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Intro: Writing my 1st blog on SAP Community Network. I am writing this blog on "Scope of Availability Check" and it's impact on Production order. While doing implementation for client I come across this requirement and I thought to share with SAP community. Here I am trying my best to describe like even freshers who just started working on SAP PP module can understand this blog and configuration impacts. SAP Gurus can guide me for changes which I can take as a learning for next blogs.

This blog aim is to show how "PP checking rule" and "Scope of Availability check" configuration impacts on Production order release. Now there are number of options available in Scope of Availability check for which we can make impact on production order. But for this blog we focusing on Purchase requisition of RAW material.


Pre-requisites: Semi finish material must have Availability check as "2" in MRP 3 view of Material Master. Stock for all materials must be zero. These changes will be applicable to Availability check 2 only. As we are changing config for availability check 2 and PP checking rule. I have maintained availability check as 2 for all of my materials.



Configuration of Production "Order Controls" in OPJK for Production Order type PP01. So system will check material availability while Production order release.

Production order controls config


Check Config of Availability check "02" and "PP checking rule" in to t-code OPJJ. Here system has check on "with purchase requisition" which is future supply.

Scope of Availability config: T-code OPJJ

Now I have given Planned Independent Requirement for my Finish goods which is 100013. Then I run MRP through MD02 and my requirements are generated. Check MD04 for same. Check requirement for Semi finish Material 200003. Planned order is generated.

Material requirement list - MD04

Check requirement for Raw material 300007. Here purchase requisition is generated.

Purchase requisition for 300007

Now I am converting my Semi finish goods planned order in to Production order.

After directing to CO01 screen, check material availability. System will show pop-up for Non-availability of Materials. Means actual stock of materials is not available.

non availability of material

Now try to release the production order. Even your actual stock is 0 (check in to MD04 or MMBE) system will allow us to Release the Production Order.

Now check the production order no. generated in to MD04.

Reason for this release of production order is Purchase Requisition of 300007 material. Which we have considered in to Config.

To avoid this, we can make following changes in to config of Scope of Availability check OPJJ. Here, we have to remove the "Purchase Requisition" check from future supply. We have to keep Production "Order Controls" config (OPJK) as it is.

Changes in to Scope of Availability check config.

Now again give new Planned Independent Requirement for Finish Good 100013.


Again, take MRP run and system will generate new requirements.


Now try to convert Planned Order of Semi finish good in to Production Order and check material availability. System will give following pop-up same as earlier pop-up of non-availability of material.

Now try to release the production order. As Stock is not available, after our changes in to Scope of Availability check system will give us an error.


So basically, from PP point of view, system was considering Purchase requisition of RAW material as a Available Stock. But for actual scenario this requisition may going to cancel by any purchase manager as they feel other RAW materials can fulfil the requirement or they can use any other RAW material instead of actual RAW material.

Now consider same RAW material we are going to use. But Now Production Planning user is releasing production order so he/she will expect from system that system should give real time stock check. So, their process will be smooth thoroughly.

This is use of Scope of Availability check in to this scenario.


SAP Gurus please give your suggestion.
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