Return Material Authorization (
RMA) is a transaction whereby the recipient of a product arranges to return goods to the supplier to have the product repaired or replaced or in order to receive a refund or credit for another product from the same retailer or corporation within the product’s warranty period.
IN RMA we have multiple follow up activities performed.
- 0001 – Receiving to the plant
- 0005 – Ship to the vendor
- 0007 – Direct shipment to vendor
In this blog we will be discussing about the Direct shipment to vendor, the name itself indicates that the return goods will be directly returned from customer to vendor.
The steps performed in this process
Step – 1: Create Return order with reference to the Order document.
The first step in the returns process is to create a Returns Sales Order with reference to the Original Sales Order. If the Original sales order had multiple sales items, only the items that the customer has requested for a return can be picked.
In the item selection , select the number of line items and quantities which to be done – RMA.

Click on Copy and execute, system will display the return overview screen

Enter the necessary details, the Follow up activity should be 0007 – Direct shipment to Vendor.
In the additional data Vendor & Supplier RMA are the mandatory fields to be added.
Save it, the Return order will be created.

Step – 2: Go to change View of the sales order – VA02
The returns sales order will have an ‘Approval Block’. If the block is removed, then a returns PO is created by the system automatically.
Remove the block and save the order.
Step – 3: Go to change View of the sales order – VA02
Go to the return overview tab, will display the Return Order, Return Purchase Order details.

Return PO is created.
Step – 4: Customer Refund Determination ( MSR_CRD)
In order to create a credit memo request, go to MSR_CRD – customer refund determination
Enter the Sales org and the Return order, click on execute

System will display the details

Click on the Create credit memo request

Step – 5: Create the Credit memo ( VF01)

Click on Save, credit memo will be created.

Step – 6: View Credit Memo – VF03

Step – 7: View return sales order (VA03)
If you check the return sales order and view the Returns Overview.

The processing status of the returns is still incomplete – MIRO for the Return PO to be completed.
Step – 8: MIRO for return PO

The MIRO Document will be created and blocked for the payment

Step – 9: MRBR – Release Block invoices

Step – 10: Go to display sales order – Document flow.