sales_office as SalesOffice,
sales_group as SalesGroup,
sales_org_resp as SalesOrgResp,
service_org as ServiceOrg,
service_org_resp as ServiceOrgResp,
sales_org_sd as SalesOrgSd,
sales_office_sd as SalesOfficeSd,
sales_group_sd as SalesGroupSd,
service_team_rm as ServiceTeamRm,
service_team_rm_ori as ServiceTeamRmOri,
stat_lifecycle as StatLifecycle,
stat_open as StatOpen,
stat_archivable as StatArchivable,
stat_archived as StatArchived,
stat_error as StatError,
stat_cancelled as StatCancelled,
dmea_h_dummy_ps as DmeaHDummyPs,


Diagram 6



The article has shown how the relationships exists between enforcement actions and Debt Set within the Debt Collections Management module in the S/4Hana landscape. The new entities within DCM provide a mechanism by which receivables can be managed using the CRM foundations of the one order framework.

If readers wish to explore how linkages can be created programmatically then please refer to my previous blog:



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