Have you ever experience a mismatch in the information shown in KE24 and KE30?
Sometimes this could happen prior to finalizing the month closing activities and you are in a hurry. Even this can be generated when you were trying to correct the differences by posting a reversal of some CO-PA line items and generating new line items.
This sounds complex, right?
So let's check out step by step the two cases we have.
Standard situation - posting reversal document :
- The first you will make is to identify the operation that is causing the difference. A suggestion is to make the exploration using the transaction KE24.
- Get the document number. Write it down to not lose it.

- Go to transaction KE4S00, Complete the mandatory fields and Document number. Mark test run. Then unmark, and execute it in real.

- Read the log, and double click on "Number of line items canceled". There you have the Document Number of the cancelation items.

- On transaction KE24 reviews the result. You must have zero balance between these documents. The reversal process is complete.

Post the reversal twice or more (by mistake) and How to correct it
- The function of the transaction KE4S00 can have a gap. if you execute this twice for the same document it will allow it.
- Let's use the same document from above. This document is already reversed. Run KE4S00. Read the log and you will get a new Cancelation document number.

- In KE24 review the three documents numbers we have by now. You have to realize you won't get zero balance because you ran the reversal twice.

- Delete the last document that produces the distortion. Go to SE38 and run the report RKEDELE1. Complete the mandatory fields. This document should never have been posted, so the best solution is to delete it. Run test first, then execute it in real.

- Review the three documents in the KE24 transaction. The one that you deleted is missing but that's fine. The balance is zero and you are done!

In conclusion, here you have two scenarios where you can need to use the reversal or the deletion of COPA documents. The second one is more an activity related to erase documents that had shouldn't be posted.